BTC Working to Fulfil the Great Commission – Company donates $24,000 to help those in need


BTC gives the Love to the community!

• iVolunteer extraordinaire, Brenda Hall provides a bag a grocery for an elderly lady.

Nassau, The Bahamas. August 21st, 2017. We are our brother’s keeper.” These were the sentiments expressed by Interim CEO Dexter Cartwright as BTC gave $24,000.00 to the Great Commission Ministries. The funds will assist the ministry with providing hot meals to thousands of persons in need for two years. BTC also donated an additional $2,500.00 to purchase one hundred bags of grocery.

“BTC has partnered with the Great Commission Ministries for more than a decade now. We usually provide the organization with an annual donation during the Christmas period, allowing them to spread cheer and hope. We realize that there are many people who are hurting in this country, and sometimes the small things matter so much. In addition to our donation, members of our iVolunteer team visited the organization and gave parcels of grocery. Our investment will span across two years with monthly donations to the organization. We are humbled by the work that Mr. and Mrs. Hanchell have been doing in the country for almost three decades,” Cartwright continued.

The ministry began in 1987 and this year it is celebrating its 30th anniversary. Elder, Minnalee Hanchell runs the Great Commission with her husband and co-founder Bishop Walter Hanchell. Elder Hanchell described the way the organization works. “Our clients come in for grocery packages, and apart from feeding, we do a lot pertaining to youth and we also assist with providing shelter for men, women and children,” she said.

Elder Hanchell expressed her gratitude to BTC for the $24,000 donation. “We are very excited about this donation from BTC because it has come at a time of great need. We see the down turn of the economy and the increase of clients coming in, so many people are in need of food and we don’t like to turn anyone away. It’s a joy to be able to provide what they need. This is really a great help we want to commend BTC for their concern for the less fortunate, not just toward the Great Commission but to the nation as a whole and we are very grateful.”

BTC iVolunteer, Mrs. Brenda Manzella-Hall, said she is happy to volunteer with charity organizations whenever she can. “I love what we at BTC are doing with the community, helping the less fortunate, feeding the needy and the elderly. What we are doing with Great Commission Ministries is so touching to me because this is in my community. It is an honour to help them, to hug them, to shake their hands and to give them a smile and encouragement.”

Great Commission Ministries volunteer, Joshua Archer said he is helping out for the summer until school re-opens. He said that he first started helping out as a pre-requisite for school community service, but now helps out whenever he has the chance to. “I’m here to learn from the people who have a passion to do this, so that when I get older I can be able to help others too, by doing the same thing.” Archer helps out at the center daily and assists with cleaning the kitchen, stocking items and the distribution of goods.

BTC remains committed to all Bahamians and investing where it can to ensure a bright future for us all. The BTC iVolunteer Program has touched many areas in the country including the Elizabeth Estates Children’s Home, the Old Bight Missions Home in Cat Island, the Children’s Home in Andros, the Children’s Emergency Hostel, the Gambier Community and the Lowe Sound Community in Andros to name a few.

Team BTC iVolunteer. Left to Right. Daniel Spence. Ajna Darling, Indira Collie. Ulean Clarke. Matthew Moxey. Brenda Hall and Elder Minalee Hanchell.

BTC volunteer Matthew Moxey assists with grocery distribution.