Ambassador Siegel Confirms Bahamas Press Report



The eloquent and competent Rubie Nottage (inset) vindicated after an attack by the Bahamian media and their foreign influence after her appointment to the Supreme Court bench became public. Both Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham and opposition leader Rt. Hon. Perry Christie endorsed Mrs. Nottage appointment.

Nassau, The Bahamas – Just a few weeks ago a vicious attack against Rubie Nottage spun in the ‘Wutless Media’ of The Bahamas denouncing her appointment to the Supreme Court bench. Bahamas Press at the time following after our investigations in Boston, concluded that the Nottages should sue the Guardian and Tribune for the unwarranted attack.

On Sunday past US Ambassador Ned Siegel told listeners on the radio talk show Parliament Street, the following, “…to my understanding from the Department of Justice, based on my information, (no) continued proceeding on behalf of her.”

After that statement everyone should be asking the question, who gave the ‘Rag Sheet’ that lying claim that Mrs. Nottage is a fugitive and cannot travel to the United States? The Guardian’s article went further to suggest – with their nonfactual report – that their hidden ‘United States official’ said that Mrs. Nottage is still considered a fugitive.

When we contacted the United States AG office in Boston, not only to our shocking surprise did the case files no longer exist, but the case number, had been purged from the records system. Yet the careless media in The Bahamas from ZNS, to The Tribune and the Guardian, all stole stories from one another dragging the good name of this decent Bahamian [Rubie Nottage] into the mud of their careless reporting.

Bahamaspress still strongly believe the Nottages should sue those entities mentioned and teach them the lesson, that before you write a story do your research first. Then come to the public with what is true and correct.

Now we know why papers are stacked high as hell on the shelves in this country late into the evening.

Today Mrs. Nottage was sworn in as a member of the Supreme Court bench. We at Bahamas Press shout a loud, CONGRATULATIONS!


  1. I really and honestly don’t know anything about the man other than the fact that he was once chairman of the FNM. That is it.

  2. BP what are your views on Elliott Lockhart sitting as a Supreme Court judge?

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