Female badly decomposed body discovered in hole near Treasure Cay


Abaco records its first murder for the year.

Treasure Cay, Abaco — Bahamas Press is reporting the country’s 13th murder – this time in the Abaco community.

We can confirm police late Wednesday evening discovered the badly decomposed body of a female.

In this breaking report coming across Bahamas Press’ wire, we can confirms the news comes from the Turtle Cover area in the community – this is just outside Treasure Cay.

Here’s what we know from our teams on the ground; we can confirm the victim was murdered. We know the female’s body was badly decomposed and was discarded into a hole on the side of a subdivision and covered up somewhat with rocks.

Police making the discovery confirm no one in Abaco is reportedly missing at this time and therefore, the sighting has authorities puzzled.

Investigative team will resume examination of the crime scene this morning…

Marshall Road Dumpsite on Fire this morning

BREAKING News HAPPENING NOW <<< The Marshall Road Dump – just behind the Anathol Rodgers High School – is on Fire once again. BP reporters on the ground confirm the fire began sometime around 5:30 am this morning.

Meanwhile, Bahamas Press was at the scene live on Faith Ave North where the kitchen of a popular restaurant Caribbean Tasty Delights in a complex that was also on fire. Fire Teams have since brought the fire under control.