This is indeed the face of the New Bahamas! Change is headed here…


n1160577577_30144066_13843941Assistant Commissioner Ellison Greenslade and Minister of State for Immigration Brandville McCartney join along a number of men in the community speaking to the students of C. V. Bethel at Father Figure Day. Bahamas Press spotlights these raising stars in our community. We UNEQUIVOCALLY support both men. They are the face of the New Bahamas!


  1. BP sometimes we take ourselves too seriously.Remember at the BEAT RETREAT during the Xmas holidays there was a drum off between members of the band in Rawson Square and the hundreds of Bahamians present loved it.Bahamians are not interested in the same all same all business as usual practices.A Basketball game is fun but persons only attend bcos of the Band competition.Like last year after the performance by both Bands the majority of patrons always leave.Old fashioned band playing has its place but at entertaining sites we want to be able to laugh and scream all at once.Sorry you did not get my point the first time.

  2. @media

    Look if you want to go that route then fine. I do not agree so we can agree to disagree on the point of not using the RBPF band. Look in any case if this is the route that they are taking the band should have not come at all and an announcement made before hand. Anyway that event was a police and defence force event and if they wanted to invite school bands and independent bands then they should but that is not what happened. What happened is people paid for one thing and were blindsided with something else. I agree that the bands of neither org should be at beerfest or anything like that, the same police and defence force members were playing basketball and the bands were for halftime and it was televising and highly anticipated because the gym was full to capacity and most of the people left after the bands played

    We are a young country with lots of young people, I think that interaction with the bands and other human aspects of both forces can only help.

  3. @Connie
    Connie, CONNIE every time the band adorns a uniform it is represent the Bahamas. EVERY TIME! Leave what you would like to see to school bands and Independent bands. NOT THE RBPF!

    Now if you was complaining and arguing about how some authority in this country stopped all those community bands that brought life to such shows, we would be screaming AMEN! AND AMEN to your comments.

    But we don’t care if it was at BEERFEST or a Regatta, The Royal Bahamas Police Band must never be seen in the public eye like this this JUNGLA lawyer we are about to talk about on this website! NEVER AT ANY TIME OR ANYWHERE Should they be seen as vulgar in their presentations. THEY REPRESENT THE COUNTRY, NOT SOME CLUB!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. media :@Child of the 60,sNow this just might be our conservative view, however it should be accepted that the BAND represents the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. NOT Rap City NEW YORK!We agree with Commissioner Ferguson on this one. Why in the HELL is the police band practicing everything by decent Bahamian music. Police are role models, aren’t they? NOT JUNGLE WARRIORS!

    The band was not representing the country at this event it was an event for fun and I guess to raise money and the biggest crowd pull is the bands. If you are going with that theory then PMs, MPs and others that rep the Bahamas should not go to parties because their face reps the Bahamas and should not be seen as party people, HuH. The police are role models but more than that they are human beings and should be seen as such. This event if continued can grow into a great PR day for the police and defence force but yet again wr have to suffer for lack of vision.
    Again we agree with Ferguson on this one!

  5. I agree with Media and Thomas on this one. The RBPF Band is a patriotic symbol of The Bahamas and not Hip Hop USA, dance hall Jamaica or Carnival Trinidad. Even avoiding the whine-me-up and stick-it-to-me modern Bahamian music was a good move by the Force.

    By sticking to the traditional styles of band music (and doing it excellently, by the way) was a symbol of strength, discipline and pride. The school where my child attends has a line “There is strength in restraint”.

    I would want a Police Chief who is able to make the tough call and not merely follow the whims of society. This is why crime is so rampart now – society says cover it up, turn a blind eye, accept the small things. The RBPF is not a good old boys club. It supposed to be an elite group of discipline men and women, willing to put their life on the line for peace and safety.

  6. MEDIA, Bahamians like slackness! That is a major problem that I am not sure how we overcome. The Police should not be shaking up themselves and gyrating in Uniform! They should be elegant and classy at all times. I read that the dumbest people on the planet prefer hip hop, and the more intelligent ones while they can appreciate hip hop, can also appreciate Opera, or classical music. You think Bahamians can sit through an opera or a classical recital with no whining in it? Answer me, Media!

  7. @media Media you could agree all you want but to many of us out here this was pure DECEPTION!!! RF could have made it known that they were not going to perform as they would normally do so that people did not buy tickets expecting anything special!!

    You don’t just agree with people because they believe what you believe… There is a right way and a wrong way to do things and I dare say that their way was wrong!! The police force MISLEAD the public!!!

    Your view on this is one of the reasons why I don’t TRUST almost everything that you say about HI and PC…. Your moral standard is measured by your own mind and not the standard that I live by found in the Bible!!!

  8. Connie :

    Child of the 60,s :The higher a amonkey climbs the more he is exposed.It was disastrous last night at the gym bcos the politically appointed Comm of police just does not get it.Young people want entertainment and he spoiled the show by obviously prohibiting the Police Band from performing.Now we know why he should have been retired and not so many opthers who are younger than he is and understand the mentality of this country.Will he next order that persons who sell phone cards be arrested?this man is dangerous and must be put out to pasture now!!!I can imagine the shame that Policemen feel today as tyhis out of date old man just does not get it.[Reply]

    I agree with you on that. As long as the band was not doing anything lewd I think that they should have been able to play what they wanted. Reginald Ferguson is talking about wanting the band to play what it played when it was first established I don;t know if he noticed but his is not 19 o long, this is 2009 and these have drastically changed. Looks like that PM should have given Mr. Ferguson a cave instead of an office. Look in the kind of times that we live in we crime so high you have to have the support of the general public and I don’t think that Mr. Ferguson is looking to get any support, things like this will alienate th general public from the cause of the police. This on just one more of the major mistakes that Mr. Ingraham has made in this term and thise one was a no brainer, Mr. Greenslade should be Commissioner, the times we live in are calling for a young innovative person who know policing and came up through ALL of the ranks.

    Doesn’t RF remind you of that guy in Drumline who enjoyed his band playing classical music while the crowd booed?? That performance was a big disappointment to me atleast!!

  9. Thomas Finley :Canesfins: You still have not answered the question; what is obvious that I cannot see that proves Laing or someone else is favored over anyone else? Ferguson was appointed Commissioner, but Greenslade was appointed (acting) as the Deputy, and will probably be confirmed within two years just like Ferguson was confirmed. Let us wait and see on Greenslade. Symonette is hopeless and not a serious player based on his performance. Minnis, Bethel, Foulkes, Branville, and Carmichael are all shining.

    I just take it that you are joking about Bethel and Minnis, right??

  10. @Child of the 60,s
    Now this just might be our conservative view, however it should be accepted that the BAND represents the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. NOT Rap City NEW YORK!
    We agree with Commissioner Ferguson on this one. Why in the HELL is the police band practicing everything by decent Bahamian music. Police are role models, aren’t they? NOT JUNGLE WARRIORS!

    Again we agree with Ferguson on this one!


  11. Russell Johnson,said it all well the voices of the people are speaking very loud in reference to the post of Commissiner and the voices are saying,GREENSLADE,GREENSLADE,GREENSLADE time is longer than rope so time would tell who is the real Commissioner.That foolishness that happen at the gym with the Police band should have never happen.Why wasn’t the Police band able to put on a good prformance? Why was one of the most valuable player for the R.B.P.F.told that he was unable to play, with instruction from you know who? Will this happen next year.

  12. Let me weigh in on this converation as I think that too much politicising of the office of Commissioner of Police has taken place within the past 2 yrs.The Govt is contradictory on who and when persons should retire.Do they now agree it is 65 and not 55?I forsee a civil suit but unfortunately our money will be taken and not these repulsive politicians.Who will take rthe fall for the puyblic relations debacle at the Sir Kendal gym where the Police band did not perform and left patrons seeing red? Greenslade has been in the Assistant Commissioner rank for 9 yrs now and has paid his dues.Send Reggie Ferguson to an overseas post in America near where he can continue to receive cancer treatment and bring on Greenslade to take the Force and country to a new level.The Govt must listen to the voice of the people and could earn brownie points for doing the right thing.

  13. Child of the 60,s :The higher a amonkey climbs the more he is exposed.It was disastrous last night at the gym bcos the politically appointed Comm of police just does not get it.Young people want entertainment and he spoiled the show by obviously prohibiting the Police Band from performing.Now we know why he should have been retired and not so many opthers who are younger than he is and understand the mentality of this country.Will he next order that persons who sell phone cards be arrested?this man is dangerous and must be put out to pasture now!!!I can imagine the shame that Policemen feel today as tyhis out of date old man just does not get it.

    I agree with you on that. As long as the band was not doing anything lewd I think that they should have been able to play what they wanted. Reginald Ferguson is talking about wanting the band to play what it played when it was first established I don;t know if he noticed but his is not 19 o long, this is 2009 and these have drastically changed. Looks like that PM should have given Mr. Ferguson a cave instead of an office. Look in the kind of times that we live in we crime so high you have to have the support of the general public and I don’t think that Mr. Ferguson is looking to get any support, things like this will alienate th general public from the cause of the police. This on just one more of the major mistakes that Mr. Ingraham has made in this term and thise one was a no brainer, Mr. Greenslade should be Commissioner, the times we live in are calling for a young innovative person who know policing and came up through ALL of the ranks.

  14. Canesfins: You still have not answered the question; what is obvious that I cannot see that proves Laing or someone else is favored over anyone else? Ferguson was appointed Commissioner, but Greenslade was appointed (acting) as the Deputy, and will probably be confirmed within two years just like Ferguson was confirmed. Let us wait and see on Greenslade. Symonette is hopeless and not a serious player based on his performance. Minnis, Bethel, Foulkes, Branville, and Carmichael are all shining.

  15. Thomas Finley :

    canesfins :
    I dont think the PM will support either for leadership, and thus they have an up hill battle, regardless of qualifications.

    What have you heard or observed that warranted this conclusion?

    Well RF was just appointed as commish, and it is clear the the PM supports at least 3 persons ahead of Bran. ZL, BS and TT are al preferred to HI.

  16. The higher a amonkey climbs the more he is exposed.It was disastrous last night at the gym bcos the politically appointed Comm of police just does not get it.Young people want entertainment and he spoiled the show by obviously prohibiting the Police Band from performing.Now we know why he should have been retired and not so many opthers who are younger than he is and understand the mentality of this country.Will he next order that persons who sell phone cards be arrested?this man is dangerous and must be put out to pasture now!!!I can imagine the shame that Policemen feel today as tyhis out of date old man just does not get it.

  17. I really hope that it happens for Mr. Greenslade because Reginald Ferguson forbade the RBPF band from playing secular music at the battle of the bands last night and that completely ruined the show. Knowing what he had done would nto be popular with those in attendence he left the gym right before the police band came on. Now if this isn’t another big nail in the coffin of the morale of the police force I don’t know what is. The Commission needs to know that he does not have to be a tyrant to gain respect. People are not going to respect him if his actions continues along these lines all he will succeed in doing is demoralizing the police force further.

    Mr. Ferguson should but won’t admit that he is not the man for this job and wil ride the gravy train until it stop. No wonder after 40 something years on the force he was still at his former, former rank if this is how he acts.

  18. canesfins :
    I dont think the PM will support either for leadership, and thus they have an up hill battle, regardless of qualifications.

    What have you heard or observed that warranted this conclusion?

  19. I dont think the PM will support either for leadership, and thus they have an up hill battle, regardless of qualifications.

  20. Boy now BP you are going to get both Greenslade and the minister in plenty trouble.I hope the two of them are not in the same boat bcos none would survive.Remember what happen to the FNM after the Leader elect in 2002?and the PLP in 1998?Am going to standby for the results.I see where my good friend Desmond read it and his response is as printed lo lolo lolo,

  21. News UPDATE FROM Desmond Bannister:

    Carifta Trials this afternoon & Police versus Defence Force Basketball tonight!

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