Bahamas on Bush Drug List Again!



Drugs seized in this file photo.

U.S. President, George W. Bush, has named four Caribbean nations as major drug transit countries.

Bush, in the release of the ‘Major Drug Transit Or Major Illicit Drug Producing Countries For Fiscal Year 2009,’ report, again identified The Bahamas, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica in the Caribbean as the key transit points for narcotics into the U.S.

David T. Johnson, Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, told the media yesterday that the presence of a country on the Majors’ List signifies that by the President has determined that the country has ‘failed demonstrably’ in its narcotics fight.

But Bush insisted that appearing on the list does not necessarily mean governments are not trying to stem the flow of illegal drugs or are not cooperating with Washington.

Meanwhile, the President lashed out at Bolivia and Venezuela, which have been at odds with Washington. Bolivia and Venezuela made the U.S. list released Tuesday with Bush stating that the two nations and Burma ‘failed demonstrably’ during the last 12 months to make sufficient or meaningful efforts to adhere to the obligations they have undertaken under international counter narcotics agreements.

‘The Venezuelan Government’s continued inaction against a growing drug trafficking problem within and through its borders is a matter of increasing concern to the United States,’ stated President Bush. ‘Despite Venezuelan assurances that seizures have increased, the amount of drugs bound for the United States and Europe continues to grow.’

This is the first year that Bolivia was added to the ‘majors’ list. The U.S. yesterday charged that ‘President Morales continues to support the expansion of illicit coca leaf production, despite the fact that current legal cultivation far exceeds the demand for legal traditional consumption and exceeds the area permitted under Bolivian law.’


  1. Well said Bolo !!! Well said !!!

    I also agree with Media about the new PLP leader. I think that should go for the FNM as well.

    People are sick and tired of seeing the same old Hot Air people in Parliament. Let some fresh blood come in and turn this country around.

  2. We should be proud of our efforts in counternarcotics so far for 2008. Lets keep in mind the US is headed towards presidential elections in November. History shows while approaching US elections, they always see fit to muddy waters which they were fishing in and benefiting with good catches. I say no worries.

    I would like to see more Engineers and Service Base Professionals enter Politics. The Lawyers and Doctors have clearly demonstrated to us, they are only interested in their EGO (Edge God Out).


  3. That is a question I refuse to answer at this time. But to put some questions to rest, I nor anyone who contribute to this BLOG would say that Obie Wilchcombe is a person that should lead the PLP. In my personal view is should be an OUTSIDER. A DARK HOUSE, someone not in the current political machine. That should be the person. Someone with a FRESH VOICE TO ISSUES and who is untarnished by the word SCANDAL!

    All I want is CHANGE! And from what I see that VOICE IS ME AND YOU CONNIE!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. media, who do you think should be the next PLP leader, if they as you say Get Rid a Christie.



    3) GET RID A CHRISTIE! We said that before, but its worth mentioning again!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  6. Thats just wrong!! But the point is that the Opposition needs to start acting like the Opposition and do something about instances like this one.

  7. Sorry for being off-topic, but does anyone else think that it is downright disgraceful that after having a 2 month summer break, Parliament met today for a little over an hour while the PM read two communications and then adjourned until Monday! Come on man the FNM really need to do better than this. Tommy was on talking about the full agenda they have for this session that will run well into December, but they already taking a break. They had all summer to prepare. Although they only met for a short time, they still found time to trample on the rights of the opposition. Alfred made a motion on a point of order while Ingraham was speaking, to which it was decided that he could speak after the PM was done. At the close of the session, the Speaker promptly walked out of the House leaving Sears standing and not giving him a chance to speak.

  8. WOW! I agree with you, we should not treat this like the end of the world. You are right the US must do their part too, they are only focusing on drugs being transit through the carribean, but not the final destination. They ought to be doing more!!!

    I see your point clearly.

  9. Kim by accepting this, I don’t mean that we don’t try to stop it, I mean that we don’t act like it is the end of the world when we are put on these lists.

    Answer me this anyone, how come the US has a “list” of the top transit countries, but has no list of the top DESTINATION countries? I guess we all know who would head that list. Without demand, there would be no supply.

  10. We must never accept this!!!! I agree we are in the perfect location for this type of illegal operation, we must remain determine to combat their efforts, by enhancing our security measures. No boats, planes or whatever should be able to dock or land anywhere in our country without being screened for illegal substances, weapons or human smuggling. We must train our officer to think like these dealers and to determine ways put a stop to these illegal activities. Once they have become familiar with their pattern, they would be more advance to deal with these criminals. If we accept this because of our location, it means we have given up and it will be sending the wrong message to people who are interested in this type of activity. I know we will not catch vessel, but let’s continue to try.

  11. The US can’t police their own borders with a population of millions but want us to do something. I agree that as a nation we must accept that due to our geographics, there is nothing we can do. It is only the FNM, and only when they are in opposition, that try to make it out to be a government problem.

  12. I agree with Beenie as due to our location to the Drug consuming country of North America where an insatiable appetite seems to exist we have to accept our regular rating.However our Drug laws must be enforced and the notion that this country is a Nation For Sale must be dicouraged at all cost.Kim our location and square miles of Islands though difficult to navigate can benefit from citizens who do not turn a blind eye to the perpetrators of this nefarious trade .

  13. The sad thing about it, with the high unemployment rate that currently exists in our country today; I don’t believe we are coming of the drug list anytime soon.

  14. Beenie this is something that needs to be addresses, what it is saying, we need to beef up our security measures, so drug are not pass through our country so freely.

  15. I donot see where this is some big news. We in the The Bahamas will always be on this list much because of our location.

  16. This is so unsatisfactory. Hopefully one day we can come off this list and stay off.

    Men in this country (and others) need to learn how to make an honest living and set good examples for their sons and daughters and stop killing our people with drugs.

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