What's This, Government Cannot Paint the Pedestrian Crossing Anymore?


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Nassau, Bahamas: A reader of Bahamas Press brought this report to our attention. This is Bay Street, Rawson Square to be exact. And after seeing this and other pedestrian crossing along Bay Street, we asked ourselves the question, WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS COUNTRY?

The pedestrian crossings all along Bay Street are washed out of its paint. This is added with the fact that traffic lights in the area are always blinking. In the same area the Supreme Court buildings are CONDEMNED! The Churchill Building, the place where all the decisions of the country are made, is also condemned. WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS COUNTRY? THIS IS BAY STREET DOWNTOWN NASSAU, THE CAPITAL OF THE BAHAMAS!

Bahamas Press is deeply, DEEPLY disturb when we simple things like this. WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE WITH THE RESPONSIBILITY TO PAINT THE ROAD! For goodness sake this pedestrian crossing is right outside the Parliament buildings! You mean to tell us the maintenance department at the Ministry of Works cannot keep simple PAINT ON THE ROAD THESE DAYS?

How will tourist and drivers know that this is a pedestrian crossing? Or do we have to wait until a guest or school child get knocked down on Bay Street before we act? When will the maintenance people in this country GET OFF THE OFF THEIR GLUTEUS MAXIMUS AND OUT OF THE BAR ROOMS AND GAMBLING HOUSES ALL DAY, and report to work?




  1. I concur with what you say Moorehands. I just hope when things begin to improve we will remember that things are cyclical and more likely than not will take place again. Certainly my annual visitors noticed a vast improvement in the island’s cleanliness and the work ethic of those they have come in contact with. Out of adversity comes much needed change.

  2. In comparing the difference between the street painters for Bay Street and those for Thompson Blvd I would say that the people responsible for Thompson Blvd were recently laid off and just got this job so they appreciate it and actually do a great job (like the beach cleaners who I so proud of), while the ones responsible for Down Town always had their job at the Ministry of Works, as usual don’t give two hoots about it and don’t care.

    Comparing the improvement in work ethics before and now during economic hard times I have to honestly say in some ways – “Thank God for recession, it just what the Bahamas needed in order to get a wake up call”. If the end results improves customer service and very man does a fair days work for a fair days pay, we would have come a very long way.

  3. Joe Blow :
    You must reread what I wrote, Media because you and I are on the same page here. It was WOW’s contribution that inspires part of my response. The workers do not do anything without “work orders”.And where do those orders come from? Not the Minister. And adding a complaints section on the blog is a great suggestion. Just establish some parameters so we stay away from the blame game.

    A ships crew is only as good as its captain. Do you think if the Minister was no nonsense and on top of his job the workers would get away with such nonsense? If McCartney was their minister, do you think these problems would still exist? Come on man.

  4. You must reread what I wrote, Media because you and I are on the same page here. It was WOW’s contribution that inspires part of my response. The workers do not do anything without “work orders”.And where do those orders come from? Not the Minister. And adding a complaints section on the blog is a great suggestion. Just establish some parameters so we stay away from the blame game.

  5. Now JOE, please take off your political BLINDERS. Bahamas Press is NOT all about politics ya know. Come on man, to inject casting BLAME ON any party just kills whole story. NOTICE we attacked the workers. That same individual who refuse to go to work tomorrow, because they’re sick somewhere in a BAR ROOM, but suppose to be out there painting these crossings.

    May I ad here, the reader who pointed this to us, also noted that this would be a GREAT Idea for the Ministry of Tourism and the Department of Works to create a TIPs hotline/or Email centre for persons to point out such areas of neglect around the country.

    When that was mentioned in our conversation, I asked myself, you mean to tell me the maintenance department at the Ministry of Works does not have such a line? WOW!

    Bahamas Press must see how we can add such a section to this BLOG. Come on People, send your complaints here and let cause CHANGE to take place here in our country!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  6. I predict that within the week we will see those pedestrian crossings painted. Good work BP. Keep after them. May I suggest we stop focusing the blame on any particular elected official in these matters and start looking at the bureaucrats who have the ultimate authority to get these things done. They are the ones who come up with the budget needs and assign the hands on work.

  7. @WOW!
    Whilst we agree that many lights are indeed not working, we must also note that many were also not working UNDER the CHRISTIE ADMINISTRATION. In Fact the first time we noted the Bahamas had a Traffic Light problem was after May 2nd 2002 PLP term in office, and not before that period.

    Bahamas Press/editor

  8. They are busy sweeping sea weed every morning and painting the curbs on Thompson Blvd. Priorities man, priorities

  9. BP, do you know who the Minister of Works and Transport is? He already jack up tourism so I guess our roads are his next project. Anyone notice how many traffic lights are not working?

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