So Health says the man who boarded a Bahamasair flight was not COVID19 positive? – FAKE NEWS OR CONSTRUCTED LIE?!


Why they ran the risk to tell the lie and have the PM communicate it? How could BPL spend $90 million to deliver to taxpayers blackouts?

PM Hubert Minnis aka Da Competent Authority and Minister for Health
Miami Consul General Linda Treco-Mackey

NASSAU| The scandal with that returning Grand Bahama passenger, who it was reported to have tested positive for COVID19 upon returning to Grand Bahama has been one great distraction for the country while everyone sat in darkness on New Providence.

Late Tuesday evening, the Ministry of Health said via a statement, “…the Grand Bahama passenger previously reported as COVID-19 positive has tested negative for the COVID-19 virus.

“The passenger arrived in Grand Bahama on Friday, 8 May, and was part of the Government’s exercise to return home Bahamians and residents who were still abroad due to travel restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The fake news announced by Prime Minister Most Hon. Hubert Minnis on Sunday must be the biggest LIE of late communicated to and by the chief!

As he suspended flights with returning residents to the country PM Minnis said an investigation has been launched to determine how a COVID-19 positive patient was allowed to return with the group. The persons communicating the lie to the PM took it further and added that the resident was not on the manifest at the time of the flight. The PM added, “We are investigating to see how the individual was allowed to board that flight.”

As the fear and serious questions surfaced as to how the passenger’s health and security arrangements were breached, Consul General Linda Treco Mackey, who abandoned her post and returned to the capital said, the passenger in question somehow managed to gain approval from “someone on the ground at the airport,” who was unaware that he had previously tested positive for the virus. [THE LIE CONTINUES].

She said prior to the flight the man was informed at the consulate’s office that he nor anyone in his household in Florida could travel to protect the safety of the other passengers.

Treco-Mackey added that a physician once again contacted the man the night before the flight and advised him he was not permitted to travel. But yet, he was permitted to fly? The lie was given legs this time.

Well, now the country knows the entire report by the PM was a lie, and according to the Ministry of Health the claims that the passenger was positive is not true, because miraculously, he is negative. Ah boy! The games the wicked play. What a distraction!

To more serious news: All across the island of New Providence BPL went black. Generators were running for hours and summer is upon us. BPL, you should know, has spent more than $90 million to purchased new generators which suppose to take us over the needed power capacity on New Providence.

The generators were installed and for days now – even after telling us blackouts were a thing of the past – after much investment the island is experiencing island-wide blackouts continue while residents are in lockdown. You cannot make this up!

Do you think someone should be fired for all these rolling blackouts after spending those millions? Or should we be worried about the distractions/ The FAKE NEWS or – THE LIE – about how someone boarded Bahamasair plane like a terrorist (not on a manifest and warned to not travel because he had tested positive for COVID19) which we are now learning was all untrue. A hoax, a tale an untruth!

We really have to get focus on the things that affect us and forget the lies and those who tell it!

Will someone be fired for this PM? Or will you give da gal a pass?

We report yinner decide!