Exposing The PLP Bandidos and Their Special Interest Behind Arawak Cay


jeromeNassau, Bahamas — We at BP were appalled to hear that Jerome Fitzgerald is the person up front on the Port move to Arawak Cay and talking about ‘special interest’ and protecting the small man. Well we said, “Well blow me down”. Justice Brandeis once said, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant and electric light, the best policeman”, so we will shine the light.

Have anyone notice these new elite second generation PLP Bandidos and how they stick together? We are talking about the Wilsons (Frankie Clan), Smiths (George Smith clan) Finlaysons (Tiger clan) and the Fitzgeralds et al. Have anyone notice how they marrying into each other family?. So it was no surprise to Bahamas Press that these people would come together to rob the Bahamian people for their own selfish greed.

The Hon. Earl Deveaux only exposed the tip of the iceberg with Jerome & Co last week. These guys wanted to sell water to the poor masses and rake in millions of dollars while using Water and Sewerage facilities free of charge! THIS IS INCREDIBLE!

We at BP would like to ask Jerome and Mark who they thought would be buying water from them, surely not the White Knights of this country, but those same poor people that Jerome spoke about, these are the people he wanted to make a killing on. What a shame!

This behavior of the Bandidos is not new. Just look at what Jerome did to the investors in RND and that will tell you a whole lot about this character. One source related the story told us. Jerome and two other partners started RND cinemas in leasehold property in the Prince Charles Shopping Centre with a couple of projectors, two popcorn and two hotdog machines. They then did an IPO (Initial Public Offering) and sold shares to the Bahamian public. earl-copy

They then raped the company and the shares were delisted from BISX. They were then traded over the counter and now worth less than a penny a share. However, Jerome lives fat off the HOG, he lives on Paradise Island and has beach access. “We know he is not serious about the poor black folks that have to go to Saunders Beach,” our source said.

Our source also added, “What Jerome them did and if we had proper oversight and regulations, Jerome would be doing time like Bernard Madoff in the States. This was a ponzi scheme!”

We also learn that these greedy Bandidos led by Jerome wanted the port at Clifton so that they could control the ground transportation. Further, through his E-ticketing business, he wanted to control all the advertising at the bus stops around the island and at the airport. These are the new PLP elite Bandidos! They are greedy as hell and very deceitful!

We at Bahamas Press are now confirming who all bought land or got Crown Land in South West New Providence and the evidence so far has been appalling. We see why so much noise is being made by those Bandidos.

Well the story as told to us; got even more intriguing, it is said that Jerome tried to put a move on Mark’s family by trying to get his bankers at the time to finance the shopping centre on JFK Drive and move the bank from Mark those building where the bank has been for 40 plus years, to be Jerome’s anchor tenant. We bet Mark did not know that!

The bank at that time saw how weak the management was and saw through the scheme and effectively demarketed the account. This is how CIBC financed them and moved in as their anchor tenant. The work of the Bandidos, a continued enterprise of SHAMEFUL HOGS who take business from the Finlaysons! Typical PLP cutthroats. But Mark should not be surprised, just ask Brent Dean what Jerome did to him.

7perry-copyNow Jerome, a little free advice, we here at BP will put you in the right direction to look for who has taken care of special interests and the white knights and you do not have to look far. Just check out the Pussy Cat, Perry Christie. We will even help you further, please check and see who the PLP gave leases to on Arawak Cay one week before and a couple of days prior to May 2nd, 2007 election. Check the dates on the letters of the tenants, which came from the Office of The Prime Minister. Then check the PLP’S bank account or better yet, Christie’s bank account and see what was deposited for those leases and talk about ‘Special Interest’.

Christie double crossed you guys and gave the lease on the Water and Sewerage property including the ISP level 1 security port to a ‘White Knight’! Another Oligarch!

Water and Sewerage now has to pay docking fees to that same WHITE KNIGHT! Shame on Christie and these new PLP Elite Bandidos. Jerome, stop chasing ghosts and look for the real ‘Buggaman’- Christie.

We at BP hope that the committee on Crown Land look into the leases given in May 2007 on Arawak Cay by Christie and please follow the money. Some people should be doing the Bank Lane Shuffle.


The old customes building an eyesore for years at Arawak Cay. The government has decided to move the Port to the Cay. We believe the time has come, to cleanup the eyesore.



  1. BP:::Typical PLP cutthroats. But Mark should not be surprised, just ask Brent Dean what Jerome did to him.

    Forgive me for my indulgence but who is this Brent Dean?I know of a reporter who has that name but other than that am lost.I intend to pursue this matter further but need assistance in travelling in the right direction.Can I count on you for assistance?

  2. It is sad to see intelligent people so strongly debating issues that quite frankly don’t push our country forward. I agree with the post stating we have SERIOUS issues to face—unemployment, immigration, industry, work ethic, social ills (teenage pregnancy, incest and statutory rape), CRIME!!!!! It would be great if everyone would come together and find solutions to our issues rather than fighting fruitlessly amongst ourselves.

    Both the PLP and FNM fall short of giving the Bahamian people what we need and deserve. For too long their fights have been against each other and had little or nothing to do with the betterment of our country. Young, new, capable leaders like Jerome and Branville are what we want to see. We are sick of the old games and the old wars. We want progress as a people, it is long overdue.

    It is refreshing to have access to media that is uninfluenced by a political party (hopefully). I hope Bahamas Press does not begin to lose its value by resembling tabloids that publish sensational stories which are not credible. And be careful not to reveal personal vendettas either. We the people need an untainted perspective.

    Bahamians, please release your fixation on political parties and keep your mind open to support whatever and whomever will make this country the best it can be. That means we can’t have personal agendas either! Governments serve but the people decide.

  3. LOL!!!!! I am not referring to anything Mr. Fitzgerald could or would have said. I am refering to your story, report or posting however you may describe it.

    I may be wrong in seeing it as a news report. It may be within the license of a “blogger” to spin a story rather report facts and findings.

    But in this rather small market, we do have tabloids and the market for such is farely well served. It would seem to me that the wide open market for news and information would be more worthy of pursuit.

  4. @bahngr
    Well that is not for us to tell at this point. Mr. Fitgerald did not touch the Brent Dean in his responses to us and you should ask him to tell.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  5. WTF is this??????
    BP if you want to write a novel please feel free. But if you want to report news please collect, verify and report facts. This story is a bunch of ramblings that confuses more than educates. Why do you call RND a Ponzi scheme? What was Jerome supposed to have done to Brent Dean? “it is said that Jerome tried to put a move on Mark’s family by trying to get his bankers at the time to finance the shopping centre on JFK Drive and move the bank from Mark those building where the bank has been for 40 plus years, to be Jerome’s anchor tenant.” what does this mean??

    Your story draws its own conclusions which I cannot follow because you don’t give the facts. If you give the facts, readers would be able to draw their own conclusions. Or is that counterintuitive to your objectives?

  6. truthhurts :@jerome fitzgerald
    surely you have better things to do than respond to a story circulating on the internet vis-a-vis bahamaspress. you need to let the bloggers deal with this. you worry about your next campaign and deal with the big issues as a legislator.

    Ok I love to know that another hates me but if your off the mark quote to the Senator is cordial then the meaning has surely changed.Cant find your version of the wortd anywhere but I have a meaning for it SARCASTIC.

  7. @russell johnson
    i don’t have a problem with most people. just you and a few of your ilk whom i have little to no regard for.

    notice i was quite cordial to the senator.

  8. @truthhurts
    Each time you as the biggest UNCLE TOM type any response I notice where it is always filled with foul,abusive and gutter language.I have tried to block out your stupid style but enough is enough so when I see you on the streets I shall try and find out why you have a problem with anyone who is of a different opinion.Stop trying to vbe like your leader HAI as change will take place and he will be affected more than anyone else.Attack,attack attack a poor style because you will lose each time.You are from the bottom and so am I so behave yourself. The Semnator was right to defend his character,as his opponent in Marathon seeks to undermine him.Its no retreat no surrender.

  9. @jerome fitzgerald

    surely you have better things to do than respond to a story circulating on the internet vis-a-vis bahamaspress. you need to let the bloggers deal with this. you worry about your next campaign and deal with the big issues as a legislator.

  10. @media

    are you still surprised when these dummies express outrage at your point of view on christie?
    you’ve been saying you have beef with christie and ingraham for over a year now. when you attack hubert, these christie lapdogs can’t wait to join in with their knives sharpened.
    but when you attack christie they get all hurt. it shows you that they don’t really want to embrace change. they really just want christie back. thank the lord you won’t let something like that happen.
    good God what a bunch of idiots!

  11. I have deliberately stayed out of this discussion waiting for the bomb that would have given credence to what the story alleges.I say kudos to Sen Jerome for responding and disarming the play,play bomb.BP you correctly stated that the senator is not the target but just collateral damage.However your story is all about the Senator aAND HE HAS GIVEN THE TRUE PICTURE OF WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED.I knew all along that Min deveaux wants to eliminate the Senator from challenging him in Marathon and has decided to shoot first and ask questions later.I give this to you BP you have drawn the Senator out and for those who were doubtful about his leadership skills his intelligent explanation now shows all what he is capable of.Min Deveaux your subtle attack on the Senator has backfired and you will be the only member of Parliament to be defeated after only serving 5 yrs in two seperate constituencies.While am at it I still await an explaination about the Minister,s daughter who was arrested in a gambling raid.I now sit back and await the attack of II.The Senator is cool as a cucumber but his detractors are boiling lolo loll.Yes folks Senator Fitzgerald is slated to get the PLP nomination to run against Minister Earl Deveaux whenever gen Elects are called.

  12. I like BP, but I think this article is simple riddled with none issues. It’s highly suggestive but hardly conclusive. I will remain a supporter of Senator Fritzgerald like thousands of other young Bahamians who are determined to see change in our mentally drained political environment. It will take more than this to rattle Jerome. He remains the professional that he is one whom is widely admired by his peers.

  13. @media
    Media, you have disappointed me.

    You made accusations against JF and in post #30,31,36, and 39 JF responded to you.

    What i note with interest is your response to JF post. You didnt challenge a thing he said. Your weak response of “Senator please take no offense to this, this has very little to do with you…” says all i need to know bout your accusations about him. BOL!

    For whatever reason, you seem stuck on the monies exchanged for the lease of land at Arawak Cay between PC and some Bay St Boy! I must ask you 2 questions:

    1. why bring up JF in this? What purpose did that serve? Why bring up the man’s former business dealings (which according to JF response, you got wrong) that has absolutely nothing to do with the Arawak Cay Lease? Then you capitulate in your response to him by saying “dont take it personal, it has nothing to do with you?” It was just another drive by attack by you on someones character in the PLP. Media, your getting predictable.

    2. Seeing that you have irrefutable evidence that the lease granted was awarded because of some payoff, why wont you name the person who the lease was ganted to? Reveal the name of the man/woman you are alleging paid off a sitting PM at the time for a government contract. If it is like you say “a matter of public record” then why all the secrecy? You worried about a lawsuit aye?

    If you have information that can seal PC political fate why not just reveal it and get it over with. All you are doing is posturing and head faking.

    You wanted a response you got it, now the ball is in your court.
    Put what you have on the table and let the chips fall where they may.

    I will repeat my original questions that you seem to be ducking for a 5th time:

    1. Do you have evidence that PC promised Jerome and others the lease to Arawak Cay?

    2. Do you have copies of the PLP’s bank accounts or PC bank accounts showing funds being deposited from this individual? and will you post it

    Ps – there is no need for name calling!

  14. All the wickedness that is going on in the country is only hindering our progress. People can’t see the corruption by our leaders is only tearing our nation apart. Why can’t politicians be honest in their dealings? All the lying and stealing is it really worth it? At the end of the day you can’t carry these things with you to the grave. I know some of them want to make sure their families are straight if something should happen to them, but they will never be straight. How can they be straight if these are things you had to lie and steal to achieve? We must stop being stupid and fighting amongst ourselves, because our politicians can do much better than what they are doing. If they could stop being selfish and greedy and give everybody a fair opportunity, we would not have so many people suffering. I am sick and tired of all the lies and corruptions, because I know things don’t have to be the way it is.

  15. @Jerome Fitzgerald
    And we will say again Senator this is really NOT about you. You’re simply in the SERIOUS crossfire we have with your leader. And this is evident because he is NOT even agreeing with your cause. His silence is deafening on the whole matter.

    Also, what we did not say in this piece is this, why would a group, which resembles the Progressive Liberal Party, find the time and resources to fight for where another one of Brent Symonette’s companies will go, when SCORES indeed Hundreds of Bahamians are CATCHING HELL, losing their jobs and homes!

    When 84 were let go just this Friday at Old Bahama Bay and where others are threatened in the banking sector and more in the hotel sector. What has happened, Can’t the PLP put an ad together for the people anymore? Can they not find ink to make a statement to those issues? Have they forgotten that many of these affected are their supporters?

    What we say is this, where is the message for the PEOPLE? ARAWAK CAY IS NOT A PEOPLE’S MESSAGE! It is ingratiated like a pot of stew for SPECIAL INTEREST! Bahamians see through it like a clear glass. It is not a mirror where they see themselves! Because whilst a mother is sent home and the child will not return to private school this summer, they see the PLP talking about some dock being extended for the RICH!

    The PLP has not issued a single statement since the terminations on Grand Bahama Friday. Why the silence?

    But now we see the PLP fighting for Arawak Cay? Come on, the port could be nearby or in the next sewerage plant, Bahamians don’t care two cents about where you put Brent and his goons.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  16. Yes I accept that the name changed during that time, but I was more focused on how your version of RND’s relationship with RBC at that time differed from my recollection. I did not accept the name change as important to the discussion.

    Nevertheless,I am still a fan of your column even if you are talking about me or challenging my views. We still agree on many things. Just speak truth. Today I think some of what you attributed to me bore no resemblance to truth. So be it.

  17. Believe me no offense taken. I responded as such. I have broad shoulders and a thick skin.I don’t want you to take this the wrong way either but I am so focused on the issues facing this country that I am so beyond this type of stuff.

    On the issue with RBC I am being truthful when I tell you I have no idea what you are talking about. At that time cash was not an issue for RND. We had more than sufficient so I can not imagine RND owing any bank any amount of money let alone defaulting on any loan. There may have been some at RBC praying for our demise at the time. I have heard such stories but brushed them off. In any event,You are talking about over 10 years ago but it does not add up to me knowing what our financial position was during the time you are referring to. I’m not perfect by a long shot, maybe I forgot something…

    I cannot answer any questions for Mr. Christie.

  18. Larry :
    Anyone who doesn’t know that there is corruption in both of these political parties, really have their heads shoved up their a**, and unfortunately there are too many Bahamian people who fit this description.
    It is funny that whenever BP, post a story that is critical of Hubert Ingraham and the FNM, some people are the first ones to jump on the band- wagon not questioning anything, saying… ‘Yeah BP go get him, Ingraham is Mugabe etc.’. But now that BP, post a story critical of a PLP, they are the first ones who are all of sudden sooo defensive and are wanting of evidence to back up the claims. lol. It all speaks to the asinine partisan that is rampant in this country. In reality it is sad. But the reaction of some people to this post is just too funny. LOL

    But HI has made it worse over the past 2+ years…. He has caused me to be proud to say that I am a PLP… He is far worse than PC and a blind man can see that!!! He is a victimizer of all known to be PLP supporters!!

  19. Altec :
    Ya know BP we all know you want PC gone so bad, well guess what, if you had evidence that PC took monies and gave government leases and contracts in return, that would pretty much seal his fate and he would have no choice but to step down as that is a criminal offense.
    I dont think you have a shred of evidence. Knowing your disdain for PC, had you had any, you would have posted it as well.

    Altec you are so right.. But I know what BP is doing… BP wants PC to quit so HI can win easily when ever he rings the bell because as it stands now, HI does not have a chance…

    But BP throws a little something on HI in there every now and again to throw us off but they aint fooling me!!!

  20. @Larry
    And Larry they don’t this is just a tip of the iceberg on Christie. There is much more, PLENTY MORE where we have to add to this. Stay Tuned!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  21. Anyone who doesn’t know that there is corruption in both of these political parties, really have their heads shoved up their a**, and unfortunately there are too many Bahamian people who fit this description.
    It is funny that whenever BP, post a story that is critical of Hubert Ingraham and the FNM, some people are the first ones to jump on the band- wagon not questioning anything, saying… ‘Yeah BP go get him, Ingraham is Mugabe etc.’. But now that BP, post a story critical of a PLP, they are the first ones who are all of sudden sooo defensive and are wanting of evidence to back up the claims. lol. It all speaks to the asinine partisan that is rampant in this country. In reality it is sad. But the reaction of some people to this post is just too funny. LOL

  22. On the issue of a trucking benefit from the SW port. My family owned the second largest trucking company up until Jan. 2006 when we sold it and my father went into a well deserved semi retirement. My father and I built that company together over 25 plus years. I began working with him when I was 13. So we had nothing to gain from any trucking from any port as we had sold out our interest before the last govt. had even finalized where the new port would go.

  23. I read this article with interest and while I would not normally respond to such writings, they are so outrageous and filled with misinformation that I felt compelled to speak before what was said be accepted as truth.

    1.I am not married into any of the said families.
    2.I was involved with a company that bid against a foreign company to build a water plant to supply water to Kerzner and Bahamar. Not locals, poor or otherwise. Water and Sewerage had chosen Arawak Cay as the site but the Christie government very early on rejected that site as it was to be a tourism and cultural center and all agreed to move to Perpall tract. The winning bidder was never communicated and the project died, much to the dismay of Kerzner and Bahamar.
    3.RND has had its ups and downs. But today it is a company with over 11 million in assets and is one of the top 10 commercial real estate companys in the country with approximately 100,000 sq. ft of availble leased space in Nassau and Freeport of which 98% is leased. This year its net profits will top 1 million dollars and it is the only company that I have an interest in that has actually increased it’s profits in these tough economic times. We are proud of this accomplishment. No raping, no ponzi scheme. The shopping centres are there for all to see.
    4.RND does own an eticketing company but not sure what it has to do with a the port or Arawak Cay.
    5.I was involved with a group that put in a proposal for bus stops around the Island. We were not the first to do so and I am sure were were not the last. It needs to be done. The same group put in a proposal for the signage at the airport. We were not successful at the end of the day and a forein company now controls it. What a shame, but I guess some Bahamians prefer it that way.
    6.I know nothing about land at the Southwest port. I own none directly or indirectly.
    7. RND approached all the banks to finance it’s shopping centres. FCIB put forward the best proposal and we accepted that. They also agreed to rent a space in our Centre. At the time RND had bought the properties at JFK and Freeport with cash it had saved from 5 years of operations. Not sure what all the other stuff is about but it simply has no relation to the truth.
    8.I don’t know about leases,bank accounts or any ownership or promised ownership in Arawak Cay. I have no interest directly or indirectly.

    Now lets get back to the issue. Here is what I do know:

    1.The govt. has not made public the Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) as it relates to the extension of Arawak Cay. Instead he talks about the EIA for dredging the port. Something completely different.
    2. The traffic impact report to west bay street has not been done and if so not made public.
    3. The cost of the new port has not been clear. It has ranged in the news papers from 80M – 175M. No feasibilty has been connected to it. The port at SW was to cost 200M and it was defined for all to see.
    4. An EIA in Nov. 2005 ranked Arawak cay as the 6 worst site out of 7 for the port. The present location was ranked 5th. So why move? It really is not a move. It still is in the town area.
    5. There will be damage to the reefs and the 14acres seabed in the area. saunders beach will be affected as 3/4 of it disappeared when Kelly Island was first built and now they are extending it by 1500 feet in some places and we are to believe that the remaining quarter will not disappear.
    6.Earl Deveaux and Brent Symonette received the Ecorys report in Oct. 2007 which showed that the SW port was feasible and the report has not been from since.
    7. During the 2007 campaign the now PM promised to use Arawak cay for a Cultural center and tourist attraction. Does he still say what he means and means what he says? what changed his mind?

    The govt. does not want to discuss these issues, instead they come up with this distraction and others add to the misinformation with all manner of things.

    Truth be told this is not about me. I have no personal advantage. I am speaking truth to what I think is right and in the best interest of the bahamian people. I entered politics knowing that it was a dirty game, but I want to stick to the issues so forgive me if I don’t join the misinformation and sterotyping that is tearing us apart insted of uniting us to reach our full potential. I only wish to leave this country in a better state than I found it and right now we are in a pretty bad state. I am not looking for anything, but I am prepared to sacrifice much to ensure my children and other Bahamian children have a Country worth fighting for.

    So lets stick to the issues that threaten our Country and future generations. That would be a welcome change because the future is now.

    • Bahamas Press’ point on this is clear, follow the ‘Buggarman’ CHRISTIE! Checkout who were given leases on Arawak Cay days before the May 2, 2007 election and ask Christie who they were. And what was paid for them before we expose it.

      That’s all we ask. You talk about ‘Special Interest’ Senator, with all due respect, please tell us who are Christie’s SPECIAL INTEREST? Please tell us, why is Christie soo quiet on the matter!

      Also our sources deep in the bowels of the third floor in Royal House tell us that when CIBC, NOT FCIB, paid out RBC, RBC threw a party. We stand by our sources who showed us documents to that fact!. The account had been demarketed.

      Senator please take no offense to this, this has very little to do with, this is about ‘The Pussy Cat’ ‘Da Buggarman’ Perry Christie!

      Bahamas Press/ Editor.

  24. Johnny Tucker :
    Too many of our black brothers and sisters are being destroyed by other blacks… if I have to blog until the wee hours of the morning then that is what I will do … I refuse to allow anyone to trample on and over the character of yet another young black talented man in this country… Jerome you go to bed, ” I gat this one”

    And whilst you try to protect one you claim has BLACKs interest, this article proves, they sought to trample and MASH TO THE GROUND SCORES of POOR BAHAMIANS; BLACK AND WHITE.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  25. @Big P
    There you go Big P call up all of your friends and allies and summon them to the blogesphere at once!!! Let’s raise our swords of intellectualism to cut down any and everything that wants to destroy black people particularly young black men who earn their money by legal means….

    It’s not a secret anymore the Bay Street Boys earned most of their money running dope and rum…. Pop Symonette was the pro of doing this…. then they cleaned it up…..

    Ever wonder why you don’t see the small percentage of whites running around and around during the daily hustle of mad Bahamian life??? It’s because the majority of them are retarded…. White Bahamians are famed for inter-breeding… That’s really why Brent really never liked Craig because Craig was humping Brent’s ole lady….

  26. How yal know Jerome Money Clean???? Im not saying it isnt but hey on the real. Do you all know this guy??? I mean Im just asking…dont kill me…

  27. I am shocked and amazed at this article BP I love your site as your expose the real news but some advice to you. When you print an article about a black bahamian (Jerome) who got rich within the guidelines in this country and try to make him look as if he is the worst of the lot becareful. You want to write a real story find out why Hubert ingraham allowed Phillip Keeping into the country broke and running from the Canadian authorities to open up a cable company with no money. Hubert used Keeping as a front for him as he is the real owner of Cable Bahamas. That’s why he always trying to sell BTC a cash cow everytime he gets into power he want his company cable bahamas to get more piece of the pie.

    Yes Jerome may have done shrewd deals but compared to those white bay st boys and uncle tom niggas in the fnm I think you have more compelling artilces to write to give a balance approach to the amount of crookery in the Bahamas

  28. Too many of our black brothers and sisters are being destroyed by other blacks… if I have to blog until the wee hours of the morning then that is what I will do … I refuse to allow anyone to trample on and over the character of yet another young black talented man in this country… Jerome you go to bed, ” I gat this one”

  29. I think that this is a credible website for any every day Bahamian, the sooner we stop beleiving in the PLP and the FNM we will move much faster and build our country.

    Its folks like previous bloggers who can’t get these parties out of their blood stream believing in them for everthing and it is sad. We know there are all corrupt except it and move on people make a change, make an impact for your children and their children. Don’t be such blinded A$$ fools to think that crooks will lay down your life for them. And I mean all.

    You guys want to talk about CROWN LAND GRANTS, Please I don’t know if any of yall read any of the local dailys last week to seek a high ranking former MP wife got Property in 2008 for $5,000 G’s. WAKE THE HECK UP BAHAMA$ CLEARLY there are not concerned about you guys when a poor man working for years cant get a low cost home size property for nothing less than $80 G’s. A$$ please. A$$et$ $0.00 POOR MAN.

    • And you know swing, we warned them you know. They think we’re joking when we tell them they better get rid a Christie, because this BLOG and its editors and writers are ready, WILLING and ABLE to go to JAIL for what we say on here. They better wake up and accept the fact that Bahamas Press and the People of this COUNTRY WANTS CHANGE! We reject the same, whether its CHRISTIE OR INGRAHAM! WE DEMAND CHANGE!


      Again to ALTEC and JT we have nothing to prove, it is what it is and if they say they is man, prove what we say to be untrue, THAT’s ALL! Respond and refute what we say, and what the house come down on them.

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  30. One thing with black bahamians, if the white fnm make the money he is looked up to, and he is considered the best thing since sliced bread.
    albeit they have been reaping, and raping this countries for aeons long.
    Up to the present day.

    If you are a black fnm you are still enamoured, and looked up to as this honest, industrious, hard working man!

    If you are a black plp, and you happen to have some wealth you are a crook, a thief, and every other derogative there is.

    Moving along to the ordinary black bahamian, if you seem to be sucessful
    live in a nice neighbourhood, or own a business, then you “teif” the people money.

    Power to the black man, who can make some money honestly. Bahamas Hot Mix cannot make all the money you know!

  31. Ya know BP we all know you want PC gone so bad, well guess what, if you had evidence that PC took monies and gave government leases and contracts in return, that would pretty much seal his fate and he would have no choice but to step down as that is a criminal offense.

    I dont think you have a shred of evidence. Knowing your disdain for PC, had you had any, you would have posted it as well.

  32. I mean Brent is like a quiet lamb getting out of the back door with all of the dam contracts and money and here we are 42 years later trying to tear down a young black man who is on the verge of making history in our country….. 42 years and counting we have come along way as a people but we have not travelled very far…. BP for God sake shake yourself off and “catch ya sef”…

    If Jerome gains something that’s good he is a dam BLACK man. Trust me what Jerome will make could never compare to Brents exponential figures in this same deal… This man’s father was at the trottle during the most turbulant time in the history of our country. A time when blacks were viewed as half of a human being not a full human being. Roland Symonette was at the trottle of leadership when blacks couldn’t work downtown or in banks yes my fellow Bahamians we have come a long way but we haven’t travelled very far…. You along with the help and influence of BP voted into office a man who refused to repent for the sins his father comitted against us all…

    You see why journalism is such a grave responsibility… The question we should all be asking is, how did we help Bahamians to think these last few years? Did we help them to understand that we can travel to a greater place in the sun by respecting eachother, understanding the significance of our past and the oppertunities that the future has for us? Or are we guilty of preying on their emotions and sensationalizing them on flea market headlines?… We need to wake up quickly man!!!!

  33. @media

    But I have never seen soo many diabolical CHRISTIE supporters in all my life.

    Media, only me and another poster has questioned the content of this post. Thats what you call “many diabolical CHRISTIE supporters”?

    Secondly, you havent answered my questions and it seems like you have choosen not to. You resort to name calling when you cant answer questions that point to the integrity of your claims.

    You want PC and JF to refute your story? LOL! If what you say is true, then those whom you mention has no incentive to refute what you say OR your report could be false and they may not feel the need to respond. Either way you win aye BP!

    But why rest the integrity of your claims on the response of those whom you write about? IF you have the proof then reveal it. Isnt that what you tell other posters who tell you your stories are incorrect, to post what they have? Now i am asking you to do the same.

    If you want a response from PC and JF then the best way to do that would be to post some proof like written copies or audio proof of the promise PC made to JF or copies of the bank statements of the PLP and PC showing monies was exchanged. THAT WOULD GET A RESPONSE!

    You want those who you accuse to prove your accusations, lol. You cant be no lawyer. If you have proof present it. SIMPLE!

    I will repeat my questions again to you for a 4th time:

    1. Do you have evidence that PC promised Jerome and others the lease to Arawak Cay? If you do why didnt you post it?

    2. Do you have copies of the PLP’s bank accounts or PC bank accounts showing funds being deposited from this individual? and will you post it

  34. @Altec
    Conjure in your mind all you want to believe about us Altec, but what we presented today is FACT and we challenge the parties mentioned to refute what we say, THEN AND ONLY THEN WILL YOU SEE THE BACKHAND SLAP OF BP!

    Our BACKHAND SLAP will cause the teeth of some in the PLP to be lost forever in the political wilderness if they attempt to challenge what we say here today!

    Let them deny it, and watch BP move into another gear!

    Don’t play with the PEOPLE, because we are their GREATEST DEFENDERS!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  35. @Johnny Tucker
    Well there you have it folkes, those two PLP jokers and SPIN DOCTORS at work. Elcott Coleby has submitted a response to our article today, and in the spirit of transparancy and openness we will post it. But I have never seen soo many diabolical CHRISTIE supporters in all my life. Why yinner hate TRUTH SO?

    And Why start up a new site? Don’t your party have one already? Or that’s gagged too and hinders you all from expressing yourselves freely.

    We have said it before OVER and repeated, THE PLP and THE FNM don’t own BP, why you all cannot accept that?

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  36. @Johnny Tucker
    JT, believe it or not, Bahamas Press is a pretty honest blog, its just that one of its writers has an axe to grind with PC and its so obvious. I told BP before that their fixation with PC will eventually affect the integrity of this blog.

    Take this post for example; this writer made accusations against PC and JF and i have asked 3 times for evidence and the writer is deflecting in his answers bringing up the copies of the lease when he/she knows i am not referring to them.

  37. @Altec
    WOW Altec, you are factual and concise… Will you create a website to be the newest shining symbol of democracy in our beloved land… I find your contributions transparent and fair….

    I have one question that continues to loom though, BP on its website a few weeks back posted as a headline that it was joining ranks to remove Ingraham from office…. How come whenever the FNM government is going to make a foolish decision BP PRE-EMPS them and roll out the story first almost like to warn them not to make that decision because it will hurt the FNM… for example (1) Civil servants to be fired
    (2) An FNM mp will resign Ingraham warns of bar election….
    (3) A cabinet minister is about to resign

    Altec, ya better move ahead with a new website cause come election time we can’t afford any double crossers…. ” MONEY BUY LAND”

  38. Oh no no no media, i am not taling about evidence of the lease of land at Arawak Cay. The evidence i am asking you to produce refers to the accusations you made against Jerome and PC.

    I will repeat my questions again to you for a 3rd time:
    1. Do you have evidence that PC promised Jerome and others the lease to Arawak Cay? If you do why didnt you post it?

    2. Do you have copies of the PLP’s bank accounts or PC bank accounts showing funds being deposited from this individual? and will you post it

    Why are you dodging my questions?

  39. @Altec
    Oh no no no don’t put words in our mouth. As we said before what we said here is self explanatory. And if you cannot comprehend what is said, please find Christie or Jerome and ask them to explain for you what we posted. We made mention of a lease being granted days before the May 2nd General Election. That lease agreement is a public document. All you need to do is this, go down to the registrar and request it as we did and see for yourself.

    Look closely at the dates and see what Christie did with the land out there. We’ve done our homework! If you want more, start there or do what we told Jerome, go ask Christie not us.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  40. Wait a sec Media!

    YOU made these claims and accusations. Why should i or any reader of this blog have to go and find out whether what YOU WROTE is true or not? Are you not responsible for what you write?

    So you make the claims and your readers must do the digging to see if its true? LOL! If you reported a story with no evidence backing up the claims made what does that say about the story?

    I am not doing your homework.

    The questions I ask of you are fair and I will repeat my questions again to you:
    1. Do you have evidence that PC promised Jerome and others the lease to Arawak Cay? If you do why didnt you post it?

    2. Do you have copies of the PLP’s bank accounts or PC bank accounts showing funds being deposited from this individual? and will you post it online.

  41. @Altec
    What is posted here is clear. It is self explanatory. It is explicit and detail. We need not repeat ourselves Altec. We say and can backup just what we say.

    Do you expect us to reveal the Bank records? And then you suggest we delivered fraudulent papers? OH no! You’re closer to the parties we posted here, ask them if what we say is true or not. Because we know when in comes to the PLP, some a you get familiar and practice the word ‘SPIN’!

    Ask Christie for us what did he do to Jerome and those with respect to Arawak Cay. We bit you he will not comment a word cause he did just what we said. And this is why he has not lent an support to Jerome those debate.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  42. Media, it seems to me that you are saying that Jerome & Co wants Arawak Cay for their own financial interest but they dont know that PC has already least it out to someone else?

    If i understood this post correctly, here are some issues that i have with this story.

    Firstly, you state that PC has “double crossed” Jerome & Co but no where previously in your post did you mention that Christie promised anything to them. To me a “double cross” occurs when you have a promise made to 2 or more parties and all parties are made to think they are getting what you are offering but you only had intentions to offer it to one from the beginning. Do you have evidence that PC promised Jerome and others the lease to Arawak Cay? If you do why didnt you post it?

    Secondly, when you say, “check the PLP’S bank account or better yet, Christie’s bank account and see what was deposited for those leases” you are explicitly accusing the PLP party and PC of using their positions for financial gain. My question to you again is do you have copies of the PLP’s bank accounts or PC bank accounts showing funds being deposited from this individual? Can you back up this claim? and if you can will you post it online.

    The fact that you are telling jerome where to look means you dont have the info or you do and for whatever reason is withholding it. Why tell him where to look. Why not get the info yourself and post it.

    It seems to me like your attempting to take a personal shot at Jerome while at the same time take a swipe at PC. How efficient! But the problem this post has is there is no evidence given to back up any claims.

    You cant make accusations like this without showing proof. You are asking me and other readers to just take your word for it when we all know you already have an axe to grind with PC. Come on media your readers arent fools. Now, if you present proof of your accusations, i will be the first to ask PC to step down as party leader.

    Go ahead, accuse me of being a blind PC follower. I like the man, but i am no fool. A story like this needs to be backed up with evidence because if your reporting is true, a crime was committed but without evidence its just hearsay.

  43. Tahnkyou Tristan you are really crystallizing my point. The Country’s issues are so much greater than Jerome and his legal vested interests…. The mere fact that he has some financial gaining to inherit from the Arawak Cay development but still speaking out against the way it is being done proves he is putting country above self….

    My point on the traffic lights was simply to emphasize that there are more pertinent issues to deal with collectively and how we are being oppressed and deprived of fundamental necessities like street lights and how such deficiencies have affected our mental plate and really, we are like a modern version of slaves in the hole of the boat coming over from Africa climbing over each other to see who could get to the top first (black crab syndrome).

    We want real change in our country.. We will not settle for media football throwing any longer… We want our voices heard and WE WANT OUR FRIGGIN LAND AND OPPERTUNITY JUST LIKE THE BAY STREET BOYS….

  44. BP…Alot of people just dont know. I reviewed the study the beach but there is no issue there. The issues are unemployment immagration, investment, tourism etc. The Sauders beach is a ploy for PR for Jerome and thats it. I think he is a nice guy but wrong route and message. Mr. Chistie is not as nice as you may think. I dont want to say much cuz ill be debating and rowing all week here but ill tell ya somethin. Good bye to all the old heads in the PLP. Change is comin. all those MPs who dont work. You will be fired! Change comin baby. We gatta country to run and build.No jokers allowed

  45. @Johnny Tucker
    So tell me now what does the PLP and its SPECIAL INTEREST in Arawak Cay has to do with Ingraham and light? Please tell me. You want to talk about traffic lights find the post to discuss that. This post is about the Bandidos in the PLP not Ingraham!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  46. I mean you say that the PLP can’t find a voice for these people but yet Phillip Brave Davis warned the PM in the House of Assembly that if he don’t stop the sensless firings he would soon cause arnachy in the country… I mean let’s really discuss what’s going on this country without putting a twist on it…. the Bahamian poeple have been really been subjected to living in sh_ t these last fews years… I mean Nassau is a literal slump…. none of the friggin traffic lights work. We must buck up to eache-other like a nest of friggin stink ants and figure out whose turn is it to come out of the corner next.

    I mean if the lights doesn’t work can’t we just put the police on the streets to direct traffic? I know we are Balck but that is the least we deserve eventhough we tear down each other and allow the whites to buy us out and destroy our fellow black brothers and sisters… Let’s show ourselves not the world, that we are bigger and matured than that…

    I mean those white bitches are getting richer and richer and we are here in the wilderness moving in circles 42 yrs after majority rule….MY GOD!!! that’s longer than the children of Israel….

    This is not a time to defame mreging Black leaders we can’t allow them to fool us… they are trying to push us back into slavery in more modern fashion but it will never happen… They will never be our masters ever again!!!!!!!!!

  47. @Johnny Tucker
    johnny sit down Johnny let me lecture you about NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. If ya WUTLESS leader meant to implement it he would have here? And don’t think for a minute Bay Street Boys fought that programme. I personally know for a FACT; The Nurses Union, The Doctors association, And The Bahamas Hotel And Allied Workers Union and some others, all bankrolled funds against NHI. So let’s don’t go there today.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

    PS: but why don’t you ask Christie JT, if the Bay Street Boys are such an attack to him, why did he bend over backward to help them out? EVEN AT ARAWAK CAY?

  48. I mean Mr Christie was a threat to the Bay Street Boys money making high tax exploitation of the Bahamian people too when he implemented NATIONAL Health Insurance. They bought the election then tried to assisinaate Mr Christie by riddling his home with bullets; That’s a fact. We are dealing with a highly sophicisticated group of white mafias who will buy out their grandma crabbie if it was to thteaten their pockets… so Earl Deveaux, Hubert Ingraham and many others are only black in color they are just like the other middle- men who arrange the sale of their fellow black brothers and sister in the trans atlantic trade agreement…..

    Look your wife, your husband or your children in the eye right now and say, ” my darling, we have been sold”

  49. @Johnny Tucker
    Well johnny Tucker you should know that BP is the voice of the people. You ain’t know that yet? We look out for the people. Like the 84 fired Friday past and the ones being let go all across this country, who the PLP cannot find voice for anymore.

    But ask yourself, SERIOUS now, is the PLP fighting for the people or is BP? How could Jerome & Co. claim innocence to fighting for the people in this Arawak Cay debate when clearly he and others have interest there?

    And why should we publish the list of persons granted crown land, when we know CHristie and Ingraham have both been issuing it to all their friends. Ask Christie for the list see if he would give it to you.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  50. The way I see it Jerome is a Legal Citizen of this country too and he has to right to try and succeed financially. Is trying to succeed financially now a crime for a BLACK MAN too? Wow BP was the last source of communication the Bahamian people had to voice their concerns democratically and without fear of repercission… No wonder BP… I mean the Bay stree boys money and influence streches so far until you never know who to really trust. Lately however, I have been choked up on Nostalgia and really studying and unravelling the mysterious death of Sir Harry Oakes. Seeing that he wasn’t a fan of the Bay Street Boys in all, and that he had pro-black idealisms. A white uppidie fella could really be ostracized for holding such views in that day ya know…

    Really the reason why I decided against further pursuing a career in public life was because of a warning I recieveid at a funeral of all places… The Bay Street Boys had constructed a __________ without the respective approvals form Government agencies concerned. I spoke out against and was warned ” bey ya don’t frigg with these fellas, they’ll loose a million or two just to get rid of you and don’t even feel it”

    See Ping son Obie, he and Brent were gringing the same gal so instead of breaking it off whth that sexy beauty he tried to set Obie up with murder and the gal was murdered in Nairn’s appartment…hmmmm. It’s a good thing the PLP was in power and minipilated the judicial system…. Come on ya’ll know any sitting PM controls major decisions by the courts… don’t believe me yet aye??? Well didn’t Ingraham say no court will determine the who will become the Government of this country. Did the PLP win a single seat in the election court??? OK!!!

    Jerome you are a true champion of the people…. be careful for nothing!!!! they will get you too…. Will BP DISCLOSE THE NAMES OF PUBLIC OFFICERS WHO WERE GRANTED CROWN LAND????

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