PLP Leader Philip Brave Davis MP presentation on 2017/2018 budget


Hon. Philip Brave Davis – Leader of the Opposition.

Nassau, Bahamas – Hon. Philip Brave Davis MP
Member for Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador
Leader of the Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition
On the Occasion of the 2017 – 2018 Budget Debate
House of Assembly made on 19th June 2017:

I rise on behalf of the good and resilient people of the great constituency of Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador. As in all things I first give thanks to Almighty God for all of His many blessings. I repose absolute faith and confidence in Him and endeavor to cause my words, thoughts, and actions to please Him.

I have had the humble pleasure of bringing Cat Island’s voice to this Place for five non- consecutive terms beginning with the By-Election in January of 1992; Rum Cay and San Salvador were later added at the General Elections in August of that year.

My constituents have consistently believed in me. They have trusted me to come here to advocate on their behalf and, for that trust, again I pledge to work diligently on their behalf so as to prove myself worthy of their continued support.

Before I address, what I consider to be an egregious issue, I take this opportunity to thank my wife Ann Marie and our children, who have stood by me without faltering. Public service can be very hard on personal relationships as it calls for many acts of selflessness. I thank them for cheering me on, no matter what.

Mr. Speaker

I would be considered negligent if I do not immediately address an issue that pertains specifically to those whom I represent.

Last week, the Member for Elizabeth made his contribution to this debate. When he referred to my constituents, he enumerated them and assigned percentages to their value.

Mr. Speaker

When we speak here, we must, by the tenor of our conversations, ensure that benefit comes those that we represent.

The Side Opposite is now charged with governance. Very early, they must learn that the 80 people in Rum Cay – the 72 in Ragged Island – the 700 in the Berry Islands – all have the same rights accruing to them as those who live in New Providence…


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