Brent Symonette’s Town Centre Mall Post Office facility still not ready with some $3.5 million in renovations underway….


Leased Post Office space may not be ready until late February as post boxes have been ordered from China…

Town Centre Mall to be site of New General Post Office.

Nassau – With major works going on at the Town Centre Mall for the relocation of the Post Office, Bahamas Press is learning that the facility may still not be ready until late February.

Fighting serious structural challenges, we are learning that the renovations for the new Post Office is costing some $3.5 million even before the first team can be moved.

The government is leasing the space for some $900,000 annually in a five-year contractual agreement with Cabinet Minister Brent Symonette.

In the end of the transfer, it is still unknown what the final price will be to taxpayers. And no one is saying.

Meanwhile the boxes for the new location have been ordered from China and we still have no arrival date.

Parliament was told the new Post Office leased facility would be ready by Christmas. But, as everyone can see, these jokers does lie about the simplest things.

We report yinner decide!