Major changes inside the FNM as the Party gears for Convention and Elections

Carl Bethel was fired as Chairman of the FNM.

Carl Bethel Fired as Chairman of the FNM!

A BP NEWS ALERT <<< Sources deep inside the belly of the FNM have confirmed to us sweeping changes to the candidates lineup of the FNM. We can confirm Carl Bethel will be replaced as Chairman by Michael Pintard.

Pintard is now moving around the country like a lost rolling stone. Four months ago he was in Blue Hills as the candidate. That didn’t work after FNMs resigned and turned on the young turk. He then was told to go to Bamboo Town, but he resisted as he knew the FNM will get a BIG BAMBOO put on them in that constituency.

Then he went to Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador, but the people there told him they ‘gat’ a BRAVE MAN and was not looking for any wimps. And so like the Sandilands patient he could be, with poetic justice, Pintard is lifting his tired sore foot against Carl Bethel and is being cropped-up to take the Chairmanship of the FNM! Boy Papa sure leaving the FNM in chaos.

Some have accused Bethel of burning down the leader of the Party’s office on Mackey Street. The garbage bin was nearby Papa’s office and the man who smokes like a chimney was often seen flicking ashes near the garbage tin.

Like Johnlee and Ivan, who have no balls left to run for Chairman, Bethel has come under Papa’s judicial review by the committee of one and will be axed like a tree at the upcoming November Conclave.

Carl we are told is once again shaking like a crackhead ready for rehab. His political career has been marginalized by Papa.

We can also confirm former Senator, Darron Cash, will run in the Carmichael Constituency. Desmond Bannister is now headed to North Andros. Meanwhile information also tell us the DNA is set to welcome another FNM.



    • ‘Be real’ you don’t have to be a doctor to understand this illness, there are various ads on television that describe it. I thought that what I said was very articulate so please explain “Does not understand.” Look it up, read and define my dear friend thats all. I Was only trying to say don’t be ignorant about it.

  2. Carl and his FNM colleagues have too many knots in their panties over their taking a liking to the over 100,000 Haitians roaming our Bahamaland.
    The vast majority of Bahamians are pretty darn nervous over the speedy granting of citizenship’s to Haitians.

  3. I am completely not politically driven BP, but please lets be inform and bring awareness. A sandilands patient is only a person that needs medication to treat an illness that is similar to hypetension, low glucose levels, asthma etc. So Do not define persons as such. Thanks a Mili.

  4. Carl Bethel, the man who allowed Hubert Ingraham to drop him like a bad habit. In an earlier blog i wrote, I mentioned how Carl had his nose up the Prime Minister’s *** so far .. the ‘brown stains was all over your face. Now this. Bethel, is it possible to drop any lower ? I wonder if this ‘freak of nature’ will continue to defend Hubert !! So Carl Bethel the Prime Minister did it to you AGAIN … Kicked you in ya ass and sent you from a ‘Smart-fellow’ to some you seem comfortable with .. a Fart- Smeller !!
    Have a nice Carl.

  5. BP, I live in Lizzy and have to pass through Carl’s area daily since Ingraham **** up all the roads. That DNA office there look like thats why Ingraham fire Carl, cause Carl is going to LOSE HE SEAT! Papa realize he cant have a party chairman, who failed as a Minister, and now cant retain he seat as an MP. I dont trust the DNA with my spit but they really putting carl on notice. ALL HIS GENERALS left his campaign, all he former workers, left, and now working DNA, its such a transfer that i dont trust them, its almost like the DNA really is the FNM undercover!!!!!!!!!! shhhhhh!

  6. Bethel is a born loser. Always has been and always will be. Just so slimey. Hubert goosey him once and he will get it one more time. Him Tommy and Dion gah get their last whooping and will retire effective immediately. Three guys who never made their mark on the FNM and never will. So sad

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