‘Cry Baby Sour’ Laing Misled The Nation! What a SHAME!


laing-copy.jpg<<< Zhivargo Laing, minister of state.

The Nation could not be more disappointed. On Thursday evening in the House of Assembly, Hubert Ingraham (THE BALD HEAD MONK) broke tradition and allowed his political son, Zhivargo ‘Cry Baby Sour’ Laing to give his contribution on the Mid-Term Budget, just after opposition leader Perry ‘Pussy Cat’ Christie’s.

Laing lectured members of the PLP seated on the opposition side. He chided PLP parliamentarians for their failures in the one term Christie government. He admonished all members of his government to, do what they can to advance the cause of the people of the Bahamas whilst they’re in office.

The comeback kid’s speech was a stellar performance for the MP who had endured much suffering over the last year. Laing was clouded with the SCANDAL of MONA VIE. He was accused of breaking of the laws of the Bahamas, causing the tariff on the drink to be reduced for his sister-in-law. Laing was not allowed to speak during the 2008 Mid-Term Budget. And PLP members did not REMIND HIM ABOUT THAT as he found strength once again!

Then Laing battled for his seat in the election court against former Senator Pleasant Bridgewater. Laing won, and Bridgewater is now still in court for another matter. Preacher Laing must be a raising political gladiator. No one can seem to stop him, catch him, trip him down or cause him to resign. It appears at every corner he slips out of his captures hand and rises again and again.

His performance was so well presented that it caused Ingraham to stand to his feet and shook his hand, telling Laing he was very proud of him. With FNM MPs SLAMMING tables and praising Laing at the end. One FNM MP shouted, “THIS MUST BE THE ‘A’ TEAM!”

The the PLP side had a different picture. They all sat quietly like school children taking a lecture from a college professor.

As Laing came to the conclusion of his speech, he decided to fling a rock outside the House, which landed on Bradley Roberts, the former minister of works. Laing charged that in a communication delivered by BTC executives to him, that the former PLP minister in charge of BTC, was involved in scheme to hire PLPs at the corporation, just before the May 2nd general elections.bradley-roberts-min-of-wor.jpg

Laing said, that the Bahamas Telecommunications Company document shows that former minister Bradley Roberts as minister gave specific instructions to BTC officials to hire people chosen by his PLP colleagues just before the May 2nd, 2007 general elections.

What was interesting here however is that the junior minister LAING proceeded to suggest that Roberts cherry picked persons [PLPs] to fill these vacancies at BTC.

Laing’s information was wrong in this. “CRYBABY” LAING HAS MISLED THE HOUSE and the COUNTRY! Meanwhile, reporters repeated Laing’s charge, without researching the points he presented.

Who remembers when Christie shuffled his Cabinet on February 21st, 2006? When that Cabinet shuffled commenced, Bradley Roberts was removed as minister with responsibility for BTC. Marcus Bethel assumed ministerial responsibility for the Corporation. And B. J. Nottage became Minister of Health. That transition of Cabinet portfolios commenced almost one year and a half before the general elections. Roberts in fact would not have had any ministerial authority to hire anyone at BTC. But here once again, LAING carried out his script as written with Ingraham’s ink late into the night, and not a PLP budge to defend their former colleague Roberts.

None of the PLPs called for Laing to withdraw his statements, nor did Christie stand to defend the attack against one of his own. Members of the WUTLESS MEDIA also continued the LIE against Roberts. Well, we don’t expect much from them! They don’t know who was the minister with responsibility for BTC today, so imagine before the elections? And based on the communication presented, NOR did LAING!

Roberts should demand an apology from every member of the WUTLESS MEDIA or SUE The Morning Dailies IN THE COUNTRY FOR their negligence. LAING MISLEAD THE COUNTRY AND USED Roberts NAME IN THE PROCESS! The press never checked the information, but as agents for the FNM, they reported just what Hubert gave them to report. THEY WUTLESS ECH?

PLPs will soon learn, and learn quickly that they will be in opposition for a very long time, if they continue to allow LAING, Ingraham and ULTIMATELY the FNM (the “A” = ARROGANT TEAM!) to get away with ‘POLITICAL MURDER’!

monster-hubert.jpgPeople in this town are HUNGRY, UNEMPLOYED, CANNOT BUY MEDICINE, and ARE LOSING THEIR ENTIRE SAVINGS along with their homes. The last thing they want to hear is what happened in the last five years of the PLP. No wonder why every move the FNM makes, they’re wrecking this country! They keep looking behind whilst the nation drives forward into HELL’s parking lot!



  1. This is a prime reason why I refuse to waste my precious time watching those hypocrites in action in the HOA. They never seek to deal with the issues at hand. I am so tired of seeing such crooked, low life, cry baby dress up in coat suits talking bad about other people, when Peter isn’t any better than Paul. While he is so busy dredging up other people’s skeletons, why he don’t pull out his own at the same time? If you can’t do that, then you ought not to be pointing fingers at anyone.

  2. If I had a direct line to any politician I would be happy to provide them with my thoughts. But since I don’t ,you have given me an instrument to do so. The above was not necessarily for the politicians but for the contributors to this blog. We spend way too much time trying to be right about what our side does and not enough holding all elected members’ feet to the fire. You want a change and so do I and we have to let them all know what those changes are. Anyway I’m off to slumberland. Pleasant dreams to all.

  3. @Joe Blow
    But Joe, tell Laing that not us on this blog. We are not debating nor denying which party does hiring before elections. But it was Laing who stood up in Parliament and told members that the FNM, DON’T GO THAT WAY!

    He suggested that the FNM does not hire persons wearing the FNM political hat. And that might be true especially now that there are no jobs around. But we all know for sure they (THE FNM) does FIRE. Even some of their own was recently caught in the line of FIRE!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. Why don’t we all just agree that both parties play the political game of hiring workers just before the elections in an effort to garner votes. After being elected they put their major supporters in positions of power as a reward for their efforts. It is wrong, whoever does it. Each side continues to try to make the other side look bad and we keep giving them license to do so by carrying on in these blogs instead of working as a body to get them moving on the pertinent issues confronting the country. It is the old “divide and conquer.” No doubt about it we are being distracted. So lets stop playing their game. Do you not find it somewhat amusing that party supporters get all insensed about non-important issues while the “boys” in the House go out for food and drinks and are the best of friends?

  5. This is a formal document prepared by the board of directors of BTC. This very document was tabled by Bradley Roberts to inform parliament of the decision made by the BTC board. This initial document had no names of politicians on it, so the speculation will continue about who entered those names.

    My feeling is that the presentation by Laing lacks credability because it is coming out of the FNM, the same crew who hired more than 300 persons in Feb 1997, just before the elections. The FNM again hired some 300 persons in April 2002, just weeks before the general elections (both times on delegated authority, a legal instrument of government they declared to be improper and illegal in June 2007). At the end of the 6 weeks contracts, the workers approached Christie outside the cabinet office and Christie agreed to regularize their employment status. They were brought on as permanent and pensionable employees. Additionally, some 200 persons were hired by BTC just weeks before the 2002 election. I think Bradley kept them out of compassion. He did not think it was right to spite or hurt the employees because of the politics of the FNM.

    All in all and in light of the sequence of events, Laing essentially made a moot point that lacked credability by the informed citizen. It was an exercise in hypocrisy and a waste of parliament’s time.

    On a final note, many of the employees hired by the PLP between 2002 and 2007 were terminated by the FNM. In that sense the PLP was a better government.

    As much as the FNM tries to smear the PLP and distract the Bahamian people, they cannot deny the politically motivated hirings that took place just before the general elections of 1997 and 2002 at their direct instructions.

  6. @Joe Blow
    Joe Blow now I agree with you on that. Sometimes when we swing the ax their way, they want Bahamas Press shutdown. One thing I can agree with you Joe Blow, Finley and some others who support the FNM, You all have never called for our head. Nor can I remember seeing any of you mentioned for a shutdown of the site. BUT THEM WUTLESS PLPS? Don’t touch them and they want drown us. And worse if we touch Christie. I agree with you on this point. And I assure you Joe, we don’t care how many a them crabs come on here, LET them KNOW, we have the right FIRE FOR to BOIL, Bake or Grill them CRABS!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  7. One of the problems I see on this site is that the PLP bloggers don’t want any dialogue but that which supports PLP propaganda. The grasphic rhetoric is quite picturesque but shows the inferior mentality of some of that party’s followers.

  8. JR :So Finley, Vargo showed you something eh? YOu and your dumbass need to get real. Why is this even a story when the outrageous unemployment numbers should be? why your boy the juiceman ain’t talkinga bout that and why aren’t you talking about it. Its the highest its been in 15 years! I heard the propaganda piece they had on ZNS on Friday with the beach clean up people. Well muddo! your party is so desperate, you will do and say anything and from your post, it seems that people like Finley will also believe anything.

    JR dont even stress yourself about Finley. He/She is being paid by Ingraham to come on this site and defend those losers. Dont waste your time. Finley’s head is stuffed so far up Ingraham’s derriere that he passes flatulance for him. Sorry to be so graphic but I’m sure you got my point.

  9. So Finley, Vargo showed you something eh? YOu and your dumbass need to get real. Why is this even a story when the outrageous unemployment numbers should be? why your boy the juiceman ain’t talkinga bout that and why aren’t you talking about it. Its the highest its been in 15 years! I heard the propaganda piece they had on ZNS on Friday with the beach clean up people. Well muddo! your party is so desperate, you will do and say anything and from your post, it seems that people like Finley will also believe anything.

  10. There are no hand written notes attached to the document Finley. Go get a copy from the House of Assembly!

  11. JR, not even former Minister Roberts is denying that he was responsible for BTC from jump, so what are you going on about? Minister Laing is right, and you and Media are wrong. There are hand written notes attached to the ducument according to the Minister that are clearly penned by the Minister. Do we need a hand writing expert to satisfy you and others? Again, Bradley Roberts himself has not denied the substance of the reports, he just trying to blame BTC managers which is comical in the extreme.

  12. Drama King I totally agree with you.Stay focus on the issues of the day and I don’t mean the talk show. agin I say stay focus.

  13. Thomas Finley and Joe Blow…..instead of talking trash please go and advise YOUR FNM GOVERNMENT that we are NOT STUPID and we know when people are trying to distract us from what is going on in this country. The FNM has a HORRIBLE track record for this term in office and it needs to rectify that and stop using PUPPETS like ZHIVARGO LAING to run on about things that happened with the PLP in the past….ESPECIALLY when the person in question is NOT in Parliament to defend himself. Ingraham’s tactics only work on the IGNORANT of this country. The REST OF US are ON TO HIM!!!!

  14. Did anyone notice that this dog and pony show was the headline on Friday and the papers buried the fact that unemployement the highest rate since Ingraham was Prime Minister the first time in a Saturday paper? Who read the papers on Saturday anyway? All this serious business and what they print? Yeah Call It and Thomas. Try and say this ain’t no deflection. Even Joe Blow would have to agree that the priorities of the papers and the FNM are screwed up.

  15. I forgot, Media, you got this one from the PLP site so they can’t be that wutless or maybe they learn they lesson from your story last week eh?

  16. Finley, the thing you keep forgetting is the same thing Laing forgets. You can say one thing and people can check for themselves and find out the difference. I must admit, I read Media’s story and after a lot of weak pieces, I thought this was one of his better pieces because he captured the scene properly, including the lie. BTC was under Bethel as a part of his energy and utilities portfolio as far as I can remember when Perry shuffled his Cabinet. If I am not mistaken, Bethel also had control of the PUC, which regulates the utilities so it makes sense that he would also be responsible for BTC. Perry oversaw the sale, so that part is right but Media is correct. They tabled a document that was computer generated, carried no signatures or anything that conclusively identifies the author. Thats like me saying the author of this site is PLP Admin because he uses a term that Media also uses. That makes no sense and anyone with mush for brains would know that A, a good politician would never commit something like that to writing, much less file it, and B, anyone can write something on a computer, print it on letterhead and say it came from anyone. I won’t speak for the PLP MPs but imagine if you are in their shoes, waiting to hear a serious statement from the Minister of Finance, and then he runs on with this sh@$#, . Wouldn’t you be shocked speechless too? Wouldn’t you be surprised to the point of saying nothing if a jackass like Laing would be talking that foolishness, using bogus “evidence” when the country’s economy is in the tank and he nor his boss can do anything other than tell us what we already know? No wonder they had nothing to say Media and I agree with you. Not one soul in the Media did any kind of researching to find out who was the Minister nor did anyone of them bothered to get copies of the documents and publish them. Why not? If they’re tabled, doesn’t that make them a part of the record and therefore public? Media, I hope you work on getting these so called documents and publish them here so that Hubert worshipers and the other Red sheep like Call It can see how this stupid stunt is fooling nobody but them and the other fools too stupid to think. Yeah Call It, I know you come here to drop your one and two and run back to BI where you are the man. LOL. See, I could connect dots too.

  17. I was interviewed for the lead story on this issue the Guardian on Thursday, and Alfred Sears spoke directly to this threat and what we should be doing. This is very very serious and the government really has to take note.

    I read where this speech was refered to on the PLP website, but what was posted were attacks against the FNM. Where are these brilliant suggestions?

  18. I watched the house as the revelation took place and for a group of people like the P.L.P who like to heard, they sat there and not a peep was heard. They were shellshocked and speechless once again. BJ could only ask for the document to tabled. Some of those whose names were called was sitting right there and did nothing to defend themselves.

    That was not the action of an innocent man. If it was me and my name was called and I was innocent, I would defend myself. Everyone have a problem with Laing speaking out, but not a word is said when Frank Smith tries to do the same thing in the house everytime he has the chance. A good example is that Customs entry form he failed to table and had to withdraw his remarks.

    Politics is not dead in this country, this is all politics.

  19. What a contradiction in this article!
    “The Nation could not be more disappointed.”
    Followed by:
    ” The comeback kid’s speech was a stellar performance.”
    ” His performance was so well presented.”
    ” The PLP side…..all sat quietly like school children taking a lecture from a college professor”.
    Was a poll taken to see if the nation was disappointed? I certainly wasn’t. He reported on the status of his ministry and on what they had undertaken for the year and what still remained to be done and how much was still left in the kitty. And yes he did answer to the remarks made by some of the previous speakers on the opposition side. One of his responses had to do with a former minister and his transparancy or lack of same in the matter of hiring just before the last election. And we hearkened back, in our mind, to the “infamous”, “off the phone hook” conversation the gentleman? had with his secretary. You see when Thomas Moore, so inaptly brought up “his proof” in his presentation and then was at a loss to substantiate it, one knew there would be repercussions. That’s politics for you and often it consists of childish retaliation.
    Some blogger wrote, “The last thing they want to hear is what happened in the last five years of the PLP,” How true! Just as a lot of us are tired of hearing about the “nothingness” that the FNM did in their ten year tenure as well as “how they should have, could have, should be doing it now.It’s a womder with what clarity one sees when on the Opposition side of the House. ON this site, let’s stop playing into this game of politics perpetuated by both sides and make some realistic, real life suggestions as to how we can help ourselves to move our country forward. If we don’t take the lead and demand of those we pay that they do their job we will be talking about this same nonsense 5, 10 15 years from now!

  20. You know, this is exactly what SICKENS me about the FNM. Someone needs to tell Mr Laing (my Christianity keeps me from calling him something else) that we are living in the present. Every week we go back and forth with the FNM regurgitating the past and the so-called failures of the PLP. Someone needs to tell Hubert and his cronies that they haven’t had a single and fruitful idea in the nearly two years they have been in power. I don’t get it! And unfortunately, neither does the present government. The FNM has too many things to do to keep Bahamians and the Bahamas afloat in these uncertain times. They don’t have time to be sitting in The House of Parliament talking about what was. Bahamians care about WHAT IS and WHAT IS TO COME!!! So tell Mr Laing, just like the man he is, his speech was weak! We aren’t dealing with “Conchonomics” here. Job losses, crime rates, poor standards in education, etc are what we face as a nation. Tell Mr Laing the next time his “DADDY” gives him a moment in the spotlight, to try and shine!!!

  21. I think that some shame belongs to Mr. Laing for abusing the MPs privilege in the HOA to pick on a retired private citizen who does not have the same privilege. There is a reason for everything. Mr. Laings empty sensationalism is wearing thin the more times he does it. The last time he was in the HOA actually crying. New faces are not needed in the PLP as much as a new attitude and those two things are not always synonymous. That shocked you then I guess you are easily shocked.

    The FNM is playing the PR game of “make us look good byt making them look bad”. If people do not stick with the issues then the CHANGE that everyone is crying for will not come because we will keep going back and forth.

  22. BP I don’t know why, but I still watched with shock, how the PLP MPs sit down and get beat up and say nothing. When one of theirs is being attacked they say nothing. They are truly helpless and hopeless. What a shame!! PC and the chairman say they the only ones who can speak and yet they say nothing. They are too busy plotting against each other so they like it when one of them is being shamed. Why don’t they understand that when one looks bad all look bad. I am sure that they can do better. Hopefully after convention we see some new faces and the backs of the leader and chairman!!

  23. Connie :
    Mr. Finley real.y come now if the FNM would like to start a mud slinging contest with the PLP it would take all day. Because basically both governments do the same thing. The FNM has a better way of hiding their dirt and that PLP always same to want to take the high road for some reason. Here is what really concerns me I have started reading the STOP TAX HAVENS BILL and it is serious. This one is not going to be fixed with a fax. I really do not care what happened in 2006, this is 2009 and we gat big big problem which are these that FNM government are proven to ignore and leave for the next guy to deal with.

    I was interviewed for the lead story on this issue the Guardian on Thursday, and Alfred Sears spoke directly to this threat and what we should be doing. This is very very serious and the government really has to take note.

  24. Mr. Finley real.y come now if the FNM would like to start a mud slinging contest with the PLP it would take all day. Because basically both governments do the same thing. The FNM has a better way of hiding their dirt and that PLP always same to want to take the high road for some reason. Here is what really concerns me I have started reading the STOP TAX HAVENS BILL and it is serious. This one is not going to be fixed with a fax. I really do not care what happened in 2006, this is 2009 and we gat big big problem which are these that FNM government are proven to ignore and leave for the next guy to deal with.

  25. Marcus Bethell was never responsible for BTC Media, it was always Roberts, with Chritie responsible for the sale of BTC. But we know that PC is a pussy cat, so Roberts was always running the show, thus the Blue Water deal. Roberts think we fool? Name the Senior managers who asked for the staff increases Roberts!

  26. What wonderful theatrics Mr. Laing but at this time we dont need to hear or see the mud slinging. Instead of taking all of that time to prepare such a theatrical performance I would admonish you to take the same amount of time, energy and passion to address the economic and financial situation of this country my great Minister of Finance.

    The PLP has been out of power for a very long time. The focus is not them it it you. Forget the misdirection. I didn’t vote along the red lines for this kind of response and answers to our crisis.

    Kevin Mckenzie, I’m with you on this one. the FNM must realize they are the ones in government NOT the PLP. From what I can see the PLP is dead politically so ignore them and get on with the people’s business. What is done is done my great FNM party.

  27. I think that this story did not have to be true because it was meant to be shocking and dramatic. That is why they chose to accused someone who is not a member of parliament because the story would have time to make headlines and permeate in people minds before a rebuttal or statement was made against it. And of course the mainstream press almost NEVER does any research into their stories so for an entire day this story got air. This outburst by Laing did exactly what they wanted it to do deflect attention from them and what they are not doing. Rome is burning and that king is smiling to make us all think that he has everything under control, when he doesn’t.

    The opposition would have made these worse if they had gotten up and that time to refute without proof they would have looked like crybabies and given some credence to Zhivargo Laing. Now it is up to them because the press beside you will not do it to PROVE Mr. Laing dead wrong has he usually is. You have to admit the FNM suck as a government but they have excellent PR.

  28. This man 10/45 continues to make an ***… of himself.The only thing Bahamians want to know is how the Govt is tackling the present crisis.Showboating will not put bread on our tables or wipe the tear from every eye.As was pointed out previously Obie Wilchombe wants bi partisanship and scurrilous attacks like the one launched by 10/45 only widens the schism.The PLP needs to understand that the campaign for 2012 has begun and since the FNM Govt is not seeking any Commission of Enquyiry this time then unsubstantiated attacks like ones 10/45 are noted for will continue.THe Abaco dragon hates Roberts with a passion and it is obvious he would do everything to discredit him and any other he disagrees with.When the house next meets hopefully the opposition will demand a withdrawal of the misleading statement.

  29. Roberts Responds to Sick and Unfounded Allegations

    Published: Friday March 6th, 2009

    In response to the sensational claim by Junior Minister of Finance, Zhivargo Laign that he improperly oversaw the hiring of staff at BTC along political lines, former Minister of Works the Hon. Bradley Roberts issued the following statement condemning the allegations. You may read the full text of Mr. Roberts’ statement below.

    Press Statement By Bradley B Roberts former Minister of Works & Utilities On Claims of PLP Favoritism at BTC March 6th 2009

    I have read the front page story in this morning edition on the Nassau Guardian wherein it disclosed that Jr. Minister Zhivargo Laing told Parliament last evening that as Minister responsible for BTC I gave instructions to hire PLP supporters in 2007.

    The Basis for the Jr. Minister’s vicious and unfounded accusation appears to be a three page typed internal document of BTC which the Jr. Minister sinisterly conveyed was penned by me that gave specific instructions to BTC officials to hire persons chosen by my PLP colleagues.

    I categorically deny that I gave any such instructions and robustly condemn the Jr. Minister for his unfounded, unsubstantiated and sick allegations. The Board Minutes of BTC will affirm that approval was given to employ some 100 person mainly entry level positions following requests from Senior Managers to which Minister’s approval was given in 2006. The vacancies were advertized internally and externally.

    To the best of my knowledge the selection process was open and transparent and the successful applicants were qualified. Jr. Minister Laing failed to tell Parliament and the Bahamian people that it was the FNM Government who just before the 2002 General Elections hired some 200 persons at BTC on six month contract. I gave approval to regularize these persons without fanfare. Perhaps the press will ask the Jr. Minister if the process was open and transparent.


  30. The best speech for the future and alternative ideas to govern was Alfred Sears. Unfortunately he did not get much press as this is not what people are interested in reporting.

  31. If laing’s speech was about the financial empowerment of Bahamians or how to reduce our national debt or the divestment of state assets to Bahamian hands i would have called it masterful.However it was about trivial events compared to the increased unemployment and the cost of living.I would like to know how a type/computer generated statement with no signature could be allowed by the speaker to be laid as evidence of mr.Roberts hiring plps?Bahamians are increasingly suffering from high blood pressure and strokes due to financial worries.

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