The Education Minister concedes defeat in South Beach and leaves the country on October 2nd just days before Parliament opens October 6th…

While Minister Jeff Lloyd SLEEPS!

NASSAU| One Cabinet Minister has already conceded defeat at the polls and has booked his official family vacation during the Opening of Parliament.

Education Minister Jeffery Lloyd has booked his 27 day vacation outside the country beginning on October 2nd, 2021.

Parliament reconvenes on October 6th, a date reported by BP less than 24 hours before it was announced on Bahamas Press.

Sources tell BP the South Beach MP was hitting the ground on a Sunday, which in Bahamian politics is an insult to disturb voters on their day of rest.

LLoyd, however, was seen yelling loudly in the road like a man who lost his marbles as house after house in the constituency refused to open their doors. 

Several Cabinet Ministers are still in shock that a snap election date was called by OUTGOING PM Hubert Minnis. BP warned the voters from October 2020 that we are headed for an early General Election.

We report yinner decide!