Plenty Talk, NO Action by Government Ministry!



Up to the middle of last week despite our report on this website, this vehicle was still sitting partially in the road on Carmichael Road. After our post last week, the ministry of environment sent out this statement below.

Nassau, Bahamas – The Ministry of the Environment hereby notifies the general public that motor vehicles are not to be parked on public parks, verges and median strips. Vehicles found parked in the mentioned areas will be removed at the owner’s expense. The co-operation of the general public is appreciated.

The public is also hereby notified that effective immediately, the Department of Environmental Health Services will continue the removal of abandoned and derelict vehicles from all roadsides, verges, parks and other public open spaces within New Providence. Owners are therefore advised to urgently remove and properly secure any such vehicle(s).

The Ministry of the Environment requests the full cooperation of the public in this exercise as together it seeks to improve the environs of New Providence.

Focus on the Bahamian Environment and pertinent facts that you should know to assist in making wise decisions:

What is litter?

Any material that is disposed of in any place other than an authorized disposal or treatment facility, in other words, litter is waste in the wrong place.

Throwing waste in parks and on roads and other public places is dumb, dumb, dumb! This practice amounts to throwing money away. In 2007 it is estimated that in excess of two million dollars was spent on litter removal in New Providence. This includes equipment and staff time. The more you litter the more money it costs you to keep The Bahamas clean.

Let us do our part as responsible citizens and make The Bahamas a clean, green, and pristine environment again.


  1. Drama King: Did I imply that anyone should hire a wrecker to have the vehicle towed away? I believe I said “report it”. You stop being so negative!

  2. Joe Blow that wreckage is a GOVERNMENT problem…….the government should have this eye sore removed. Like I said stop being so overprotective of this LOSER government.

    You think as private citizens we should hire a tow truck and have it removed??? I think not !! There is a LOSER Minister of Environment that should be removing eye sores like this instead of appearing on TV every minute TALKING LOUD AND SAYING NOTHIN’.

  3. Joe what planet do you live on. Is E.T your next door neighbour? Are your grand kids collecting garbage as they pass it? Are you really a grand father? I bet your 36 -40 yrs old passing yourself off as and elderly person. We’re not fooled. Stop “Lotionin”. LOL. Real men don’t cater

  4. Each of us must take responsibility for the environment. When we see derelict cars we must report it, as BP has done. When we see garbage bags dumped on the verges, we can stop the car and pick them up. But too many of us say “I didn’t put it there so why should I pick it up?” Why not take an hour once a month and with your children fill up at least one garbage bag
    with refuse deposited by the “nasties”. Talk to your children about why you are doing it and encourage them to talk to their friends about the importance of keeping OUR country clean. Be aware that there is an environmental court that is very busy meting out fines to transgressors. I think they should add hours of community service also so the point gets across.

  5. Ronica isn’t that a SHAME? The department of environment sent a message out right after we posted that photo saying, what they doing across the country, but look at the rot and decay the Bahamas has descended to?

    Guests coming to the Bahamas can just come on Bahamas Press can see how charred vehicles are popping up all across the country night after night!


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