Minister responsible for Frank Smith being charged has engaged legal counsel of a QC


Millions more awarded to Barbara Hanna by Cabinet Minister – WELL WHAT IS THIS WE LEARNING?

Virtual Witness Barbara Hanna tells more at trial involving Frank Smith.

NASSAU – The person responsible for pushing the Police to pursue virtual complainant Barbara Hanna to falsely testify against her will is running for the hills.

Hanna had told the court she had evaded police and that she was not the person to make the initial complaint.

The case was scheduled to resume yesterday when the Court was informed that Mrs. Hanna had suffered a stroke and unable to attend court. The case is adjourned to February 2018. Clearly the pressure is mounting on a person who is being forced to testify against her will.

BP has been reliably informed that the Minister responsible has engaged the service of a QC from the Legal Firm where his sister is a partner.

It is clear that the Minister now realize that despite the granting of a new bigger and fatter contract his deeds is blowing up in his face. BP says it could not happen to a nicer guy! The old saying when you try to dig one grave you should dig two for the second one can be for the perpetrator.

We report yinner decide!