TEAM LBT ANNOUNCED!!! Butler-Turner and Duane Sands team up to challenge the FNM Leadership!


Sands must resign from Senate as he now wants Peter Turnquest out!

MP for East End Peter Turnquest and Loretta Butler-Turner.
MP for East End Peter Turnquest and Loretta Butler-Turner.

Duane Sands
Duane Sands
Nassau, Bahamas – Breaking News coming into Bahamas Press confirms that there will be a challenge to both leader and deputy leader of the Free National Movement at the next upcoming convention.

We learned late Sunday that the former bad candidate in Elizabeth, Duane Sands, announced on his Facebook page his intention to run on a “Turner/Sands” ticket at the July conclave.

Sands wrote: “Colleagues… after long and considered thought…I have decided to throw my hat in the ring (again) at our party’s convention. I shall run along with the Hon. Loretta Butler Turner. She will contest the office of leader and I will seek the office of Deputy Leader. Simultaneously we will recommit ourselves to working hand in hand … shoulder to shoulder with our existing leadership team. THE enemy is the PLP… not the FNM.”

Now this is interesting. The man who called the people of Elizabeth in 2010 “Greedy” according to a Tribune article, and suggested killing the unborn [ABORTIONS] was the best direction for the Bahamas wants to take out the Minnis/Turnquest team now leading the Free National Movement.

Sands should know to challenge the party’s leadership he must relinquish his newly appointed post in the Senate, an appointment supported and advanced by both the leader and deputy leader of the party. To seek the removal of the leadership, the very people who appointed him his Senate post, requires Sands to do the honourable thing and resign from the Upper House.

BP questions why members of the FNM are even stirring the waters of a Civil War inside the organization, when according to our polling data the FNM command a majority support of the electorate?

Our BBB Analytics polls exercised before the June 7th referendum confirmed a 51 percent popular support in favour of the Minnis –led FNM, a number that has climbed from under 39 percent just after the Party’s crushing defeat in North Abaco back in 2012.

BBB Analytics is known for its precision polling assessments in the Bahamas, which is gathered from several credible polling samples across the country. In May of this year in capturing the tone of the electorate for the four gender equality bills we published how polls will result in a defeat of the Referendum and how a senior Council Member of the PLP had organized 60 men to support a “NO” Vote. In that article published on this website we confirmed a 79% rejection. No one in the PLP believed our samples. An 80% majority rejected Bill #4 was the result. A 4:1 defeat! But no one listed to us…and we da people… didn’t listen to dem!

And so the “Yes” Vote campaign burned into ashes like a fire started at city dump. Never to return!

Now here are the facts: FNMs must know to go into a convention will result into a dangerous and treacherous political bloodbath. That civil war will only get worse nearer to the July conclave, but all the public confidence built in the FNM to remove the PLP from power will be lost. That result is certain!

To the wise we say, ABORT THE INTERNAL CONFLICT! But ya know, maybe this is divinely inspired to keep the enemy of the Bahamian people fighting because this place, is managed by HIM who hears our every prayer.

To the Free National Movement we conclude by using the words of Sir Winston Churchill penned in November 1942 following the end of World War II: “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

We report yinner decide!

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