Prime Minister Davis listened to teachers and students as S C McPherson Junior School today…

PM Davis greeted by students of S C McPherson Junior High.

PM Davis: When I entered S.C. McPherson Junior High School’s auditorium today, I saw a building full of bright young students who were right where they belonged. Too many of them were not in school a year ago, and it was a priority of mine to get them back in the classroom. Our Find Every Child Programme spanned multiple ministries and worked with our educators to help these kids see the hope and opportunity within these walls.

I’m grateful for the leadership and passion of Minister Glenys Hanna Martin, the teachers, the administration, and the community members who showed up for our children and fought for them to return. And I couldn’t be prouder of these kids for their perseverance.

It’s not easy to return and recover after the pandemic, but you’re doing it. I want every single one of you to know: I believe in you. We’re in this together.

PM Davis chat with students today.
PM Davis welcomed by Education Minister Glenys Hanna Martin.
PM Davis sat and listened with educators at S C McPherson Junior High today.