These are not normal times and the State of Emergency should have been declared in the north following Hurricane Dorian…


PM Minnis set to address the nation tonight – Let’s Hope the BPL lights stay on because the world will be listening!

Former Prime Ministers Rt. Hon. Perry Christie, Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham, and Dr. The Most Hon. Hubert Minnis.

NASSAU| Last week BP called for former Prime Ministers Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie to be invited to join a national effort to encourage global appeals for the salvation of the northern Bahamas and jumpstart international funding across the world to help Bahamians get back on their feet.

The Prime Minister The Hon. Hubert Minnis should adopt his own message to Bahamians and invite the two Right Honourable Gentlemen to begin their work to help Bahamians recover from this deadly, destructive and disease-creating disaster. But all we hear is crickets while Grand Bahama, Abaco and we add New Providence sits in darkness.

The Police Act of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas also suspends all leave of absence and vacation time for all officers in times of national emergency, national disasters and war.

No one has reminded the PM Minnis that, right now, sitting home, doing absolutely nothing, are eight of his finest senior officers, who are paid by taxpayers every month while on VACATION LEAVE. THEY ARE ALL STILL SERVING THE COUNTRY [but at home] AND STILL HAVE THEIR RANKS and the country should apply the law and call those boys in. [We ga shake our heads on that right there]. Each one of those officers is highly skilled and trained in the management but what we are doing? WE ARE IN WAR-LIKE CONDITIONS – and yet – the men of valor are not invited to follow the law and assist the nation in this time of danger and despair.

No wonder looting has gripped Abaco. The police are not inspired or properly utilized by their present command. The same could be said for a Senior Officer placed on leave in the RBDF – all due to politics.

PM Minnis will address the nation tonight and we will see if he has heeded to any of this sound advice. He claims this is NO TIME FOR POLITICS! Well, we will see if the PM takes his own advice.

We report yinner decide!