Bahamas Press identifies murdered victim #118 as Candice Major…



NASSAU, BAHAMASBahamas Press has breaking news at this hour, where we have identified the second women to die in Fox Hill.

Readers would remember we reported a beautiful young light-skinned girl was found just off Blue Water Cay in the Fox Hill area shortly after 10AM on Thursday morning. We now can report the victim name is, Candice Major.

She recently turned 17 years-old.

The victim we can report was found laying face down bloodied and bruised. She was discovered by a passerby in the area..

She was sexually assaulted by her attacker.

Police have no leads in this murder investigation.

Meanwhile, police are set to charge a Haitian national in connection with the death of Bridget Saunders. The 43 year-old victim was a Church of God secretary. The accused is said to be known to her.



  1. As a parent of a teenage daughter myself my condolences to this young lady’s parents. Instead of critisizing and throwing stones because who among us is perfect why not pray the God brings to light who her killer was and pray for strength for these people as they lay their loved one to rest. She did not deserve to die like this.

  2. It’s ok, God still sits on the thrown, whoever did this to this beautiful young lady will pay and pay for it dearly. You might feel like you have gotten away something, but your deeds will catch up with you in time. You robbed this girl of living her life and ended it at such an young age. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to her family and friends. R.I.P beautiful girl.

  3. This is extremely sad! I’m so saddened to hear that this young lady’s death was so gruesome…Ill keep her family in my prayers!

  4. Why these young ladies fooling round with all these Haitian. They mussy aint watch the aftermaths of the earthquake that God sent, when the Haitians was killing each other up instead of trying to rescue one another.

    These gals must have rocks in their head, or really really REALLLLLY hard up for dik. Finding a sensible Bahamian fella mussy the hardest thing in the world eh.

    I would not be surprised if a Haitian murdered this young Major gal seeing that Fox Hill full of them.

    I read that her peoples them aint report her missing for two days and she is only 17. Either she was no manners and disgusting and wanted to play ‘big-woman’ or her mar and/ or par wasn’t worth C.H.I.T, and I don’t mean puppy chit either, I mean the big-azz-kind.

    I have some choice words to say bout these wutless wutless WUTLLLLESSSS parents but I’m going to reserve that for a next time, because some people is get overly-sensitive when you lay down the law on they azz.

    Anyway I praying for the nation cus this Bahamas-boat heading for the rocks. Bran need to get his team together.

    • Well, I heard (and please don’t snap at ME) that she was ‘out there’ is what the boys was gossiping when I got my car cleaned by this car wash joint in the hood. They referred to her as ‘Candie’ I guess it’s her nickname. Nobody missed her simply because the people around the community said she was always on the go as many girls in the hood are always on the go. The community is small, so those girls in the hood are always staying by other female friends and allegedly other men. Yall know how the ghetto areas are, even though people like to stick their heads in the sand and pretend that it’s all good. She had graduated already from what I understood and she was 17 which in our system would indicate that she was legal in making adult decisions about her coming and going… even though she was only 17.
      Still, there is no excuse for anyone to force themselves on anybody, especially when they take another’s life. That’s the nature of the beast, and the only outcome that will come out of this is that parents have to be reminded to bring their children up with good morals, send ya kids to church, especially Sunday school let them get to know the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Know where your kids are at all times and spend time with them doing school work, even if the parent themselves can’t read or write, just show support and show that you care. Ask a family member or friend to help if you can’t do the work with your child yourself and don’t be embarrassed.
      It’s situations like this, especially in ghetto areas where it is too prevalent to ride around there and see these teen girls and boys all over the place walking around like they lost, especially during the days when school is in session.
      We are loosing a serious battle here in the Bahamas and I pray we hit the right road soon.

      Instead of the government borrowing all this monies for roads, why not invest even 1 million out of those millions in our schools?

    • @Thrashy— You must be one of THE most ignorant people that I’ve ever come across. You seem to be one of those people who want only someone to blame as opposed to a solemn solution to the problem. Your comment is utterly STUPID. Many major crimes are committed by some of our very own Bahamians. People ARE people, despite their nationality or ethnicity. People decide for themselves the way they carry themselves, not their nationality. What do you have to say about Haitian nationals that are excelling within our society and those that are making positive contributions? I guess your response would be that they are taking over huh? Moron… until people like yourself decide to correct their negative and illogical manner of thought shall we even begin to see a glimmer of hope in this country and in this world at large. Before you ever open your mouth to utter such non-sense again just consider these things. I can’t express enough how STUPID i think you are!!! I mean i can smell IGNORANCE through my computer. Who are you to speak for God and His decisions? If you are so close to Him as to know why He thinks what He thinks then you should be straight for life!
      Sighs… grow a brain you jackass…

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