BTC throws bigtime party for Bahamian Athletes in London Wednesday Night – CWC Bash!


In Charge but not in control – BTC ya done it AGAIN!!!

Nassau, Bahamas – A team of BTC executives arrived in London Monday morning ahead of the start of the Olympic Games to begin preparations to host scores of Bahamians participating and watching the London Games. Their first stop: the Bahamas High Commission.

Courtesy Call – Team BTC paid a courtesy call on the Bahamas High Commissioner to the Court of St. James, Paul Farquharson, upon its arrival in London to facilitate Team Bahamas and the hundreds of supporters expected to head to the Summer Olympic Games in London. BTC is the lead sponsor with a $100,000 donation to the Bahamas Olympic Committee and Events Coordinator Carole Barnett, second from left, organised a host of activities, giveaways and supplies for cheering on the team. BTC is also hosting a gala ball Wednesday evening with government officials, athletes and other invited guests. Pictured l-r, BTC Senior Manager Public Relations Jerome Sawyer, Ms. Barnett, Bahamas High Commissioner Paul Farquharson and BTC Vice President, Commercial and Family Islands Tellis Symonette.

The BTC team — Tellis Symonette, Senior VP Commercial & Family Islands, Jerome Sawyer, Senior Manager Public Relations and Events Manager Carol Barnett — paid a courtesy call on the Bahamian High Commissioner His Excellency Paul Farquharson at Bahamas House.

“It was an excellent meeting and we are grateful for the High Commissioner to host us,” said Sawyer. “Already, we are hearing murmurs around the Olympic Village about eyes being on The Bahamas and Jamaica for track and field events so it’s really been great to be on the ground and feel the excitement.”

The three-member BTC will assist in readying the Bahamian Olympic Village, an area being set up in the High Commission, to accommodate family and friends of the athletes in London to watch the games and cheer on the athletes.

Lead sponsor of the Bahamian Olympic team, BTC is providing a large assortment of giveaways and promotional paraphernalia for the visitors expected at Bahamas House. In addition, the mission is also providing two offices for the Bahamas Olympic Association and a working area for the Bahamian media.

“It’s the first time a Bahamian Olympic Village is being created at an Olympic Venue,” said High Commission H.E. Paul Farquharson. “We want Bahamians to feel welcome here. We want them to feel free to visit and watch the events in comfort. We have pledged our support to this partnership between the mission, the Bahamian Olympic Association and now BTC.”

BTC and its majority shareholder, Cable & Wireless Communications, will also host the athletes, coaches, attachés and invited guests to a gala reception on Wednesday evening in London. The event will give company executives an opportunity to officially welcome the athletes to the City of London and the Olympic Games.

“We want to make the Athletes feel special while they are here,” said Senior VP Tellis Symonette. “We want to show our support with more than just money for the team. We are happy to be here to show our support for Team Bahamas through this event and with BTC’s participation in a number of other events involving the Bahamian athletes.” Among the invited are Minister of Youth, Sports & Culture Dr. Daniel Johnson, who arrives in London Tuesday, High Commissioner Paul Farquharson, along with Cable & Wireless Communications Chairman Tony Rice and other officials.

BTC, which sponsored the team to the tune of $100,000, will have a strong presence at the Games and events surrounding the celebrations in London. Even the international media needing or requesting information about sponsorship of the team or The Bahamas will be able to access the information at Bahamas House courtesy of BTC.

“Prior to our arrival our Events Manager Carol Barnett ensured that we shipped company paraphernalia and information to Bahamian High Commission,” said Sawyer. “Included in that shipment were dozens of press kits with information on sponsorship and The Bahamas. We want to ensure that The Bahamas gets maximum exposure at these Games. BTC is committed to doing all that it can to promoting our athletes and The Bahamas. We are happy to be a part of such an historic undertaking by the mission with the establishment of this Bahamian Olympic Village.”