Health Workers refused to report to work after Minister paid his driver and personal secretary $5,000 and abandoned frontline healthcare workers!


Bahamians forget how Wells gave order to FIRE Bahamians at BAIC in 2017!

Health Minister Renward Wells.
Prime Minister, Dr. the Hon. Hubert Minnis lost on the management of the country.

NASSAU| Bahamas Press is now of the view that whenever OUTGOING Prime Minister Hubert Minnis holds his meeting with Renward Wells the only thing he should ask for is his letter of resignation. But we doubt that will happen. Minnis is CORRUPT and has sheltered THE CORRUPT!

And this comes in the midst of a serious scandal on payments involving an honorarium promised last year to frontline Healthcare working across the country in the COVID19 Pandemic. 

The formula used to pay $5,000 to volunteers at the initial stage of the crisis somehow went sideways and we now believe some money went south in this exercise.

Most importantly, BP scanned the list shared with us and showing up was key actors, who is Judge Jury and Executioner in this exercise.

At Parliament on Wednesday, Minister Wells told reporters “We said it would be up to $5,000 and not that everybody would get $5,000 but it would’ve been up to.

“I understand the smallest amount that folks would’ve received would’ve been around $1,000 but the government allocated some $3m to that effort and all those who were designated by the healthcare sector to be so entitled were given what was due them.”

So what again was the criteria for Minister Wells to pay his driver, who, by the way, is also his first cousin, and his personal secretary $5,000? This is insane. 

But do you recall that there was a report that before Wells left Agriculture, his driver was given Crown Land?

One observer to these events writer and political influencer Gorman Bannister placed the question this way, “The question I ask is if the cousin in Health that got an honorarium is the same person that was his driver in Agriculture?

“Now that doesn’t mean that Wells got a part of the honorarium, but if there is a connection between the two circumstances across these two ministries, it just may be a part of a BIGGER PICTURE. So I’m not concerned about a shot in the dark of $10,000; I’m lying in wait to see if there’s a web of Ongoing Larceny and that’s the door I’ll knock on to say Hello to Wells hiding on the inside.”

And all this is happening while technicians and others who served and volunteers who assisted in the initial stage of the pandemic were not paid! Why were these people ignored? Who has their money?!

And if that is not enough, a closer inspection of the pay sheet provided to Bahamas Press proves that EMS drivers on Nassau were paid more than EMS drivers on Grand Bahama with both having provided the first responder service to assist COVID19 patients. Why was one group paid less than the other?  

On Friday EMS Drivers on Grand Bahama were to be paid some $1,158.40, but after all the commotion and ruckus on BP over the scandal, Health has delayed the payment to these workers hoping the matter will subside. Well workers withdrew their labour from the hospitals there and the PM is mute to step in and resolve this SERIOUS CRISIS UNFOLDING IN HEALTH!

On Sunday Dr. Mercilline Dahl Regis come out to the press to discuss vaccines and the spread of COVID19. But many of the real questions in health were never entertained! The political leadership needed at this most critical time was absent. And somewhere hiding in the tall grass the current political leadership is evading the machete of the health workers disgust!

Anyway, we ga report and let yinner decide!