Priest tied up and robbed, NASSAU GONE CRAZY!



Fr. Norman Lightbourne and his family was held up in his home in the Holy Cross constituency last week. Bahamas Press has learned that three masked gunmen entered the home tied up the rector along with other members of his family as they ransacked their home. The thieves then fled the scene getting away in the priest’s vehicle.

There are reports which suggest crime is under control or down in the country, however one wonders how is it today in this country, too often one hears how men of the cloth have become the targets of criminals? If that is a sign that things are getting better, then it must be now OK to live in hell. Our police deep throat then concluded with that famous line, “Police are investigating,” YEAH RIGHT!


  1. how can I find out if a person is an actual judge?? He says he is but I have my doubts….

  2. About a month ago, a group of students chased a single student into the Principal’s office and beat the living daylights out of him right in front of the Vice Principal and the Sr. Master!!

    Another young man who was not in school uniform jumped the fence and stabbed that student and then he left the way he came… My child goes there..

    I road on Ballou hill road and the police trying their best to control those CC students…

  3. And I think the fight spilled over on Blue Hill road. Policemen and students from C.C. Sweeting were blocking up trafic for quite some time. Who said we don’t need policing at schools? Ahh oh yes, Hon. Carl Bethel

  4. Another student was stabbed at CC Sweeting Sr. today.. according to my sources on site, there were more than 5 fights that break out on the school grounds today….

    But we are going to abolish corporal punnishment.. Now I just support the law….

  5. It is such a disgrace to see the government taking capital punishment of the books. Until these crims hit there homes then they will understand how other families feel when their families are killed and robbed like the father Lightbourne and his family. Hubert in case you don’t know you are creating a monster in this country people are going to take the law in their own hands and then we will have kill for kill. The government needs to get it right or get out and it’s just a matter of time before that happens.

  6. Amen Joe Blow! Corruption is so acceptable that we are afraid to now put a stop to it for fear of offending the wrong people. Mrs. Maynard had it right. Justice must be swift and deliberate. When criminals no longer have fear of God, society begins to collapse. Something must be done and now to curb this crime rate. We must say to our brother, sister or father, if you did it, you must be punished. My father did not tolerate our names even being called in anything out of the way. He always said “If your name call, u mussie was there. And if you was there, I can’t say you wasn’t involved so you mussie know who do it.”

  7. Can anyone recalled when “poker” and his to buddies got hanged back in the 1970’s?
    There was such a quietness within the land. I was in grade 5, and trust me that made a impact in my life. I did not want to get hanged.

  8. For those who may be confused; capital punishment is the taking of the life of the perpetrator: corporal punishment is the use of “flogging” etc. to deter further illegal activity. Morehands asks the pertinent questions and I have no doubt successive governments have been asked the same. None have had the will to carry out the answers that are so obvious to some of us. We have become so grounded and/or acceptive of corruption and graft that we are left immobile. Our leaders on both sides are overwhelmed by the immensity of the problem. Further a portion of the society hold those who commit crimes as heroes. And too many of those who are charged with our safety are themselves involved in nefarious criminal activity. To lock ourselves in our homes; to say we cannot do anything to change this; to give up and say we are powerless only adds to the esculation of crime. We must stand up and fight. We good people are the majority. We must vocally and in written form demand that we take back our country. Now is the time that those who come to this site organize and begin a writing campaign (even to the newspapers) to demand what is rightly ours. The right to a crime free country and a calm and peaceful existance!

  9. Why should we care about what happens to any of us anymore? Personally, They are very lucky, if they were killed, their murderer would have been on the streets after geting bail anyway. Kill Kill and go free…Crime is not out of control, we are. It’s time to force Hubert Ingraham to hang these punks.

  10. We assure you this is no isolated incident, and the minute you give one of them officials a mic they say, “CRIME GONE DOWN?” We say yes it gone down, from a level of worse to wutlesser!


  11. Fr. Lightbourne is a very good friend of mine and It is sad that this had to happen, but my good friend was praying the whole time not only for him but for the criminals. God is real, it gave a heavy conscience to one of them that said, lets dont kill him and they left…We need to Confess and return to the Gospel. We need God in our Country

  12. Here is our dilemma – police are no longer motivated to make arrests and press charges because they know that it will take years for the cases to go to trial because there are so few judges. The criminals will be out on bail within days because of overcrowding in the prison. Then when they can go to trial, because everyone know someone in the Bahamas, inside workers are bribed to “lose” files in the court system and attorneys are paid off to frustrate the system.

    I ask these questions and cannot get answers:
    1. If there are too few judges and magistrates – why not hire more?
    2. If there is overcrowding in the prisons – why not build a bigger prison?
    3. If Bahamians are too easily bribed – why not bring in foreign judges?

    It breaks my heart to see the faces of persons being hauled before the courts are typically the poor, black nobodies who have no big families or lots of money to buy themselves out the Bahamian legal system.

  13. Sorry, it’s “corporal punishment” that will be abolished. Even so, something must be placed in its stead. Fox Hill is not a deterrent or solution to the escalating crime in nassau.

  14. Thank God the dear priest and his family are all right. Did I not hear the honourable attorney general say this week that the government was about to end capital punishment? For god’s sake, they killed a customs officers house, burnt down anothers home, a few years ago a priest was killed, now one bound gagged and robbed. what does it take for the movers and shakers of this country to stand up and notice that something is wrong. Time to get the older police officers who really did the job to come back to work or do consultation. Many of them are young and left because they didn’t get ontime promotions and have many years of working life ahead. These new ones don’t seem to know how to catch these criminals. BK and his team could bring down the crime level in no time. It’s almost christmas and the usual suspects should be monitored but, the police these days don’t even know who the usual suspects are.

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