Here’s what Carl Bethel knew about Rape in Schools…A BP RECAP!


carl_bethel<<< Carl Bethel, Ministry of Education.

Carl ‘Undernourished’ Bethel was shaking like a reed in the House of Assembly yesterday, as he made his contribution on the appointment of a select committee to investigate Sexual Slaughter by teachers on students at the Eight Mile Rock High School in Grand Bahama.

Trying to save himself, Bethel argued that his Nassau office in the Ministry of Education [MOE] was unaware of matters developing at Eight Mile Rock School. Now this is disturbing because readers of this website would remember Carl Bethel sending out his acting director Lionel Sands who suggested that there was NO CASE of pedophilia happening at the school. But parents had refuted that claim, and argued for months, but the minister at the time, NEVER HELD A SINGLE MEETING WITH THE PTA!

Here is another thing Bethel knew. He knew rape incidents do occur on school campuses here in the country. In spring of last year an incident of rape happened on the once prestigious Queen’s College campus. Bethel then 17 year-old son had raped a 13 year old female on that campus, and just like EMRH, the minister, the principal, and the police all covered up the situation. Prime Minister Ingraham said it best when he said yesterday, persons who knew of such crimes against young people, has also committed a crime!

Bahamas Press then called for Bethel to resign because it was obvious, he could not police the system anymore. We knew after the Queen’s College scandal, if a case of sex involving students or teachers with students had arisen again, Bethel would do his utmost to suppress it, and he did so in this EMRH case.

We can only hope that when historians judges the words of the Prime Minister, they would also find his words on yesterday as a turning point on the whole episode of SEXUAL SLAUGHTER committed against children in this country.

Yes, we can only hope Ingraham will indeed fire those officials who turned their eyes and allowed that NASTY ANDRE BIRBAL and his clandestine pack of pedophile lovers, raped innocent children. And we hope Carl Bethel will be removed also in that exercise. Bahamas Press will be watching to see what happens.



  1. @Kim Sands
    Kim you have to remember that power is a serious thing and when people have power they don’t want to let it go.It would soon be taken from Carl and his crew for good.

  2. Trust me; if I were Carl Bethel, I was not waiting for the Prime Minister to tell me to resign. I was going to him. This is what I was going to tell him, “Sir, I believe you hired the wrong man for the job and I can’t continue with this charade”.

  3. We need to realize that these politicians are in this game for themselves and their families. No one with a conscience would allow these events to occur and then do nothing. I get so angry when I hear or read stories about child abuse and molestation. The Bahamas is in a terrible state and every facet of our society is broken. My heart goes out to families who have endured this total disregard and disrespect by the Bahamas government. I can only imagine how those children really must feel.

  4. If I were Carl Bethel and I were being honest with myself and the truth is that I was not capable of handling the responsibility that was placed on me, I would have done the most honorable thing and tender my resignation. Before, I failed another child; I would have preferred someone else who is more capable to take over.

  5. If I were in Govt I would concern myself with the silent majority who thinks they stink.Govt poorly mishandled this situation and should apologise to the Bahamian people.I just heard on the news that the President of the EMR school is calling on parents of affected boys to sue.Cheating dogs never prosper,HAI.

  6. Tommy’s sister look like she’s surprised someone was dumb or smart enough to take a photo of their lil crew. LOL. The nerve of them to be talking about walkathon. I guess the charities they were pimping didn’t have any plans for any money because all them people who was screaming and begging for Hubert ain’t show up now that they got him.

  7. I just got up and was surprise to see that more persons had sent some more hits.Kim go to your bed,Is that Tommy sister?I tough that was Grace JONES.

  8. Two down and three to go.HAI sure deciecved a lot of persons especxially when he started his program of victimization.Everybody mad because he fired the family of diehard FNMs thinking they were PLP.The only sernior civil servantb he seemed sure of was old man Reggie fERGUSON WHO IS 64 BUT HE LET GO BRIGHT MINDS WHO WERE 55 AND JUST READY TO GO. Tommy say no scandal and he overseed the POlice where everything has gone wrong?Since he cant spell scandal I shall remind himj that he sent his cousin to the UK and and he now is in charge of the cookie jar in the POlice force.Money done gone missing from the Child care center.Tommy unconstitutionally fired Policemen and has Greenslade sitting down doing nothing and getting paid.He did the same thing to other Policemen who were not allowed to work but got paid.HAI sure has made Tommy a poppy show.No wonder his sister loooked so bewildered at the FNM walkaton.Imagine Perry giving this inept crew a C.I think Perry is sick and has been beaten down by wuthless HAI.The two of them need to retire together so that we can get our people to stop being afraid.The only time Bahamians are brave is when it is time to play the lottery.They dont sneak to do that wearing high shoes and all.

  9. Dibbles, I rarely goes to bed early. Usually, I am up until 3-4 am in the morning doing some work on the computer, listening to music at the same time and switching back in forth between BP. I almost read BP as much as I read my Bible.

  10. Thank you Dibbles. I am so happy to know you already found your diamond in the rock. There is nothing like having someone who actually cares and wants to be you for the rest of their life. It really makes life worth living.

  11. @Kim Sands
    I wish you all the best with your wedding and your life after marriage.May GOD bless you and your husband to be,may children come to your life they are blessings.I ‘m also married,and with your topic as I always sayit an’t long now.

  12. They really should not be on TV smiling about being scandal free, that just prove what we always knew, that they are out of touch with reality.

  13. I gat their scandal….does anyone remember Dion Foulkes and the housing issue, or Pansy A** Zhivargo and Mona Vie, Carl Bethel’s middle name should be scandal….The FNM need to get over themselves, because they just left and right with their Bull****. Today is May 2nd, and marks the 2 year anniversary of the party from hell. Issue after issue has arisen and they are still casting blame of the opposition. This is so hilarious. HAI and his bunch of croonies started off on the wrong foot, and will go out pretty much the same. I need Bahamians to remember the millions of dollars in stopped projects. I need Bahamians to remember the countless jobs lost because of victimization. I want them to remember the abrupt stoppage of the urban renewal program that was proving to be effective. I want Bahamians to remember that the police were taken out of the schools when their presence was needed. I want them to remember how a pedophile was allowed to leave the country. I want Bahamians to remember the CLICO matter and how our government seems to not know what to do. I want Bahamians to remember how clueless these bunch of MPs are. I mean you have the minister of national security traveling to conferences regarded foreign affairs. You have the minister of education in the house talking about finance. Does anyone know what the hell they are talking about. Most importantly, I want the Bahamian people to remember how they treat us like idiots and we’re supposed to buy into the propaganda. Anyways, two down and three to go….

  14. @Drama King
    And while listening to ‘Issues of Today’ earlier today, I heard Tommy say that the good thing about this FNM govt’s 2 years in office is that their govt. is scandal free!!! I wonder where is Tommy living???

    HI is like a big dog with plenty bark and NO bite.. All HI was out to do in this term is punish all PLPs and others who did not support his return but the swift downturn in the economy caused him to wake up out of his dream… Now he and his team is all over the place trying to help those hurting people!!!

  15. Dibbles :
    Kim SANDS you and I agree on a lot of things.Are you married as yet? Standing by for an answer.

    Dibbles I have actually found someone who can understand me and accept me for being me. This guy is a keeper, he lets me be as crazy as I want to be and he would even go to the extent as to fake a laugh at my stale jokes, just so my feelings would not be hurt. I just love him, I don’t know if he is walking and talking in his sleep, but if he is, I hope no one disturbs him, because I have already manage to get him to place a ring on my finger and our wedding date have been set, it is actually within a few weeks. Yeah Dibbles, as you can see, I am totally committed to my Prince Charming. I am not surprised Dibbles that we usually agree on most things, because we are both kind and caring people and we both have a desire for justice.

  16. Objective thought :@Kim Sands What has happened to this PM because he is NOTHING like he used to be in his previous terms.. Bethel would have been gone if HI was his old self!!
    It seems like on election day we jumped out of the pot and into the fire!!

    I wonder the same thing. He is now like a dog with no teeth. He lost his zest for transparency. He has this scandalous man still running the Min of Education. Its ridiculous

  17. Kim SANDS you and I agree on a lot of things.Are you married as yet? Standing by for an answer.

  18. The month of April will go down in history as the most quietist ” CHILD PROTECTION MONTH” ever in the history of this country. The Government did absolutely nothing to highlight “CHILD PROTECTION MONTH”

  19. Trinity :You are right Kim. I have to believe he will be caught though. The Bahamas needs to add him to the 10 most wanted list. We need to engage other caribbean countries into finding him. Mr Birbal is Trinadadian. I suspect that he is in contact with his family. I can imagine that by now he is somewhere that no one knows of his past. But the thing about a sick minded individual is that they need to get their fix of whatever their so-called pleasure is. Sad but true. So, before he is allowed to do this again, we need to find him. No stone should be unturned. He was last spotted in the US, so we can get AMW to show his picture. Those AMW people, they can sure find a brother!

    Trinity, I am always praying for him to be caught, but to know we had him right here and he was able to escape on a plane with monies in his hands, that is just so upsetting. Anyway, I hope with all the technology out there to catch these criminals he would be brought back to face up to his crimes.

  20. Anyone remember how Carl went to EMR and then jump in his car and run off when he saw Belinda Wilson and a crowd of teachers there? If he had gone to the meeting, maybe he might have heard. What an a-hole.

  21. media :
    BOSTONNNN!!!!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOO! If Boston could go to a second overtime like this, they deserve to win. They’re on the road remember?

    Boy I should a bet you and Drama on this one. LOL. After the first OT, I thought they had it too but my baby Bulls got heart man! Mark my word, Boston is going down. Yeah BP, I gave you props months ago when you were all over this and nobody was paying attention or doing anything. I gave you props when you keep it on people’s minds when you were the first to say this man’s name while the press kept it secret. I gave you props when you posted Mr. Garvey’s statements here when Carl and Lionel didn’t do crap. And I gave you props when you posted Birbal’s photo after he got away. Thats more than all of the media did combined because they were all busy trying to keep things quiet as if they are the FNM’s PR department.

    The sad things is while the media won’t give you props for keeping the public aware, they will go on and act as if they were on the job from the start. No wonder you have a deep and burning dislike for our media. They suck big time.

    Its too bad Hubert can’t make anything better with a shuffle. It will be the same crew of jokers all over again in different spots.

  22. Could you believe it, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham stood on the floor of the Honorable House of Assembly and asked where is the outrage against these horrific acts. Well muddows!!! Ingraham “een no fool” even if he has to go home look into the mirror and say to himself,” I is one dam hypocrite” he is going to make sure he is the last one to abandon ship before it sinks.

    That’s good though, the entire christian core within the Bahamas who stood in silence and said nothing, Ingraham wants to know where is the moral outrage?… Myles Munroe, Neil Ellis, William Thompson, John Humes, PAT PAUL, Leon Wallace, Leroy Emmanuel, William Murphy, L. GARNETT RAHMING, Timothy Stuart, Drexel Gomez, CANON TYNES, PINDER from the catholic church, Michael Symonette, Sam Greene, Phillip Mcphee, Ross Davis, Deleveaux in Pinewood, Terrence G Morrison, V. G. Clarke, Helen Mcphee, Raymond Wells, Mario Moxey, Dave Burrows, Carlos Reid, Charles Rolle, Charles Saunders, Christopher Dean,and Delton Fernander. Where is the moral outrage? Not one voice. Not one?

    Ingraham disclosed that the Bahamas has the highest reports of rapes in the hemisphere,and he wants to know where is the moral outrage? Well Mr Ingraham, you can’t have it both ways, John the Baptist was only one man and these Bahamian fellas ” een dyin fa no gospel” they are all of the same philosophy; no thing and no issue will jeopardize their way of life.They are all royalty and kingdom citizens but not freedom fighters and warriors like David, Saul, Solomon and Jehosophat. They are not loosing their chrysler 2000, mercedez, and volvos over no lil boys in Grand Bahama. If their FNM members pull out of their churches for standing up to you then they loose everything. So your plan to induce the Ministers to protest so you could tell Carl, ” well i do all i cud ole boy but da ministers protesting too much, pack ya bags and carry ya ass” is far fetched from reality.

    But you know these Bahamian boys like attention so who ever comes out of the gate first to protest will become the hero leading to Carls resignation or firing… which Bahamian minister will go down in history as the fearless worrior who fought even the Government against child exploitation. We shall see.

  23. They only beat us by one point. I am still proud of Boston though, they did not go down without a fight. The way things were going it could have gone either way.

  24. Oh yeah and I knew of a situation that took place between a student and a teacher on one of the family islands!! This was a situation where a male student was having a sexual relationship with a female teacher for several years until he left school a few years ago!!

    This teacher was recently the teacher of the year for her school!!!

  25. BOSTONNNN!!!!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOO! If Boston could go to a second overtime like this, they deserve to win. They’re on the road remember?


  26. media :We wonder if you all read the stories we posted on here. Andre Birbal was allowed to leave the country. He was PAID by the Ministry of Education. The department said he was brought to Nassau. Carl DEM let him out!
    Now we have a perfect case for the United States Homeland Security. A fugitive/TERRORIST passes US boarder agencies from the Bahamas, whilst Bahamian police was investigating this man? THIS IS INCREDIBLE! UNBELIEVABLE!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Media, only in the Bahamas.

  27. You are right Kim. I have to believe he will be caught though. The Bahamas needs to add him to the 10 most wanted list. We need to engage other caribbean countries into finding him. Mr Birbal is Trinadadian. I suspect that he is in contact with his family. I can imagine that by now he is somewhere that no one knows of his past. But the thing about a sick minded individual is that they need to get their fix of whatever their so-called pleasure is. Sad but true. So, before he is allowed to do this again, we need to find him. No stone should be unturned. He was last spotted in the US, so we can get AMW to show his picture. Those AMW people, they can sure find a brother!

  28. Objective thought :@Kim Sands What has happened to this PM because he is NOTHING like he used to be in his previous terms.. Bethel would have been gone if HI was his old self!!
    It seems like on election day we jumped out of the pot and into the fire!!

    Objective Thought its like this time around he just don’t care, the old him would have done something with Bethel ages ago. We in one predicament.

  29. @Kim Sands
    What has happened to this PM because he is NOTHING like he used to be in his previous terms.. Bethel would have been gone if HI was his old self!!

    It seems like on election day we jumped out of the pot and into the fire!!

  30. We wonder if you all read the stories we posted on here. Andre Birbal was allowed to leave the country. He was PAID by the Ministry of Education. The department said he was brought to Nassau. Carl DEM let him out!

    Now we have a perfect case for the United States Homeland Security. A fugitive/TERRORIST passes US boarder agencies from the Bahamas, whilst Bahamian police was investigating this man? THIS IS INCREDIBLE! UNBELIEVABLE!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  31. Trinity :Carl Bethel is a clear example of a politician who doesn’t care about the work. We have a serious problem in our youth, so it is important to let them know that we care for them. It is through our actions toward them, our nurturing, encouragement, our guidance that help them to become productive citizens. Our nation’s children have enough issues, be they from verbal abuse, molestation, incest, peer pressure, etc… It saddens me that these children were cast aside, and their voices were unheard as Mr Birbal just walked out of the country. We need to pursue justice to make the statement that there is zero tolerance for harming our children.

    No Trinity, he did not walked out of the country, he fly, the man had reservation, that’s the hurtful part and you know what else hurt me, after he already left the country them clowns at ZNS ga ask if anybody knows his whereabouts to contact the police. How we suppose to know where he is right now, that man must be so far from here. I know he smiling to himself about how he was able to get away with his crime, I only hope he don’t spread the word, because more of his sissy friends would be applying for job over here.

  32. Media as I have told you before, the minister knew of incidents like this one at EMRH a long time ago but he did NOTHING!! I agree that the minister of Education should be FIRED!!!

    There was an incident at CC sweeting Sr. in 2007-2008 where a teacher was accused of having a sexual relationship with a female student.. Well that student graduated in 2008…

    Then there was an incident at CH Reeves Jr. where a teacher caught the principal’s son having sex with a female student..(A teacher at that school told me this who has now been transferred) I heard that the principal was very angry with that teacher that she had the teacher transferred!! Nothing happened there either!!

    Then I have also told you how I met someone one night at a town-meeting who told me how she/he questioned why NOTHING was being done about another incident at another school and when that person returned to work they found out that they were transferred!!

  33. Dibbles :Omar Archer where are you? is every thing cool?say hi to the regular readers.

    Dibbles, I miss Omar and his meaningful comments too. Can’t wait to hear from him again. I really hope all is well with him.

  34. @Dibbles

    Dibbles what happened at EMRH was allowed to go on for too long, when I see children treated in this manner and our MPs treats it as if nothing happens, I am wandering what is going on with the Bahamas. Is our culture changing? Are we becoming a country where anything bucks up goes? Somehow, I always believe that children counted and we ought to protect them and then I see something like this happen and the Minister of Education or the Prime Minister doesn’t address it right away, it makes me wonder where we are headed as a nation.

  35. Carl Bethel is a clear example of a politician who doesn’t care about the work. We have a serious problem in our youth, so it is important to let them know that we care for them. It is through our actions toward them, our nurturing, encouragement, our guidance that help them to become productive citizens. Our nation’s children have enough issues, be they from verbal abuse, molestation, incest, peer pressure, etc… It saddens me that these children were cast aside, and their voices were unheard as Mr Birbal just walked out of the country. We need to pursue justice to make the statement that there is zero tolerance for harming our children.

  36. @Kim Sands

    Yes Kim, it is very painful to watch what they are doing in the Education Ministry. From the time the police said they were CLOSING IN on this Andre Birbal fella, how come they havent caught him yet. The Minister of Education gave him ample opportunity to flee this country.

  37. I agree with both Drama King and Kim SANDS that Carl just can’t cut the Mustard seed,he just needs to go and go for good.Mr SEARS was a giant to Carl.

  38. The Prime Minister needs to come to realization that Bethel just can’t handle the job that was given to him. He needs to find something else for Bethel to do, because Bethel appears to be clueless and he just isn’t cutting it. Our children are very important and that’s how we should treat them. It just pains me to see how they dragged their feet on this matter.

  39. Mr Ingraham alluded to a partial fragment in the House yesterday by trying to say the PLP was trying to score political points on the EMR scandal. While the PM isn’t the articulant type, I reitarate that i only believe that is what he was trying to say. If that was his point, he was no better off than Gray Ghost(Kenneth Russell) but given thier failure to arrest these allegations promptly, who could expect anything better.

    Rapes and exploitation of children are commonplace in the Bahamas now a days. It’s happening in the schools, the malls, the fast food restaurants, the churches, in private offices and public offices.

    The culture of administering Bahamian justice to these felonious offenses has easily became the practice of pushing them under the cover.

    While the PM dragged his feet in addressing this issue, at least he spoke up and is showing some vague signs of dealing with it. What is equally alarming, is the deafining silence of other political leadership figures ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ISLE.

    When leaders speak up for justice fearlessly, the people find great confidence in them and trust them. I TRUST GLENYS. As a matter of fact Glenys and Allyson has more audicity to stand up against corruption than any male member of parliament has balls. If the Bahamas is going to get back on its right foot it’s gonna take the leadership of someone like a Glenys accompanied by Allyson.

    “I FA DAT”

  40. Bethel must go!! Its more than time….Q.C. situation with his son came first, secondly he DISSED the teachers of this country big time and now he lets a nasty pedophile walk away from charges. He must go and so must the director of education.

    I was excited when the Wutless Media reported that Ingraham was going to do a MASSIVE Cabinet shuffle. For sure I had hopes Bethel would be gone……..but turns out the media was wrong.

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