Public Notice regarding Disposition of Publicly Held Lands


coatofarmsbahamas_4The House of Assembly has appointed a select committee to look into the disposition of all publicly held lands. This includes crown land, land owned by the Treasurer and land Qwned by public corporations like the Bahamas Electricity Corporation  (BEe)  and Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation (BAle). The Committee members are Fred Mitchell MP Fox Hill Chairman, Charles Maynard MP for Golden Isles and Minister of State for Culture, Deputy Chainnan, Branville McCartney MP Bamboo Town, Minister of State for ImmigratioD; Philip Davis MP for Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador and Kenyatta Gibson MP for Kennedy.

The Committee by this notice is soliciting information from the public on their concerns about publicly owned lands. The deadline for the return of information is 31st August. The information should · be sent to the Chief Clerk, House of Assembly at P.O. Box N 3003 Nassau Bahamas or at fax no 322-1118 or at the email address: house of or by hand at the House of Assembly, Bay S1reet, Nassau.

The Committee has been empowered to send for persons and papers:t to sit from place to place and to sit during the recess and members of the public should indicate whether they would wish to appear before the Committee in person under oath and whether or not they would wish for their identity to be protected.


  1. I believe that it is very important to look into the issue of both the acquisition and disposition of public lands. Whilst they are at it meaning the Committee they need to look into yhe acquisition of land for a cruise port in Grand Bahama. In particular the question as to the Constiututionality of acquiring land by the government for transfer to third parties or a third partty.

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