Ret. Police Officer turned Anglican Priest Fr. Addison Avledon Turnquest aka “The Ayatollah” passes…

Fr. Addison Avledon Turnquest aka The Ayatollah

NASSAU| Retired Police Officer turned Anglican Priest Fr. Addison Avledon Turnquest aka “The Ayatollah” passed away around 3:09am this morning…

He was a great preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ who served as Associate Priest in St. Gregory Anglican Church,Carmichael Road.

A native Long Islander Fr. Trurnquest made his journey into the priesthood overseeing the construction of several parishes within the islands.

Today he is before his God and Creator whom he worshipped, celebrated, believed and served these many many years. He is with him now in that glorious eternal kingdom where God Is King!

Today we offer special prayers to his wife, children and grandchikdren. We also pray for his Anglican Chirch family expecially those at St. Gregorys.

Rest Eternal Grant Unto Him O Lord! AMEN!

Mr. Philip Brave Davis Q.C. reads the scripture during the mass at the home of (now the late) catechist Hartman Moncur. Fr. Addington Turnquest celebrates the mass.