Robbers leave a trail of their terror at a school and another business establishment this morning…


The BANDITS ARE AT THE GATE – They got off with $2.4m in Thompson Trading safe!!

Robbery at Thompson Trading where thieves got off with a safe holding $2.4m in valubles.

Nassau, Bahamas – Last night and early this morning criminals appear to be having a field day in this town.

This morning there was an armed robbery at Thompson’s Trading and Temple Christian School!

According to a report some five (5) gunmen robbed, bound and gagged two (2) security officers at Temple Christian School. The bandits then proceeded to Thompson Trading where they took the Security officers’ vehicles, gained access to the Building; before leaving behind one heap of litter and mess.

This morning another crew took possession of the vehicle of Anglican Bishop Laish Boyd and robbed his sons and driver as they head off out the Bishop’s residence around 7:30AM.

The Anglican Bishop was out of the country at the time of the incident.

What kind of monsters are these walking up and down in the capital?

We report yinner decide!