The demi-gods in the PLP seem to forget they are servants and not masters


Political thrones in the Bahamas turn leaders into gods overnight! Christie say you could pray but it still must come through him – So what he want us do now? Pray to him now eh?

Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie now Lord of the Bahamas some say.

Nassau, Bahamas – By the time the PLP realizes the end is near, they will see that their time is shorter than they believe.

They and their leader will discover that at 73 the very last thing he [Christie] should consider is running for Prime Minister.

They will soon know and discover that a majority of Bahamians who can vote and who will be voting in the next general electionsare NOT FOR DEM!

By this time, we hope the FNM and the DNA would have aligned themselves as one powerful force, ready to take the Bahamas into the future and deliver real change across the country.

Some PLPs really believe their victory in North Abaco this week was a stamp of approval. A confirmation of their “iron fisted power” and an affirmation of their mighty political hand now ruling over the Bahamian people. They believe they are indestructible, mighty and all powerful.

What kinda thinking is this?

Couple days ago that feeling of endless power got to the head of the LATE AGAIN maximum leader of the PLP, when he attempted to suggest that the GREAT I AM OF THE UNIVERSE has made him Lord over the Bahamas. And that nothing could and would happen for North Abaco unless and until he [Christie] agreed.

Yeah right! Ya playing with fire now. Absolute power indeed corrupts ABSOLUTELY!

But while Christie pontificates and elevates his head into the clouds while he emasculates his enemies – including some opposing voices in his party – he should be reminded that the God above is watching us all and is forever completely in charge of everything under his feet – us and him [Christie].

To assume Lordship of the Bahamas requires humility! It requires care and attention to all PLPs, DNAs and FNMs. It requires meekness to even the vulnerable [Greg Gomez] who is still unemployed and needs work.

Those who lord over us must never see themselves as some imperialist sovereign master ready to crush the weaker of us to fan their helium inflated heads because they control a government.

Today they are in and, as night follows day, they will soon be out!

We remind Mr. Christie and his Gold Rush bunch that every knock down is not a knock out, and every defeat does not means conquered. ‘The Great Ruler’ of the earth reminds us that he who seeks to lead must be servants of us all.  Mr. Christie’s failure to digest this could mean the writing for him is already on the wall.

Meanwhile, let us but for a moment remind the PLP of their already shameful neglect of North Abaco in less than a week of a big promise. Didn’t the PLP tell those people there that they will deliver an Urban Renewal office in that part of town? Why is it not there? When will it open? Why can’t it open? And why neglect North Abaco so quickly in the game?

A major plank in the PLP platform [URBAN RENEWAL] cannot happen for North Abaco even after that GOLD RUSH Cabinet Meeting in North Abaco. Urban Renewal they say is the answer to all the ills of the Bahamas!

The member elect sat before a Cabinet Meeting begging for it to be done. It has not been done…Why?

They are simply ‘LATE AGAIN’! Cannot deliver! Fails to Deliver!

We are convinced it may never happen.

We report yinner decide!