Government employees in Finance Department Gone GOLD!!!

Hubert Ingaham and Zhivargo Laing steering defeat like a deer in headlights...

Government Parking Lot all ready for the BIG PLP Weekend Party is set to begin in less than two hours in Cable Beach

Nassau, Bahamas — Workers in the finance departments gave its minister and junior minister the shock of their lives when they showed up to work with yellow bands and PLP flags in the parking lot.

Sources in the Finance department tell us that the group of workers began laughing at the outging FNM government this morning after an employee in the department handed an envelope to the junior minister with his yellow band on his hand.

The worker we are told is a BIGTIME supporter of a PLP in the east. When the minister saw yellow band he told the government employee, “you cannot wear them things in this place.”

But the junior employee, feeling the wind of the PLP picking up all over the country, replied, “Well, when you driving up in your red plate to your constituency office, I don’t tell you ya can’t drive the government car. When you handing out your shirt here from your office, I don’t get in dat. And when you giving out jobs to your constituents from the government office, I don’t get in that either. So why you want me take off my yellow band?”

The employee then told the minister, “Perhaps you should take a look outside and get a glimpse at all the yellow flags in the parking lot on them cars which are headed to the big PLP meeting tonight. We headed for the GOLD RUSH, cause you didn’t want anything to do with Marco City, and we don’t want nothing to do with you.”

It ain’t long nah!