Frankie "King Snake" Wilson and the elite Sunshine Boys.


jeromeBP’s Political Writer

Nassau, Bahamas – We have fresh information coming to us from Jerome Fitzgerald’s camp advising that there is collusion between BJ Nottage’s bid for leader and Jerome for the Deputy. The collusion is being puppet-ed by Frankie “King Snake” Wilson and the elite Sunshine Boys.

A source close to both camps told us, “Perry could not deliver the port at Clifton and the Sunshine Boys was already counting the money they would make from the Shell Oil property, which would have been needed for the port.

“Jerome and the other PLP Elites including Tiger’s clan lost out on the water deal on Arawak Cay and Christie jammed them with Bahamas Supermarkets,” our source said.franklyn-wilson

Well, we reported to you previously that Jerome and the second generation “Bandidos” are looking for power and they are products of “those Thieves and Rogues” that got everything from Pindling and gave very little back. They are the main reason that the PLP did not win. They held back on the money, but they want everything. They are nothing but thieves and Rogues.

We on this site have thrown our full support behind Philip Brave Davis as he represents real Change in the PLP and not these “neo-scammers” who come to continue in the paths of their Fathers.

BJ Nottage, who we like, is making a deal with the devil himself, Frankie “King Snake” Wilson, who threw the Church out on the streets. BJ also has some Elitist friends who are really FNMS and we refer to them; Ronnie Knowles and Campbell Cleare. These are the people that BJ look up to.  While Christie is attacked on this site, it is clear there is an insurrection mounting in the PLP.

Keep these ‘Thieves and Rogues’ from the Cookie Jar.


  1. canesfins :

    red blooded :I was telling people that a month ago about Jerome…Why you think he was trying to save Saunders Beach , because he was trying to save it for his self and his sunshine boys[Reply]

    dead wrong my friend.

    Canefins, you were a part of that group to launch your political career. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

  2. I am doing a favour for a very close friend. I would have voted for Paul Moss. I do not need anyone to tell me anything, now with your answering me, i will vote Moss and Brave. Forget the Pussy Cat, take off the gloves BP.

  3. Examiner :
    Altec and JR you guys in the Christie Compound is hurting Christie. Stop telling lies. BP is not attacking Christie and I made a pledge to Brave to vote for Christie. You guys are trying hard for us to go at Christie hard.

    why you need someone to tell you who to vote for? you cant think for yourself aye?

    When you typed, “BP is not attacking Christie” your fingers didnt fall off aye? he may not be attacking PC in this post, but attacking PC is what pays the bills for BP. The Tribune figured that out long time.

  4. @Altec
    Altec and JR you guys in the Christie Compound is hurting Christie. Stop telling lies. BP is not attacking Christie and I made a pledge to Brave to vote for Christie. You guys are trying hard for us to go at Christie hard.

  5. @media
    BP, when you announced BJ was your dark horse on Oct 14th, it was with little fan fair.

    Several months ago it was you who was building up fred mitchell. then suddenly, you stopped. Several weeks later, you come out very unenthusiastically supporting BJ.

    Since your post supporting BJ, you have posted basically nothing else about your ‘dark horse.’ You have posts stories Brave, who you support, but nothing, nada on BJ espousing the qualities of BJ compared to the posts you have on this site praising Brave.

    Why are you oh so quiet about your ‘dark horse’ BJ? seeing that he just got into the race 6 days before convention, one would think that you would use the little time available to promp up BJ. It seems as if your unprepared.

    Whats the matter? You had all kinds of fred mitchell stories lined up and now that he isnt running your left scrambling aye?

    You aint fooling nobody BP, Fred Mitchell was your original ‘dark horse.’ You counted your chickens before they hatched and now your left scrambling.

  6. @JR
    Jerome is backed by that snake, Frankie and does not support Christie. Jr, you forgot what Jerome said on a talk show a whie back. He said Christie needed to go. Jerome is a low life and lower than a snake’s belly like Frankie. He dropped Michelle Campbell and Dr. Sawyer like a hot potatoe. BP, I am convinced that Jr is the wutless webmaster and should get off this site. I am supporting Christie and Brave. I am only supporting and voting for Christie because Brave asked me to. Jr may cause me to change my mind about Christie. Stay off this site wutless webmaster.

  7. @Altec
    So now you have a scenario for who was or is our Dark Horse ech. HA! BIG JOKE! Couple days ago you was asking us where is the DARK HORSE now ya get him ya wondering who it was originally? Just stay out the way Altec, cause horse does kick!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  8. Kim Sands :
    You might be on to something for real, because I remembered sometime back BP was talking about Mitchell like he was a knight in shine amour.
    I can believe BP switched their dark horse and aint say nothing.

    JR :
    Altec you got it right about these jokers being the Fox/Faux news of the Bahamas.

    Kim and Jr, what amazes me is how blindly some posters on this sight seem to be. BP just like the Tribune, Guardian and the Punch BP has an agenda. all you have to do is see who BP criticizes, who he defends, who he is silent on and who he stabs in the back.

    i will repeat what i said Kim: Fred Mitchell was BP’s original “dark horse.”

    When Fred saw that he got no traction from the voting delegates, he decided not to run and those disgruntled groups who backed Fred turned their attention to BJ. BJ had no intentions of running for leader until he was recently convinced to run against PC.

    PC will return as leader of the PLP! I know this, you know this and BP knows this. BJ and Paul dont have the majority of support from the delegates in the party.

  9. JR :
    William, I watched that event last night too in Freeport and while Brave is supposed to be a litigator, he stuck to his script and more boring to me than Jerome. Furthermore, I understand Brave blew off the end of the event to go to his own party just up the road. The man knew he was outclassed at that event and made a bee line out of there. Say what you like but I called it even between the two with the slight edge going to Jerome for all the marketing. That place was covered with Jerome tee shirts and fans. Why Obie was a no show is a message to all. Now this business about Jerome coming an hour late is a lie. Brave got there shortly after 6:30, the scheduled time and while Jerome came after, it was not an hour. He got there around 7 and he and Brave worked the room. Paul Moss was actually the first one there so that should tell you I know what I’m saying. Also, BP, Jerome did acknowledge his wife. In fact, he turned back before going on stage and kissed his wife. Your man didn’t do that. He was too busy trying to stick to his speech. I will admit that I was impressed by the support Brave had last night but he still was shocked by how organized Jerome was.
    And finally William, Jerome said he is not running for leader so there was no need for him to be all rah rah rah. Jerome is not Barack Obama but compared to the others last night, he sure did come close to it. Now stop the misinformation and try to tell the truth. That goes for you too BP.

    BP TOO? HA! Listen we watched the clip on that jungaliss website and saw how JK forgot he had his wife in the audience. Ahhhh my! The site was sooo pissed with Brave they refused to publish the rest of his comments. Petty, Petty! HA!


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  10. @JR
    HA! What yinner scared of JR! Now that’s what ya call a make up story, but guess what JR, since you want FIRE POWER FROM THIS BLOG, Let me GO in OVERDRIVE ON YINNER PLP AND GET YALL MAD SOME MORE! LOL!


  11. @JR
    What yinner SNAKE PUSS BELLY PLPs TRYING TO DO WITH US NOW? Ya mean we cannot support a PLP for once? Yinner forget we praised Hanna-Martin on this blog before ech? She had some principals then, but not now!

    Jr, please, please man can’t you see we ain’t fooling with Christie, why you want start us up? hmmmm!

    And why call this blog GARBAGE? It seems like yinner PLP love to drink it down without holding ya nose! When I look at the PLP all we see is GARBAGE, MESS, DUT and GRIME! NO SHAME, CORRUPTION AND DISGRACE!

    And, this writer has said it before and I will say it again, Jerome Fitzgerld is NO PLP and we will prove it! Some a yinner need to know the history of politics in this country! Take BP’s word for once, let us help you out JR. Go look for an FNM book. The year is 2000. We ga stop there, lets see what you come up with JR!


  12. @Progressive
    I rather support a candidate that is 57 [Brave Davis] years-old who is in the PRIME of his years. A candidate who is SEASONED, READY and EXPERIENCED.

    A candidate who understands the PLP’s Philosophies, ideologies its stated policies and its Ethos anyday, over electing someone who is younger and is FNM!

    Jerome Fitzgerald was an FNM and BP will prove it! As Hubert would say, its ain’t long nah!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  13. @william
    william, I am voting this upcoming week. I am a PLP. There is a wave a voting supporters who are convinced that Jerome is the best chance teamed with any leader that represents a new chapter in this party. Be Brave? What’s Brave about being over sixty and afraid to challenge for leader. Change the Bahamas, what a crock, we need to first change this party before we can change the Bahamas. Enough talking, My pen will do the talking from now on come Thursday when I vote.

  14. @JR
    Now you must have on blinders! Brave said from the outset that he supported Christie in fact he has and always will defend him even thought Christie hasn’t been doing that for him. And you use Obie as an example of loyalty, you gats to be joking. Obie will support him in front of a mic and stab him in his back as soon as the mic is moved away. Wednesday was just an example, he was in the HOA lambasting PC to some FNMs and then when he walks out he says oh I support him. Well I will tell you one thing I want the friend who supports me behind my back too, not just when it will help his cause. he and Glenys have plotted and lambasted Christe every chance they get. Brave whom I have known for years have ALWAYS been loyal to Christie.
    Brave uses no blog BP seems to support all sorts of people (sometimes I wonder if they know who they supporting themselves) and have attacked Christie and Ingraham for years, that is just your propaganda webman!!

  15. @ William
    You need to go back, take off the Brave tinted shades and read what I wrote, then take a few moments to digest before sitting your fast self down to write rubbish. I never said anything about Brave getting booed. I actually said I was impressed by reception that Brave got. But because i suspect “William” is the same person who dreams up this garbage, he must of mistaken which benefactor I was talking about. Your boy BJ got the boo birds. Scroll up and read it before running on with more lies.

    And if Brave was such a loyal friend and law partner and confidant, why is he letting Obie stand up for Christie more than him and why has he said nothing when all the liars, including this blog, have tried to pile on Christie? I haven’t heard Brave come to Perry’s defense one time yet, even though Perry’s family supports him loyally and openly. The fact that Brave is using this blog to attack Jerome, the same blog that has such hatred for his “boy” Perry, shows what kind of snake people can be. Friends stand up for friends and you don’t need to deny it. The talking points are very obvious and sloppy BP.

    For those who miss it, they are: Jerome is an FNM. Jerome is a Sunshine Boy CAndidate. Jerome and BJ are a ticket. Jerome does not support Perry.

    All of those are lies being told by your boy Brave and his camp. Kim and Altec, I can buy your point too about BP and and that slippery Fred Mitchell. Seems these birds of a feather flock together because every other week, Fred likes to promote this garbage on his blog thats not his blog, wink wink. Now why would you do that with your supposedly “serious” blog if you don’t have something to gain by it? Snakes and vipers and they all have one thing in common and it ain’t that they’re PLP. Don’t worry, the day of judgement is soon upon us and all the liars, thieves and backstabbers will be revealed.

  16. @Altec

    You might be on to something for real, because I remembered sometime back BP was talking about Mitchell like he was a knight in shine amour.
    I can believe BP switched their dark horse and aint say nothing.

  17. @JR
    You on Jerome’s payroll now hey! I thought you supported Christie and Jerome is definitely not supporting Christie. I am not getting in any hearsay argument with you, ’cause none of us were there. The accounts I got make you whole story seem like a lie. That event was staged for jerome and Bj and Brave went because even after he found out what was going on he had committed and unlike Obie he showed up. Brave has run a first class campaign/ jerome was giving out a free tourism newspaper, whilst Brave was giving out his own printed material. I understand half of the room left after Brave left in fact the MC, Mr. Galanis even came to the event and stayed until the very end. It doesn’t matter whether a person was an FNM before and switched parties, just don’t lie about it, that’s what I am saying. Jerome represents the Sunshine Boy ticket and you know that. Brave has been a loyal friend, law partner, confident just to name a few to Christie . Yes Brave might have been booed but like I said he was brave enough to go into the wasps’ nest and from you rants it look like you got stung the hardest. And I know BP like to call you Mrs. Christie but based on the nonsense you just posted I know you are not.

  18. And another piece from an eye witness William. Since you were there, why don’t you tell these good people how Brave’s campaign was collecting Jerome’s material and taking them with them to go study? Why don’t you talk about how people who showed up in Brave’s shirts and buttons were taking them off and putting on Jerome’s stuff. All this foolishness about Jerome and BJ is just hot air from Brave’s camp and BP imposters who are trying to get Christie people to turn on Jerome. See how conniving these people are? Why hasn’t Brave said anything about the man who gave him his start William? Why don’t you talk about how that man got up and row about how Brave didn’t even answer the question and the young lady in the Jerome shirt had to make Brave answer the question and he still didn’t have anything to say?

    And why BP didn’t talk about how his “dark horse” who he is in bed with break off running like a real horse when the event was over? I guess your “deep throats” were busy eh?

    The people didn’t even let him get off the stage good and he had to be escorted out the side door because he had no support there and was in for a good cut skin. Talk that BP. Talk how he got some boos when he came in and some more when he went up and more still when he came down. You know everything, talk that. William, you were there so you can confirm it. Plus there is video to prove that. Talk how the Brave camp is now desperate and are trying to say Jerome is an FNM. You don’t need to talk garbage like that if your man is secure. Thats the sound of desperation BP and it has your nasty fingers all over it.

    And on this final note, why isn’t BP telling us how Christie had all of Eleuthera come out for him last night when he went down to south Eleuthera? Why BP ain’t talking about how the convoy from North to South was more than a mile long? What’s up with that BP? Your throat ain’t deep enough to swallow that one eh?
    Altec you got it right about these jokers being the Fox/Faux news of the Bahamas.

  19. William, I watched that event last night too in Freeport and while Brave is supposed to be a litigator, he stuck to his script and more boring to me than Jerome. Furthermore, I understand Brave blew off the end of the event to go to his own party just up the road. The man knew he was outclassed at that event and made a bee line out of there. Say what you like but I called it even between the two with the slight edge going to Jerome for all the marketing. That place was covered with Jerome tee shirts and fans. Why Obie was a no show is a message to all. Now this business about Jerome coming an hour late is a lie. Brave got there shortly after 6:30, the scheduled time and while Jerome came after, it was not an hour. He got there around 7 and he and Brave worked the room. Paul Moss was actually the first one there so that should tell you I know what I’m saying. Also, BP, Jerome did acknowledge his wife. In fact, he turned back before going on stage and kissed his wife. Your man didn’t do that. He was too busy trying to stick to his speech. I will admit that I was impressed by the support Brave had last night but he still was shocked by how organized Jerome was.

    And finally William, Jerome said he is not running for leader so there was no need for him to be all rah rah rah. Jerome is not Barack Obama but compared to the others last night, he sure did come close to it. Now stop the misinformation and try to tell the truth. That goes for you too BP.

  20. @Progressive
    Fitzgerald should have had a script he was lousy, put you to sleep and boring! Obama always stayed on script read from a teleprompter, but he stayed on message. Jerome will be once again be speaking at the FNM convention in November after he get his butt kicked on Thursday!! Brave is far from being orally challenged he is a prominent litigator and the last time I checked that involved speaking. He just aint no bull sh*****. He was at the function at 6:30 on time and Jerome like PC came 1 hour later. He was told the function would end at 9 pm and he had another function with people waiting. Brave went into a wasps’ nest because that was set up for Jerome and his running mate BJ and beat them at their game. Be Brave Progressive, don’t support the faker, send him back to HUbert, if he will have him.

  21. @Progressive
    Say what ya like Progressive last night for Fitgerald was terrible. The man didn’t acknowledge his own wife. VELL MUDDOS!



  22. I was in Freeport last night, and it is evident by the enthusiasm and energy by Fitzgeralds supporters that Jerome is going to be the next Deputy Leader of the PLP. Brave supporters last night were impressed by Jeromes presentation. He was there with his wife and you can see that he is of substance. Fitzgerald will be a sign of progress and change that our party’s image so desperately needs. Brave left before the questions because orally he is challenged, he read from a paper the whole time. We need to put personalties aside and be concerned with the team that can win in 2012 or sooner.

  23. i already told you that i think BP’s original “dark horse’ was fred mitchell! fred got no play in the party so it was time to go to plan B.

  24. Kim Sands :
    That’s the problem I have with BJ, why did he wait until the last minute to join the race? Is this something he just planned to take on at the last minute or was it ever his plans to shock PC like that, if so, that wasn’t very nice, because he knew the man plague with heart problems and he know how he is take everything to heart. PC was so kind and considerate to take him back into the party after his own party failed. Aint nothing wrong with him challenging PC, but it’s the way he gone about it. He could have at least prepared the man for it. I believe he knew he was going to do this a longtime ago, because when I think about it BP was talking about this dark horse months ago. I understand how PC feels, but he just needs to get himself together and deal with it now.

    i disagree kim.

    Its not like BJ to play tricks or mind games.

    if his mind was truly set on running for leader then he would have declared earlier. Making his declaratin to run 6 days before convention begins doesnt sound like a sound strategy to me.

    When he ran the first time for leader he announced weeks before convention. why be so sneaky this time?

    Something is fishy. Is BJ heart in this race or is he being used? this was a last minute decision with some heavy persuasion from certain disgruntled camps within the PLP.

  25. That’s the problem I have with BJ, why did he wait until the last minute to join the race? Is this something he just planned to take on at the last minute or was it ever his plans to shock PC like that, if so, that wasn’t very nice, because he knew the man plague with heart problems and he know how he is take everything to heart. PC was so kind and considerate to take him back into the party after his own party failed. Aint nothing wrong with him challenging PC, but it’s the way he gone about it. He could have at least prepared the man for it. I believe he knew he was going to do this a longtime ago, because when I think about it BP was talking about this dark horse months ago. I understand how PC feels, but he just needs to get himself together and deal with it now.

  26. @Rupert
    Rupert, what is so interesting is that BJ had all the time in the world to throw his hat in the ring for leader but decided to do it just one week before convention.

    I think fred mitchell was BP’s real “dark horse” but fred backed off because he saw his support for leader is weak in the party. Fred and others then turned to BJ. but it may be too late for this coup to work as stalwarts has already started to coalesce around PC.

    I believe that BJ never had leadership on his mind until a few weeks ago when he was convinced to run against PC.

    If BJ was serious about running for leader, he would have gotten in the race earlier. That way he could had a better chance of actually swaying more stalwarts and voting delegates because PC support amongst those stalwarts and delegates is ENTRENCHED. You cant peal them away within a week.

    Paul Moss at least realized how entrenched PC’s support is and has been campaigning for almost a year. BJ is more well known and has a much better track record than Moss, but make no mistake, BJ is not as popular in the party as PC.

    BJ has made a mistake by listening to the noise from the few who are disgruntled with PC. The calm headed ones are now showing up and they outnumber the disgruntled ones.

    PC will return as leader then the day of reckoning will be swift and sure.

  27. @JR
    JR the frequent posters and readers on this site knows full well that BP has struck a deal with BJ and Fred’s camp. thats why any talk about him being unbiased is a bunch of bull.

    you want to see your comments get removed, post something negative, nasty and untrue about Fred Mitchell. You want to be BP’s best friend, post something negative, nasty and untrue about PC.

    BP is intentionally using this blog to prop up those he is in bed with and assassinates the character of those he dost like.

    He who plays the piper picks the tone.

    Bahamas press is the bahamas’ Fox News, unfair, bias and unbalanced!

  28. Altec :
    PC is on steve mckinney’s show (Gems radio) right now.

    WOW! :
    Well Muddo’s! BP turning on their “Dark Horse”? Y’all mix right up.

    why are you surprised? who knows what other back room deals have gone down.

    Altec, how come BP isn’t talking about the obvious backroom deals that he is involved in? BP is carrying water for Brave’s camp and now that they see Jerome surging ahead, they are coming back here with this rubbish. BP, didn’t Jerome come on this site and show that garbage down your throat when you tried to tell these lies before?

    Why don’t you tell the people how you got Judy fired from Brave’s campaign so that you could get your hands on the Arab man’s money who is funding Brave’s run? Why don’t you tell your readers how a foreign man who wants to run this country thought he could buy Perry but when that failed, turned to Brave and is paying the way for that campaign, including your lies on this site? Boy I hope you know that the people who in these camps talk both ways and your business is out there too BP. Talk that. Talk about how you and the dark horse have the deal to diss Perry every chance you get.

    Talk that if you bad. I know you wont and I won’t be surprised if you yank this post but just know, you are not the only one with their insiders. Your slip showing.

  29. That was awful how Frankie gone and breakdown the church. I could see him doing that if it was a night club, but a place of worship, you would think he would of been scared to do something like that. His family should have tried to talk him out of it. I know if it was me, I wouldn’t feel good about doing something like that.

  30. let these investors keep they money regardless of race or colour they can buy our bahamaland…if snake and he bandidos could only lift up he head so we could “tell him dat ta he vace” pinewood is marsh land what more can one say

  31. these casual causes so people we stupid nah ech wey sam dumcombe fred smith and their crew who mysteriously show up with these causes to help the people its a tired strategy the people see them for who they are oppurtunist.disrespect is no laughing matter…..This election is leaning toward violence.people laughing at others gat jokes in parliment….dat can be right

  32. BP’s political writer??? Jokes… BP is that u? People, i think he (BP) has seen the light.

    Its now BJ (my second choice) and Paul Moss ( an fnm, don’t mind the Ra Ra, he is fnm to the core). BJ, i don’t think u can win but if u do, u would have my support 110%…. Paul Moss, you don’t stand a chance in hell, am sorry my brother but there is something fishy about you, you seem to have the character of the typical fnm (loud and uncaring). I watched you on tv tonight and you showed no respect to our so called leader PC with the comments you made, PLP’s don’t carry on that way…

    So BP its just a matter of time now, i just hope that you would show your future PM, Perry Christie a bit more respect in the future.

  33. Found this on facebook, only thing I coulndn’t copy was the photo of him with the Save Saunder’s Beach tee shirt.
    From the album:
    “Losers of the past 5 years” by Voices Bahamian
    Jerome ‘ Sunshine Boy’ Fitzgerald….Bahamian people must thank God for the information we are able to get. He appealed to your emotions, but he had a cooperate motive. He wants to line his pockets. He an his boys had plans for the area already, sorry your water service to Atlantis did not work out. He was trying to ‘Save’ Saunders Beach for himself. This man is willing to
    sacrifice progress of the country to benefit a few. If that is not bad enough he tried to use the public as a pon to gather wealth. Change? more of the same
    In this photo: Jerome Fitzgerald (photos)

  34. red blooded :
    I was telling people that a month ago about Jerome…Why you think he was trying to save Saunders Beach , because he was trying to save it for his self and his sunshine boys

    Yes, that’s why you aint hear anything else after Earl Deveaux disclose his motives. He is all about fattening up his bank account along with his friends, he don’t care anything about the Bahamian people. Look what he did to the shareholders in RND. He needs to talk about how he going to pay those poor people back.

  35. red blooded :
    I was telling people that a month ago about Jerome…Why you think he was trying to save Saunders Beach , because he was trying to save it for his self and his sunshine boys

    dead wrong my friend.

  36. I was telling people that a month ago about Jerome…Why you think he was trying to save Saunders Beach , because he was trying to save it for his self and his sunshine boys

  37. PC is on steve mckinney’s show (Gems radio) right now.

    WOW! :
    Well Muddo’s! BP turning on their “Dark Horse”? Y’all mix right up.

    why are you surprised? who knows what other back room deals have gone down.

  38. BP, that is why I am supporting Perry Christie and implore all right thinking delegates to support Kool PC. BJ is an Elitist. Vote Christie for honest leadership.

  39. BP, you did warn us about these Bandidos. It appears that they have a plan. We need to keep them out. These appear to be all for me babies.

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