Young girl and cousin escapes jail after breaking the legs of her ex-lover…Look what justice in the Bahamas looks like!

Young boyfriend beaterJoycelyn Chriswell

NASSAU| Is justice in the Bahamas blind? We are asking this question after a magistrate released a young gal who savagely beat her ex-lover and broke his legs following a violent incident on January 6th, 2022.

Crazy gal Joycelyn Chriswell had invited her ex-lover to her Eastwood Home at which time her relaxed lover was violently held down and beaten.

Her lover was cooling out in her bed when all of a sudden Chriswell and her cousin David Wallace appeared from nowhere with a baseball bat and began beating the hell out of the man.

Chriswell held down her ex-lover as her cousin beat the man bloody with the bat. As he became weak the crazy gal and her dumb cousin together beat the man to a pulp.

Now BP wonders if roles were changed and this was a woman would this be reported differently in our society? 

With both legs broken somehow the ex-lover escaped the violence. On April 26th before Magistrate Samuel McKinney both Chriswell and Wallace pleaded guilty. They were both ordered to pay a $1,000 fine or face 9 months in prison. And both were ordered to pay the victim $1,500 each or face additional time in prison. 

So it is clear now you can beat your lover black and blue (man or woman) and just pay a fine – despite the long road to recovery left in the wake of the violence. WHAT IS THIS?

We ga report and let yinner decide!