BP will CHANGE Bahamian Politics with 790,000 readers



  1. And don’t you find it interesting, just an on looker, that there were no comments from these foreign bloggers about the U.S. elections?

  2. Media, you may call Joe and I Shallow, but we at least I am not stupid. Your numbers do not add up, plain and simple. As important as we like to think we are, The Bahamas does not mean that much to 500,000 – 800,000 global readers that they would click on this site. Interesting reading, yes, but not to that many international readers.

  3. SHALLOW persons like “JUST AN ONLOOKER” and “JOE” MUST remember, Bahamas Press is a GLOBAL BLOG! This is a Website! We are just shocked at the STUPIDITY conveyed against our numbers!

    Don’t measure us with the WUTLESS MEDIA people who say they have 20,000 readers.

    Accepted or NOT Bahamas Press is the #1 news blog in the Bahamas!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  4. That is exactly what I am talking about girl, not worth the risk, I guess I’ll just have to keep imagining how good that cake would taste.

  5. …..lol…..just an on looker: it was too risky anyway, we might have been surprised to see how many other persons showed up and some of them might not be so friendly.

  6. Kim my mouth is watering for a slice of that up-side down pineapple cake. Unfortunately it will just have to keep watering because if I give my address I give my identity and the way things are in the Bahamas right now, I don’t want to do that but your offer is much appreciated.

  7. just an on looker: you can not be serious, because you refuse to give me the address. I might be using Eleuthera pineapples, because they normally sent them away to be canned, I dont know. Only the best ingredients will do whenever I am baking or cooking. I prefer Dolce pineapple.

    Joe Blow: Sometime a kind comment can go along way, you should of seen me blushing. Anyway I think you are pretty cool too, especially after that Who episode.

  8. On Looker: I know from experience Kim is a hard nut to crack. Nice woman does not give away any slices of her delicious cakes to just anyone. She is a good example of a fine Bahamian woman.

  9. Joe you beat me to the punch and you are no doubt correct. BP may get 790,000 hits, but no way in hell they have 790,000 readers. $hit I hit here 10 to 20 times a day myself, find it interesting reading especially now that things are STOPPED not SLOWED DOWN. Hopefully I will also get myself an up-side down pineapple cake from the deal. Sure hope Kim uses some on those fresh sweet Eleuthera pineapples in those cakes.

  10. Tell me how in a population of less than 350,000 B.P. could possibly have 790.000 readers? You might have had that many hits since your inception but even you must admit what you say is mathematically incorrect. Just trying to keep it real bro!

  11. Since Obama wants a mutt like himself for his girls, he should come to the Bahamas and get one of our famous potcakes.

  12. Obama asked at his first press conference that Americans put aside partisan bickering, but that didn’t stop him from making a nasty and false claim that Nancy Reagan held “seances” in the White House. As Newsmax first reported, it was Hillary Clinton who held a seance.

    President-elect Barack Obama asked Americans at his first news conference to end partisan bickering and “politics,” but he used his forum to take a swipe at former First Lady Nancy Reagan.

    The not-so-kind comment was made after Obama was asked how he was preparing for the job of president.

    “Have you spoken to any living ex-presidents,” one reporter asked. “I was wondering what books you might be reading, everyone wants to know what kind of dog are you going to buy for your girls, and have you decided on a private or public school for your daughters?”

    Obama responded: “Hey, I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any séances . . . ”

    The remark garnered a laugh from the press, though the statement was not true.

    In fact, it was First Lady Hillary Clinton who admitted to having at least one séance in the White House residence in which she and a small circle of friends summoned the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt.

    Nancy Reagan had consulted an astrologer during her White House years. Mrs. Reagan said she did so after her husband was shot almost fatally in 1981. She said she feared for his life and thought the astrological information might help protect him.

    Mrs. Reagan has not responded to Obama’s swipe. The former first lady was hospitalized last month after sustaining a fractured pelvis.

    Late Friday, news reports indicated that Obama had called Mrs. Reagan to apologize for his remarks about her.


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