Not a Cabinet Minister or The Speaker attended the funeral service of Parliamentary Channel DGM Colin Trotman today!

Hon. Halson Moultrie – Speaker

Nassau| Not one Cabinet Minister or the Speaker of the Parliament Halson Moultrie attended the funeral of the late Colin Trotman, ZNS former Deputy General Manager in charge of the Parliamentary Channel today. The former production man died two weeks ago of a heart attack.

His former colleague Pakesha Parker though did along with Mark Humes, but not one member of the Cabinet of the Bahamas or the Speaker of the House showed any kind of respect to the family of the late programmer. What a disgrace!

Opposition Leader Philip Brave Davis Q.C., Sen. Fred Mitchell and MP for South and Central Andros Picewell Forbes attended the home-going service at the Bahamas Faith Ministries International. 

After almost 40 years at ZNS Trotman died at 57.

Boy, I tell ya!

We report yinner decide!

Showing appreciation for his service to the work of Colin Trotman was Leader of the Opposition Hon. Philip Brave Davis Q.C. along with Senator Fred Mitchell and Picewell Forbes. Decent Rome Italia Johson former Speaker of the Parliament also attended today’s funeral.

Trotman oversaw the production of the Parliamentary Channel and worked tirelessly late into the early morning hours for many years to ensure the broadcast of Parliament went without a hitch. The House Speaker Halson Moultrie clearly didn’t see any value in his labour. How Sad!