Over 900 businesses have registered and are now VAT READY!!!!


A BREAKING UPDATE  >>> Task Force Continues To Push VAT Registration

As the registration deadline for companies to register for Value Added Tax (VAT) nears, the VAT Private Sector Education Task Force is continuing its mandate to encourage businesses to get registered and prepared for implementation on January 1st, 2015.

To date, over 900 businesses have registered.

Registration began back on October 13th and it is expected that all businesses meeting taxable sales of $100,000 or higher within the next 12 months must complete registration by November 30th.

The online system allows for businesses to register for VAT and in the future, to file for VAT.

Businesses under the taxable sales of $100,000 limit can still register voluntarily.

Co-Chairs Jasmine Davis and Edison Sumner along with the other members of the task force – Gregory Bethel and Andrew Rodgers – have continued to encourage businesses, not only in New Providence, but throughout the country to register for VAT.

“Businesses are registering and we know there will be a spike over these next few days and weeks,” Sumner told reporters at a press conference on Monday.

“We want all businesses to register so that if there are any concerns they can be adequately addressed in time before that end of November deadline. The portal makes it easy and convenient for company representatives to register as they can do so from the comforts of their own offices, homes or even their smart phones. We will continue to do our part by educating the private sector along with the government and through our own private organisations such as the Chamber of Commerce and others.”

Over the next few weeks, task force members will continue their media blitz by appearing on radio and television talk shows.

The government also intends to publish a weekly supplement where an updated list of registrants will be published. The list can also be found at www.bahamas.gov.bs/VAT

“All businesses must register,” Davis added.

“If you don’t register or are trying to avoid the system for whatever reason you will face strict penalties whether that be in the form of a fine or imprisonment. The government is being strict on making sure that everyone is in full compliance and that no one takes advantage of the system.

VAT is expected to come on stream on January 1st, 2015.

For more information contact the VAT Department at vatcustomerservice@bahamas.gov.bs or call the Help Desk Hotline 225-7280.