The "Snitch" Now the Nation's NEW CRYBABY, Obie Wilchcombe


obie-caybabyBahamas Press could not help but notice Obie “SNITCH” Wilchcombe tearful/painful plea in the morning daily today. “I’m in Pain” he said as he broke down and cried to a Guardian reporter. Wilchcombe could not  find his way downtown Nassau today to show his support for Pleasent Bridgewater. Why is Obie so afraid BANK LANE these days?

But as he gave his comments to the Guardian today, it was reported that Wilchcombe broke down and cried like a baby. Zhivargo Laing must be smiling today. The man who once called Laing, “CRYBABY” in Parliament is now CRYING. Obie Wilchcombe is now ‘The NEW CRYBABY”!