Clarence Town resident questions Renward Wells’ decision to sign a Letter of Intent after his years of knowing how Government Works!


Dear Editor,

I welcome your page to my community here in Long Island. Online is the way we read news across the world and your page is a breath of fresh air when it comes to news.

Here in this quiet community I hope to share with your page some ideas for the country, however, I want to address these developments involving the Letter of Intent [LOI] now engulfing the newly appointed Leader of Opposition Business.

I agree with Bahamas Press’ conclusions that Mr. Renward Wells cannot serve in that office and should be further probed by the agencies of the state. Sadly, this now also brings into question the judgement of Dr. Hubert Minnis who knew that Wells would have been a problem for the Party.

How could Mr. Wells sign the LOI having his vast experience and knowedge in the Ministry of Works as a technical officer? This alone confuses my mind and now questions his honesty. For him to have signed such a Letter of Intent proves the level of corruption that has infiltrated our public systems. And here’s why:

1) Mr. Wells is a seasoned Government Worker….of more than 20 years!

2) In the past he never executed a Project without knowing that a Cabinet Conclusion existed!

3) Did he have a Cabinet Conclusion in hand before he signed that LOI?

4) What is it that made him act without a Cabinet Conclusion?

These are important question for Mr. Wells to explain and his party to address. After all, it was Dr. Hubert Minnis who laid on the House these concerns.

I from my Clarence Town desk now want clear definitive answers.

You continue to report BP and we around the country will decide!


E. Charlton