Not Everyone is an Expert on VAT!



Dear Sir,

Glad to know I am being afforded the opportunity to share this with my fellow Bahamians. As time draweth nigh for Value Added Tax to be implemented, there are seminars and workshops popping up a dime a dozen by all sorts of companies claiming to be teaching VAT facts and telling Bahamians how to deal with VAT.

My fear is that half of these companies have no idea what they are talking about. They go in with their quasi theories and ideas and mis-lead the public about what is to now be the country’s main taxation system. We must seek to be in one book on the same page with the government as it pertains to VAT.

I say this to Bahamian citizens, if you are going to register for a workshop or seminar that is suppose to teach you about VAT, make sure that seminar or workshop is sanctioned by the Ministry of Finance.

Yours etc.

Carolyn Bethel