Kay Forbes Smith gets new second office space while Bahamians looking for jobs and food!


Head of the DRA gets new Car, Second Housing, and Second Office in Nassau thanks to PM MINNIS!

This is how problems does start right here. Former Senate President K. Forbes Smith.

NASSAU| While the nation stands in a STATE OF EMERGENCY every day with lockdowns and food rations, we are learning Prime Minister Hubert Minnis has ordered the construction – inside of the OPM – of an office space and staff for Kay Forbes-Smith, who leads the Bahamas Disaster Reconstruction Authority.

The new office will be supported by staff and the team. Well, BP was in the office space inspecting it today and we want Minnis and Forbes-Smith to know we believe the office should be fitted with a camera.

You should remember how Forbes-Smith when as Consul General in Atlanta lived high like a hog on the Bahamian People. And well we all remember how that ended.

Forbes-Smith we are understanding will also now take charge of the FNM RAPID RESPONSE GROUP inside the OPM as Brent Dean could be headed to another place within the Government!

Boy, when we at Bahamas Press start looking deep into our GARBAGE CANS, OBAN ga be a joke.

We report yinner decide!