Leader of the Opposition on the Lack of Transparency over remaining Council and Committees Appointees


Hon. Philip Brave Davis – Leader of the Opposition.

September 3rd, 2017

During the Prime Minister’s National Address two months ago, he announced his intentions to appoint an Ease of Doing Business Committee, a National Economic Advisory Council, and a special committee to advise on state-owned enterprises.

We have received information that appointments have already been selected for the Ease of Doing Business Committee and they are already undergoing a cross government consultation process. The current government ran on the ideals of widely cherished values of transparency and openness in government.

Why would the government fail to disclose such critical appointments, allowing them to work in the shadows and under the cloud of darkness, shrouded in secrecy? This government says it is committed to a political philosophy of transparency but practices secrecy over its political appointments and other policy decisions.

This government will be held accountable for the merits and demerits of their promises and the rights of the Bahamian people to know. We are calling on the Prime Minister to publicize the appointees to the mentioned committees and councils.

Two weeks ago, the National Congress of Trade Unions of The Bahamas called on the government to disclose the names of the individuals who would populate the various committees and councils. The Official Opposition does the same today.

We also hope the Prime Minister will move beyond partisan politics and avail hinself of and capitalize on the valuable information, thorough analyses, and informed public policy positions developed by the National Development Planning Unit in the Office of the Prime Minister.

Such demonstated political maturity by the Prime Minister in the governance of our country will avoid duplication of efforts in addition to saddling unnecessary and burdensome costs on the shoulders of the tax payers.