Please click here to listen. Parental discretion is advised. This clip is Rated XXX


Bahamas Press wonders if you can guess who this is…Please click here below to listen. Parental discretion is advised. This clip is Rated XXX



  1. I hope it isn’t the Bishop. If you think he is guilty You may have just blown the case. The case is presently before the courts remember. you don’t want a repeat of “Pleasant is a Free Woman” eh?

    Just sayin

  2. That seems to be the “alleged” voicemail recording of the randy bishop (purportedly downloaded from his voicemail that was circulated some time ago) and introduced as evidence. It “appears” to be him pleading to the virtual complainant.
    In ths soundbite, the randy bishop appears to to be begging for a snuggle, cuddle, or some intimate contact, not necessarily sexual in nature.

    • “not necessarily sexual in nature” ha – did you not hear him say the words “d***” and “feel” and “p*****” – that’s about as sexual as you can get!

  3. Can someone please include the text mentioned in the audio? the audio at times are garbled but I in no way shape or form am I “disappointed, disillusioned nor distressed ” at who the individual is on tape

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