Long Islanders cussin as female SISSY FNM campaign worker begs two young girls for sex


Loretta Butler-Turner MP for Long Island.

Long Islanders want MP to stop travelling with DYKE!!!

Clarence Town, Long Island — Long Islanders are cussing mad and have weighed in with concerns for their MP and the leadership of the FNM as an allegation against a female FNM campaign worker has turned the island upside down.

Sources tell BP the female campaign worker landed on Long Island early in the campaign and began spreading her wicked lifestyle amongst young female Long Islanders.

At least two island girls have claimed the DYKE made advances to them and refused to apologize when her advances were turned down.

We can confirm that complaints have been filed with the island’s MP, but the concerns have fallen on deaf ears.

One Long Islanders told BP, “We are a Christian community! What is this have we allowed to invade our community? And if our MP cannot fix the problem, then we will make our concerns known at the highest levels of the Party.”

Long Islanders say they are afraid for their young daughters who cannot now be allowed to venture into the headquarters of the FNM on the island.

BP is calling on the area MP, Loretta Butler-Turner to fix this vexing problem and ban that dyke from landing on the island and corrupting the young women of that community.

Loretta Butler-Turner had much to say about rape this week, but BP wonders what are her views on sexual harassment, particularly in Long Island with her campaign worker.

We report yinner decide!