Five senior ACPs of the RBPF set to return to be appointed Head of Security at various Government Agencies –


Letters delivered to officers make them Security Guards overnight!! Even the police are being victimized – contrary to the Police Act!

NASSAU| Five high-ranking senior officers of the Royal Bahamas Police Force have all received letters confirming appointments to head up the security in Government Agencies throughout the country.

Assistant Commissioners Clayton Fernander, 54, Theophilus Cunningham, 54, Ashton Greenslade, 54, Ken Strachan, 52, and Leamond Deleveaux, 54, all received letters back in March from Police Commissioner Anthony Ferguson, advising them to go on vacation leave.

Bahamas Press now understands the officers have all been appointed to government agencies upon their return to active duty. Interestingly, the Police Act does not provide for any such transfer of high-ranking officers to be assigned outside the RBPF.

One of the letters assigned one of the ACPs as Head of Security at the Williamae Pratt Centre for Girls. What in the hell is dis?

After all the disaster with Hurricane Dorian and after the serious questions of witness and evidence interference in the political persecution cases, one would believe it should be welcome to return credible senior officers back to the Force. 

By arranging to let this kind of experience and expertise leave active duty, it is clear that someone is seriously and dangerously threatening the very fiber of our democracy and interfering in what should be the efficient operations of the Royal Bahamas Police Force. It is no wonder Abaco collapsed into violence and looting following Dorian.

We report yinner decide!