UB Provost leaving to pursue new opportunities

Dr. Linda A. Davis – US PROVOST

After serving as the first Provost of University of The Bahamas (UB), Dr. Linda A. Davis is leaving the institution to explore new opportunities.

Dr. Davis began serving as Provost in October 2016, just before UB’s charter on 10th November of the same year. Her extensive higher education experience includes working within and across cultural contexts to facilitate higher education partnerships with institutions in North America, the Caribbean, United Kingdom, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. As Provost she has led advances toward a grounded research tradition to balance the UB’s strong teaching and service footprint.

Over the past three years, UB has increased momentum in academic excellence, research engagements and internationalization. Impending graduate programmes connected to the national research agenda and priorities have been further developed; the Office of Sponsored Research & Grants has been established; and critical education conversations have focused on addressing systemic challenges and curriculum gaps, while bolstering workplace skills. The establishment of the Faculty-Led International and International Visiting Scholars Programmes; expanded and renewed Memoranda of Understanding and reinitiating semester abroad opportunities have been integral to an enhanced academic experience.

Under Dr. Davis’ leadership, the former Academic Board evolved firstly to the Transition Academic Senate, and then the Academic Senate, an entity mandated under the University of The Bahamas Act, 2016. Additionally, faculty appointments, assessments and development processes and procedures have been optimized; comprehensive reviews of academic programmes have been initiated; the transition to Carnegie-approved contact hours completed; and academic inputs to facilitate the effective implementation of Banner, Degree Works and Elevate are well underway.  In addition, coordinated efforts were launched to improve academic support services through task forces on Advisement; First-Year Seminar/Experience; Student Feedback on Faculty Teaching Effectiveness and the General Education Core.

“As I leave University of The Bahamas, it is my hope that university constituents, as well as public and private sector partners with whom my office has worked, remember my role in leading efforts that have had and continue to have the potential to influence national development.  I honour the dedication and commitment of administrators, faculty, staff and students alike.  UB is a special place and the people are truly extraordinary.  I wish the Board of Trustees, President Rodney D. Smith and the entire senior administrative team, and my academic colleagues in particular, all the best as they engage this next phase in the University’s development,” Dr. Davis noted. 

UB President Dr. Rodney D. Smith added, “I am deeply grateful for the work that Dr. Davis has been able to initiate and complete during her tenure as the University’s first Provost. Dr. Davis and I have known each other, professionally, for many years. I have pledged her my continued support for her future endeavours.” 

Prior to her appointment as Provost, Dr Davis served in various senior administrative positions in higher education. She is a former Dean of International Programs and Partnerships at Wheelock College in Boston, Massachusetts, and a former Vice President of Academic Affairs and Vice President of Research, Graduate Programmes and International Relations at The College of The Bahamas.

Dr. Davis’ term as Provost concludes at the end of August 2019.