Will the Government now call for an INQUIRY into the smuggling operation at the RBDF using the HMBS Lawrence Major?


The US should ban RBDF fleets until a proper protocol is established on the docking of vessels – WHAT IF OUR SHIPS ARE CARRYING DRUGS TO THE US?

HMBS Lawrence Major.

NASSAU| Bahamas Press has more following that Breaking Report this morning about Customs Officials seizing scores of items on the HMBS Lawrence Major.

We can tell you Customs Special Investigative Unit, which was tipped off about the crime by Junior Officers, seized items from lumber to washers and dryers.

BP is learning tonight that senior officers of the RBDF, along with a high-ranking former Commodore of the Force, all attempted to smuggle items into the Bahamas in a bold attempt to evade taxes on those items.

Junior officers attempted to also have their items sail into the country like contraband on some illegal sloop. However, while they were denied, high-ranking officers – who cannot uphold law if it was to save their own lives – did the unthinkable.

The Lawrence Major, the fifth in a fleet of vessels, arrived in the Bahamas 4th December, 2015. That was when Officers understood they could begin to smuggle their own items into the Bahamas.

Junior officers who snitched on the crimes, we are told, made a call via a tip hotline and alerted authorities that senior officers docked the ship in the port at the base loaded with undeclared items listed under the RBDF Commissary. But really they were the items of senior officers and at least one former Commodore. How CORRUPT! WHAT GREED!

Here are men and women, paid a handsome salary by the people of the Bahamas, as well as a generous pension. Ya mean these people are so crooked that they are ready and willing to take away our damn tax dollars, too? What a Disgrace!

You know if Minnis believed one word of what he told the world stage about corruption in the Bahamas, he would move for an inquiry into the matter and have all of the crooks, who are artists in this case, involved in the smuggling operations be exposed and handled to the highest letter of the law. But Minnis does lie and don’t believe his own promises to the Bahamian people. We hope none of the washers were for any Cabinet Minister.

Anyway. The country is drowning in corruption. The high-ups on the RBDF ducking Customs and cheating the system. And perhaps soon the Lawrence Major, after seeing what officers know they can get away with, will be dropping off illegals in Florida using one of those same Defence Force vessels!

This act cannot go unpunished!

We report yinner decide!