Dr. Hubert Minnis defeats Butler-Turner 298 to 106 –


Decisive Victory proves that Dr. Minnis has full backing of FNMs…

Dr. Hubert Minnis - Leader of The Opposition

Nassau, Bahamas – Breaking News coming into Bahamas Press now confirms that Dr. Hubert Minnis the new gladiator inside the FNM has defeated former Deputy Leader of the Party Loretta Butler –Turner.

BP sat on the convention floor watching the delegate cast their ballots and by 4pm even before voting had closed concluded that Dr. Minnis was the winner. Sources tell us even Hubert Ingraham – who told FNMs he is not coming back – threw his support behind Dr. Minnis.

The unofficial count showed the Killarney MP with 298 votes to Butler-Turner with 106 a 3 to 1 victory.

Bahamas Press congratulates Dr. Minnis on his victory. The Party Leader is about to address the convention tonight.

Meanwhile, Butler-Turner issued this statement congratulating the Party Leader on his decisive win and pledge her support.


Nassau, Bahamas – The following are results from the Free National Movement Convention held today, November 21st.

Dr. Hubert Minnis wins for Party Leader who wrote on his Facebook page at the start of the day, ” I look forward to the support and peaceful collaboration of the delegates at today’s convention. IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH! Stay focused on the goal! VICTORY 2017!!”

Peter Turnquest, MP, East Grand Bahama is the party’s Deputy Leader. Michael Pintard is the elected Party Chairman.

Statement from Loretta Butler-Turner: “I congratulate Dr Hubert Minnis on his election as Party Leader, and Peter Turnquest on his election as Deputy Leader of the Free National Movement. I pledge to them my support as we work together to mount an effective Opposition and prepare to defeat the PLP at the next general election.

“I also extend congratulations to all who have been elected to office at our National Convention, including Chairman, Michael Pintard.

“The contest for the leadership is over, having demonstrated once again the solid democratic principles upon which our movement was founded and nurtured. Our shared task now is unity. As the Official Opposition the FNM has an essential constitutional role to play and a challenge to prepare for the responsibility of governing. I pledge my full support in these efforts in a spirit of unity and collegiality.

“I wish to thank the many delegates who voted for me as well as the many FNMs who supported my candidacy. I thank also those who worked so diligently and enthusiastically on my behalf, including my campaign team, benefactors and all those who lent their support, best wishes and prayers.

“I am grateful for the support of so many constituents from Long Island, whom I am privileged to serve as their Member of Parliament.

“And of course, I am enormously grateful to my husband, Ed, to my daughter and son, and to my wider family and dear friends for their support, love and encouragement.

“I close my campaign with a sense of enormous gratitude. I will continue to vigorously lend my voice and support as a member of the FNM’s parliamentary team and to offer to my party and the Bahamian people ideas for a better Bahamas.”