A PLP Convention Postmortem by Bahamas Press Editor


christie-again-copyNassau, Bahamas – The dust has settled and the campaign ended. Bartenders are now restocking their piles of Grey Goose, Sir Edward’s, Kahlua and Tanqueray Gin after a run on the bar during the PLP Convention week. Never in the history has the Party enjoyed such large participation from supporters at a Convention. In the end Perry Christie was returned, Philip “Brave” Davis was elected and Bradley Roberts returned to the face of the PLP leadership.

Bahamas Press began to accept the fact that PLPs were not ready to dump Christie and so we decided to give him a pass. Readers saw this and some fumed. ‘Big Bad Brad’ Roberts’ election to the Chairmanship was no doubt expected. Glenys Hanna-Martin should have expected a good cut-you-hanna-martin-copyknow-what from him. We, today, cannot stand the “Red Weasel” who decided to ditch the PLP into Nazi combat melting pot with her nasty WICKED new found ways! She left the branches abandoned, rejected old stalwarts and attacked PLP youth arms. She deserved every lick given to her at the ballot box by angry PLPs, many of whom she attempted to block as delegates! She brought SHAME AND DISGRACE TO THE DECENT HANNA NAME!

Aside from that, the most attractive race was that of the Deputy Leadership. Brave Davis became the victor in this. How did this happen? He ran on the message of Change. To some PLPs this was a big upset. Many said, Obie Wilchcombe was the better speaker, as if to suggest PLPs enjoy fast-mouth, slick-talkers with marshmallow promises and pipe dreams. Davis proved this to not be true. And although he was not the best speaker of the three his message was clear, consistent and right on point when he said, “…The days of smooth talking COTTON CANDY politics are over,” and boy he didn’t lie. If you watched the cable channels Davis was there. If you listened to the radio stations, all you heard was Davis’ message “BE BRAVE”! If you read the newspapers almost every writer in the dailies preached ‘Bravery”. Philip “Brave” Davis became the messenger of Change for the thousands now sitting home unemployed by Ingraham’s category 23 hurricane of destruction called “Trust”. So where was OBIE? davis-copy

Ahhh now that’s a good question. ‘Da Snitch’ was seen suffering from a broken ankle, broken wrist and a broke-back. Wilchcombe’s campaign in our opinion from day one never took off. To us it was all smoke and mirrors. The same way he lied about them tourism figures of 2006/7, so did voters see his campaign. Lying how he sat at the feet of Sir Lynden, and then he broke his own foot. Turning Crown Witness against his own business partner and fellow PLP colleague, Pleasant Bridgewater, to his daily escapades in the international press. Even Bridgewater’s attorney, Murrio ‘Real Deal’ Ducille agreed and said, “Obie Wilchcombe is the initiator in this whole thing.”

laura-copyDuring the campaign we heard his ads begin attacking the pope and the Catholic Church, how desperate could a man hungry for power get? As news began to spread in the city of how OBIE was awaiting a royal cut-you-know-what, evidence on the ground confirmed that Davis’ hushed spoken voice was becoming louder and his campaign of “SHOCK ‘N’ AWWW” began dropping cluster booms on his opponents.

Bahamas Press received a report during the campaign, which was unfolding at the dock where the ‘Bohengy’ came to port. News was that supporters of Wilchcombe landed and abandoned ship immediately. When they looked around they saw a ‘Be Brave’ shuttle, awaiting the Brave supporters. One woman, eyewitnesses said, looked left and right and pitch on the ‘Be Brave’ shuttle, taking off her Obie t-shirt the same time. Underneath that shirt was another, which read in acyclic type, “I’m a Brave Woman”.

Others jumping ship, we are told, came running in like fashion screaming to the top of their voices, “Don’t leave ‘ve’, we’re all PLP!” And as they say, the rest was history. Wilchcome the big-time BROADCASTER/JOURNALIST wrote not a single press release, made little news appearances and could get a media room off the ground. What a SHAME! Twenty-years in a profession and when he needed it most, the ‘nigga’ could not organize a machine. Plenty talk, NO ACTION! To put it simple, Wilchcombe is simply a product of ZNS WUTLESSNESS!

jk-supporters-copyJerome Fitzgerald, on the other had, engaged an impressive display. His campaign was so clean it reminded PLPs of his FNM roots. Young girls in dashing hot tight pants turned on young boys and angered old Stalwarts voters. One elderly stalwart was heard cussing in the Convention foyer saying, “Dis what they call Change? Half naked woman with they hip and belly out?” Fitzgerald was just a sorry case all around. This ‘New PLP’ was so new, PLP stalwarts and delegates made his name synonymous with the saying, “HE JUST REACH!” and “WHERE HE JUST COME FROM?” Bahamas Press wonders why Fitzgerald aborted his Save Saunders Beach initiative? Why did he leave those PLP and FNM residents helpless and abandoned? Who is trying to save their homes now?  We ask again, why did Fitzgerald leave those people high and dry? Bahamians cannot ‘Trust’ the FNM!

And now it’s time for more FNM lies. Hubert, where are you? You’re up next.



  1. @Larry Those Hood rats you call them are Bahamians, I understand what you are trying to achieve with that comment, but they are our sisters, however you feel about them, let’s better ourselves and our discussion.

  2. I beg to differ with anybody who says that the PLP has no VISION! They always did and always will – because they care and plan for the people! But the Bahamian people – just like Israelites, had no patience and cared about “what could have been”.. PLP had a vision for Education – brought back bonded scholarships, set up organized and planned meetings with Private schools and government to deal with educational issues. They had a plan for crime – Urban renewal to help the police solve crimes with help of communities. They had a plan for bay street development (docks, etc). But no…we couldn’t wait, we felt they were too slow. People with VISION, never rush to do anything – ’cause they know where they are headed and just how to get there! But, we like “biggiety, brash, spontaneous decision makers” – we got just what we deserved! THe PLP …CARE ABOUT PEOPLE !!!! Can’t say I feel the same about that other party – do you ?

  3. Larry :You mean the PLP can’t find two better looking girls, than them two hoodrats in they pum pum shorts.

    Them hoodrats came with Jerome. I dont know where he found them. He did however, had some good looking girls working for him at convention.

  4. You mean the PLP can’t find two better looking girls, than them two hoodrats in they pum pum shorts.

  5. @Gary
    Am at your mercy,so please point out how this cheating occred before we debate.Word id they cheat every year at Junkanoo but I have seen no evidence to substantiate the claim.Enlighten me Gary.

  6. I note the call for a plan. The fact is both parties have failed to plan. From th founders of majority rule to todays offsprings of LOP. We have yet to come up with a vision. My suggestion would be to take a by partison approach, since both parties are similar they both should get together and form a plan for the Country going forward. This plan should then be put to referendum and allow the people their right to accept or reject. The constant question of who have a plan or not would become mute because the people have spoken. Parties would then be judge by how well they are implementing the letter of the peoples plan.

  7. The FNM is government, they need to stop worrying about who has the youngest slate, because the top positions are held by old people. What they need to concern themselves about is crime and unemployment. They are in charge now, they campaigned that they were going to deal with crime so to hell with old or young we need to deal with crime and deal with it now. I don’t care how old someone is, I want solutions.

  8. Canesfins, you know that the FNM has decided to make that their talking point. Let’s see just how many young people are elected to their slate of officers. And, just how many OLD tired people, including HAI that they keep at the top of the list.

  9. N C L Smith :
    PLP convention was nothing more then comic relief… think about it the chairman was not really elected.. Picewell Forbes made a major announcement that almost landed him in jail … and will cost the bahamian tax players lots of dollars.. and worst of all.. young people was all denied the right to express themselves…
    espically those who had a different view…

    I am not sure this is entirely accurate as the entire slate of vice chairs are 35 or younger and the deputy chair is 38. We just have to promote that.

  10. PLP convention was nothing more then comic relief… think about it the chairman was not really elected.. Picewell Forbes made a major announcement that almost landed him in jail … and will cost the bahamian tax players lots of dollars.. and worst of all.. young people was all denied the right to express themselves…

    espically those who had a different view…

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