Cargill thrown out of NIB door – Director suspended as forensic investigation opens at NIB

Algernon Cargill - Director of NIB now under the gun!

Nassau, Bahamas — Doors are being locked and keys changed this morning after the Board of NIB served Algernon Cargill his suspension papers following stiff resistance from the NIB Director.

His walking papers were served on him last evening as plans were announced to begin a Forensic Investigation into the SCANDALOUS happenings at NIB.

Over this past weekend in our special Sunday edition, Bahamas Press released shocking revelations in a letter penned by Board Chairman Gregory Moss to Minister Shane Gibson on some eight matters of concern involving unsavory practices and rank abuse of the funds of NIB benefitting friends, family and lovers connected to the Director.

BP since 2010 argued and called for an investigation and was just inches from filing the matter in the Supreme Court to stop the ‘bloody and naked’ backside rape of the people’s social security arm.

Cargill in the 22-page letter is alleged to have bankrolled with NIB funds an apartment, which was leased by NIB for 20 months, squandering more than $138,000 on what was his brother’s Sandy Port apartment.


Then there were the finance department reports, which showed a litany of projects, all done by Cargill’s longtime partner at Kenuths Electrical Company.

The business racked up tons of charges into the millions of dollars for services to NIB, leaving many to wonder: “How could only one electrical company in the entire Bahamas be engaged by the board to do so much work?” In the US, insider trading is a federal crime and is punishable with jail time.

And the news is getting worse.

Some believes if the Christie Administration had failed to proceed with removing Cargill, it would be dangerous for the Party as the entire Board at NIB could have resigned, which would herald the worse month for the PLP in 40 years in government.

We report yinner decide – And the Damn DUTTY Tribune cannot protect the crooks anymore.