More workers at the Bimini Bay Resort sent home



Empty resident homes at the Bimini Bay Resort forced operators to suspend more workers at the property. 

Bimini, Bahamas: Workers at the Bimini Bay Resort were sent home this week and told to check back at the resort in November as operators struggles to keep the resort open due to the global downturn.

Bahamas Press has learned that workers at the resort’s restaurant were dismissed earlier this month as declined visitor arrivals to Bimini have drastically declined. A report confirms that a further decision had to be made and suspend additional staff at the resort in hopes that they return later in the year.

“How are we suppose to feed our family and pay these already high BEC bills,” one irate worker told Bahamas Press upon hearing the news of his release at the resort.

Bimini residents protested against BEC earlier this week, arguing that the outrageous bills on Bimini have shut business down and have hit old age pensioners into shock, leaving many in darkness on the island.

“My bill was $485, it is only me to pay it, and I don’t get half that from the government,” a old age pensioner told Bahamas Press.

Workers cannot imagine what will now take place on the island now that the largest resort on the island is down sizing, along with other businesses closing their doors. “There is no work here, and I guess we must go back to fishing in order to survive,” a Porgy Bay resident noted.


  1. Your government keeps jacking up and inventing ne fees for visitors from the US. So they go somewhere else. We have been flying every year to the Bahamas for wacation, but this year we will go to the keys or somewhere in the US. You can fleece people only so much. Good luck to you.

  2. The problem at Bim. bay’s restaurant is that they don’t have proper title to the property and the former owners son has laid claim to it…so it’s what a tangled web we weave. Also Bimini hasn’t had a drug or human-smuggling problem in years…the d.e.a. has spies among us. Many former drug dealers who aren’t locked up are spies.This is traditionally a downtime for Bimini[the off season] but as long as the weather is good the boats come over. Last week Bimini bay and Bimini sands had tourists in. Bim.bay hired too much non-residents but the black management staff from Nassau is still working. Go figure. Stop blaming Government for everything that happens in the world and work together to try find a solution to our problems. WHERE IS OUR M.P., THE HEIR APPARENT?
    Government don’t do nothing for out islands anyway, only come round during elections.

  3. I sure that they have not send home the black english GM who had worked here in Nassau at the old Cable Beach Hotel. The ride contioues while poor bahamian are left jobless.

  4. What happened to their MP the future leader of the PLP. Just like Christie, all talk and no substance. Obie speak up for your people.

  5. Dont forget the government said we are not in recession. They are the only ones believing that along with the few people left in this country who they can get over on.

  6. Drama King, what do you know about Bimini? What illegals and drugs? Those are the thing of the past and I am not a part of Bimini Bay. You need to put the blame for this country’s hard ship on the right people and don’t try and mask the real situation. Because this administration lacks the foresight that the last had we are hurting as a nation. If the PM had not stopped the projects the money would have been IN the country when the US economy fell.

  7. I went over to Atlantis this weekend for dinner, and although there were tourist there, it was like a ghost town compared to usual. We are heading for even rougher times.

  8. Ronica7 I agree with you, but you gat to be careful. Some people on here do get mad when you say anything about the government taking charge. I don’t know what they think these people were elected for.

  9. the prime minister of the bahamas must take full responsibility for the state of the bahamian economy

    everything rise on falls on leadership
    (john maxwell)the governments stop,review,and cancel policy has caused immeasurable damage to our economy

  10. I think Bimini Bay’s main focus now is the illegal human and drug trafficking going on there.

  11. I encourage all Bahamians to learn a skill to fall back on, so when these companies starts downsizing they will not affect you. I have been working for myself for the past 1 ½ yr. Some days are rough and some days are good, realizing this I tend to put monies away for rainy days. The last job I was on downsized and I got lay off. I told myself I was not going back it was time for me to learn a trade and do something for myself. The only thing I am worrying about is losing my money, if these financial institutions close down suddenly.

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