PM Christie makes communication to Parliament on Minister Gray

Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie

Communication by
The Rt. Hon Prime Minister and Member for Centreville
Wednesday, 25th March 2015

Mr Speaker:

In reference to the allegations recently made against Minister Alfred Gray, the Member for MICAL, I am advised that the Hon. Attorney General has referred the matter to the Royal Bahamas Police Force for a thorough investigation.

As a result of this development, Minister Gray has invited me to relieve him of his ministerial responsibility for Local Government pending the outcome of the Police investigation. In all the circumstances, I consider that this is the correct thing to do. Accordingly, I have advised Her Excellency the Governor General, pursuant to Article 77 of the Constitution, to transfer ministerial responsibility for Local Government from Minister Gray to Minister Hope Strachan, the Member for Sea Breeze, by way of addition to her current portfolio responsibility as Minister of Financial Services. This change will take place with immediate effect.

V. Alfred Gray

The Member for MICAL is to be commended for his responsible approach to this matter.  This is to be favorably contrasted with cases under the former administration involving allegations of serious and major impropriety on the part of various Ministers in separate and unconnected matters. In none of these cases did any of these FNM Ministers stand down from all or any part of their ministerial positions pending the outcome of any investigations that may have taken place.