Coleby-Davis speaks to Woman of Worth Movement’s ‘The Whole Woman Conference’

Minister Jobeth Coleby-Davis along with women at a Women’s Conference this past weekend.

NASSAU, The Bahamas —  Minister of Transport and Housing the Hon. JoBeth Coleby-Davis addressed the Woman of Worth Movement’s ‘The Whole Woman Conference & Retreat 2022,’ October 6, 2022 at Church of God Convention Center.

In her remarks Minister Coleby-Davis stated: “There are still some quarters of Bahamian society where women are not treated ‘equal.’  In those instances, we must not ‘small-up ourselves.’  While we must treat each other with respect and kindness; we must not let the views of others dictate who we are and how we should feel.

“I make no apologies for being confidently humble in who I am. I make no apologies for being a young person and I make no apologies for being a woman.

“To persons who have a problem, I say very simply, ‘Get Over It.’ ”

She continued: “Women of Worth Movement and Women of Distinction, what are we waiting for?  We do not need the permission of anyone to be great. We were born great. Therefore, when we step into a room or any space for that matter, we must confidently, graciously, and humbly own it.

“We must take control of our future and our destiny now. As John Legend once said, “The future started yesterday, and we’re already late.” Let us be bold and courageous.

“On a very significant note, this year marked the 60th anniversary of the first woman – in the person of Ruby Ann Darling, to register to vote in The Bahamas. How many of us in this room, today, know that women represent the single largest voting bloc in The Bahamas? YES, we ARE!

“We are powerful!  We are strong! Women of Worth Movement and Women of Distinction, as I take my seat, let us go forth with the knowledge that we are mighty and that our future is bright.

“Let us go forth, with the understanding that we must support, and build up each other.”

She concluded: “As stated in Matthew, ‘You are the light of the world. Like a city on the hilltop that cannot be hidden.’ ” 

Event Speakers: Minister Coleby-Davis, Pastor Clarice Thompson, Pastor Cleopatra Williams, Dr. Yvette Mesidor-Thimothee, Min. Cedericka Pratt, Dr. Melisa Hall, Min. Sherka Brown, Quetel Deveaux, Simmone L. Bowe, Ashley Darling, Duquesa Dean, Erin Brown, Min. Bernadette Turnquest.