One Family Junkanoo Group Win Boxing Day Parade, But Junkanooers are Upset with Weather Forcasters



Dress as the chief justice and bearing the message ‘Crime – Enough is Enough’ the One Family junkanoo group took home the win at the Brian ‘Boldie’ Gibson Boxing Day parade. Saxons appeared to have not won best music and finished second place. The group’s music however can be heard on the audio clip below click to listen.

Click here to listen to the Saxons music: ds_20012.mp3

Nassau Bahamas – The One Family junkanoo group was delivered the victory prize at the Brian ‘Boldie’ Gibson Boxing Day parade amid a two day wait on results from the parade. Junkanooers gathered in at Fish Fry site in western New Providence on Wednesday evening to hear the results of the 2007 Boxing Day parade, all to be told that the results would be delayed until Thursday evening.

Storm like clouds brought a heavy downpour on the Boxing Day Junkanoo parade as all junkanoo groups lost their valued costumes to the inclement weather. Members of the Roots junkanoo group caught the heavy downpour as they entered Rawson Square where some judges and spectators rushed from the parade in a frenzy for shelter.

Junkanooers now argue their case against meteorologist from the Met office, saying they were given misleading advise to go on to Bay and rush in the Boxing day event. “This is unfair, to be told that we would experience light showers and what actually transpired was a heavy downpour in the middle the parade, we were all ill-advised and any weather person could have foreseen this heavy downpour of rain coming.” A Root junkanooer said.

Junkanoo insiders also noted that this is the last time they would be taking the advise from the Met office as the recent, Tropical Storm Noel proved the incompetence of the department to accurately advise on any weather reporting. “These guys are playing a guessing game with our work where we had spent countless hours, days and months in the shacks to produce these pieces, now our losses are in the thousands due to the false weather forecast given to us.” Another junkanooer group leader said.

The results of the 2007 Boxing Day parade went with the following results; First place went to One Family with 1,437 points, Saxon second with 1,437 point, Roots third with 1,367, Valley Boy was fourth with 1,349 points and Music Makers came fifth with 1,215 points. The Prodigal Sons were disqualified in the 2007 parade due to insufficient numbers that rushed with their group.